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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

In a First, Full-Sized Robo-Copter Flies With No Human Help
From ACM News

In a First, Full-Sized Robo-Copter Flies With No Human Help

In mid-June, a single-turbine helicopter took off from a test field in Mesa, Arizona, avoided obstacles in-flight, scoped out a landing site and landed safely....

Autonomous Cars Could Let Drivers Check Email
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Cars Could Let Drivers Check Email

Oxford University researchers are developing autonomous vehicle technology that enables drivers to check their email while the car drives itself. 

Artificial Intelligence For Improving Team Sports
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence For Improving Team Sports

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers are developing a system for evaluating sport performance by using artificial intelligence to automatically analyze a...

Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot
From ACM News

Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot

The boy, a dark-haired 6-year-old, is playing with a new companion. The two hit it off quickly—unusual for the 6-year-old, who has autism—and the boy is imitating...

Why Face Recognition Isn't Scary
From ACM News

Why Face Recognition Isn't Scary

Most of the time, Stacey Schlittenhard finds facial recognition technology to be extremely useful. When she uploads her family photos to the Website Picasa, for...

Algorithm Predicts Manhole Explosions in New York City
From ACM News

Algorithm Predicts Manhole Explosions in New York City

A team of Columbia University researchers have developed an algorithm that helps predict which of New York City's manholes might be the next to blow.

From ACM TechNews

'Twitter-Like' Technology Could Make Cities Safer

Researchers at the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council have developed technology that enables people to provide feedback, track their comments, see...

A Soft Spot For Circuitry
From ACM TechNews

A Soft Spot For Circuitry

Robots designed to provide companionship are making strides, and falling costs may help lead to their wider use. 

Submarine Robots Learn Teamwork
From ICT Results

Submarine Robots Learn Teamwork

New technology developed by European researchers will allow autonomous underwater vehicles to work together as a team. It increases the scope of submarine applications...

Researchers Using Robot to Determine How Human Strangers Develop Trust
From ACM News

Researchers Using Robot to Determine How Human Strangers Develop Trust

Researchers from Northeastern, MIT and Cornell are using a robot to determine how human strangers develop trust.

From ACM News

Insect-Like Robot Crawls Into Microrobot Contenders' Ring

University of Washington engineers have built an insect-like robot with hundreds of tiny legs. The UW model can carry more than seven times its own weight and move...

Virtual Reality You Can Reach Out and Touch
From ICT Results

Virtual Reality You Can Reach Out and Touch

A team of European researchers has "virtually" teleported real objects through cyberspace, touched things in virtual reality and even felt the movements of a virtual...

Computer Automatically Deciphers Ancient Language
From ACM News

Computer Automatically Deciphers Ancient Language

A new system that took a couple hours to decipher much of the ancient language Ugaritic could help improve online translation software.

Drone Alone: How Airliners May Lose Their Pilots
From ACM News

Drone Alone: How Airliners May Lose Their Pilots

Would you fly in an airliner knowing there were no pilots in the cockpit? This is no mere hypothetical question. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is taking...

Lizard-Like Robot Can 'swim' Through Sand
From ACM TechNews

Lizard-Like Robot Can 'swim' Through Sand

Inspired by the sandfish lizard, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are collaborating with Northwestern University's Paul Umbanhowar to develop...

Hop, Jump and Stick
From ACM TechNews

Hop, Jump and Stick

The behavioral laws of insects have the potential to give robots a greater complexity of movement without the need for high computational power, says the Ecole...

Computers Make Strides in Recognizing Speech
From ACM News

Computers Make Strides in Recognizing Speech

"Hi, thanks for coming," the medical assistant says, greeting a mother with her 5-year-old son. "Are you here for your child or yourself?" The boy, the mother replies...

Robocup 2010: Could Robot Versus Human Be Far Behind?
From ACM TechNews

Robocup 2010: Could Robot Versus Human Be Far Behind?

The goal of the RoboCup 2010 competition in Singapore is to advance the real-world applications of robotics and eventually to build a robot team that can beat the...

Visions of the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Visions of the Future

ACM joined forces with the British Computer Society to deliver its first academic research conference in Europe.

Mainstreaming Augmented Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Mainstreaming Augmented Reality

Advancements in computer vision, object recognition, and related technologies are leading to new levels of sophistication in augmented-reality applications and...
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