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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Federal Agency Wants Black Boxes in Every New Car By September 2014
From ACM News

Federal Agency Wants Black Boxes in Every New Car By September 2014

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has proposed a new unified standard for event data recorders for cars, commonly known as "black boxes."

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded
From ACM News

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded

A senior Iranian commander announced that the country has extracted all the data and information existing in the intelligence gathering systems of the United States'...

In South Korea, the Republic of Samsung
From ACM Careers

In South Korea, the Republic of Samsung

So sprawling is Samsung’s modern-day empire that some South Koreans say it has become possible to live a Samsung-only life: You can use a Samsung credit card to...

House Approves Resolution to Keep Internet Control Out of Un Hands
From ACM TechNews

House Approves Resolution to Keep Internet Control Out of Un Hands

The U.S. House of Representatives has unanimously passed a resolution that calls on the U.S. government to oppose a United Nations effort to control the Internet...

Hacker Locates John Mcafee Through Smartphone Tracks
From ACM News

Hacker Locates John Mcafee Through Smartphone Tracks

Weeks of international intrigue about the whereabouts of tech millionaire John McAfee ended Tuesday after the Internet pioneer made an elementary digital mistake...

Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter
From ACM News

Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter

Twitter, perhaps more than any other social media outlet, has become one of the most powerful tools to promote democracy in the Middle East.

Privacy Professor to Try to Break Do Not Track Logjam
From ACM TechNews

Privacy Professor to Try to Break Do Not Track Logjam

  Ohio State University professor and new World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) co-chair Peter Swire is attempting to create a standard way to let users stop Web sites...

Despite Ceasefire, Israel-Gaza War Continues Online
From ACM News

Despite Ceasefire, Israel-Gaza War Continues Online

It's been a week since Israel and Hamas reached a ceasefire pausing their war in Gaza. But on the internet, a different kind of fighting never stopped—and has actually...

Auto-Immune: 'symbiotes' Could Be Deployed to Thwart Cyber Attacks
From ACM News

Auto-Immune: 'symbiotes' Could Be Deployed to Thwart Cyber Attacks

Anti-hacker defenses have long focused mainly on protecting personal computers and servers in homes and offices.

Web Monitor: 100 Percent of Syria's Internet Just Shut Down
From ACM News

Web Monitor: 100 Percent of Syria's Internet Just Shut Down

It appears that the Syrian government may have just taken a drastic measure it has conspicuously avoided over the nearly two years of fighting: cutting itself off...

Courts Divided Over Searches of Cellphones
From ACM News

Courts Divided Over Searches of Cellphones

Judges and lawmakers across the country are wrangling over whether and when law enforcement authorities can peer into suspects' cellphones, and the cornucopia of...

In the Year of Disruptive Education
From Communications of the ACM

In the Year of Disruptive Education

As college tuitions soar, various online models vie to educate college students worldwide — at no cost.

Integrity of Internet Is Crux of Global Conference
From ACM TechNews

Integrity of Internet Is Crux of Global Conference

At the recent World Conference on International Telecommunications, representatives from more than 190 governments, telecommunications companies, and Internet groups...

Fbi ­ses Twitter, Social Media to Look For Securities Fraud
From ACM News

Fbi ­ses Twitter, Social Media to Look For Securities Fraud

The FBI sees social media as a potential breeding ground for securities fraud, and has agents scouring Twitter and Facebook for tips, according to two top agents...

White House Moves on Cybersecurity
From ACM News

White House Moves on Cybersecurity

The White House's strategy on cybersecurity: Co-opt the opposition.

Security Flaw In Common Keycard Locks Exploited In String Of Hotel Room Break-Ins
From ACM News

Security Flaw In Common Keycard Locks Exploited In String Of Hotel Room Break-Ins

Whoever robbed Janet Wolf's hotel room did his work discreetly.

Risk Profiling Software Tackles the Terrorist Threat
From ACM News

Risk Profiling Software Tackles the Terrorist Threat

The U.K. branch of an American company has developed a hi-tech software programme it believes can help detect and prevent potentially dangerous passengers and cargo...

From ACM News

Cyber Attacks From Iran and Gaza on Israel More Threatening Than Anonymous’s Efforts

Anonymous, the loose coalition of hackers waging war on Israeli Web sites, is the least of Israel's cyber problems.

Michio Kaku Sketches Technological Wonderland of the Future at Sc12
From ACM News

Michio Kaku Sketches Technological Wonderland of the Future at Sc12

Imagine a world where a computer chip costs just a penny.

A Missile-Defense System That Actually Works?
From ACM News

A Missile-Defense System That Actually Works?

The fighting between Israel and Palestinians in the Gaza strip over the last few days is the latest round of violence in a region that has been torn apart by a...
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