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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Minding the Gaps
From ACM News

Minding the Gaps

Boosting diversity in the computer science field remains a challenge even after years of effort. A growing focus on universities may deliver results.

Toward an ML Model That Can Reason About Everyday Actions
From ACM TechNews

Toward an ML Model That Can Reason About Everyday Actions

Researchers trained a hybrid language-vision machine learning model to recognize abstract concepts in video.

Developers: These Are the Programming Languages that Pay the Most
From ACM TechNews

Developers: These Are the Programming Languages that Pay the Most

A survey by freelance hiring platform Upwork found that freelance software developers who work with old, relatively unpopular coding languages command the highest...

Online Voting Company Pushes to Make It Harder for Researchers to Find Security Flaws
From ACM TechNews

Online Voting Company Pushes to Make It Harder for Researchers to Find Security Flaws

The Voatz electronic-voting company argued in a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court that security researchers should only seek flaws in e-voting systems with...

Computing Professor's App Manages NJIT Converged Learning
From ACM TechNews

Computing Professor's App Manages NJIT Converged Learning

An app created by developers at the New Jersey Institute of Technology working with colleagues at Aegean AI Inc.,helps manage converged learning at universities...

Intel Researchers Design Smartphone-Powered Robot That Costs $50 to Assemble
From ACM TechNews

Intel Researchers Design Smartphone-Powered Robot That Costs $50 to Assemble

Intel researchers have created a wheeled robot powered by a smartphone that costs just $50 to assemble.

Robot Trucks Seek Inroads Into Freight Business
From ACM TechNews

Robot Trucks Seek Inroads Into Freight Business

Startups are developing prototype autonomous trucks to haul freight while reducing transportation costs and expediting deliveries.

Coding with Wonder Woman: Microsoft Project to Educate the Next Generation of Programmers
From ACM News

Coding with Wonder Woman: Microsoft Project to Educate the Next Generation of Programmers

In partnership with NASA, Smithsonian Learning Labs, and others, the lessons use space exploration, museums, and popular movies to teach the principles of programming...

Army Scientists Take Spin on Quantum Research
From ACM TechNews

Army Scientists Take Spin on Quantum Research

Researchers at the Army Research Laboratory have developed a method of enhancing quantum systems to give soldiers more reliable and secure capabilities in the field...

Microsoft, Energy Dept. to Develop Disaster-Response AI Tools
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft, Energy Dept. to Develop Disaster-Response AI Tools

The U.S. Department of Energy and Microsoft are partnering to develop artificial intelligence tools to improve first-responders' capabilities with regard to natural...

Can Art Help Save Marine Life? Socio-Ecological Artist Designs Coral Reefs Using VR
From ACM TechNews

Can Art Help Save Marine Life? Socio-Ecological Artist Designs Coral Reefs Using VR

Socio-ecological artist Colleen Flanigan used Google's Tilt Brush app to create a "living sculpture" that she hopes will revive coral communities.

Robotic Tank Is Designed to Crawl Through Your Intestine
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Tank Is Designed to Crawl Through Your Intestine

Researchers at the University of Colorado's Advanced Medical Technologies Lab have created a tank robot that can actively drive through a person's intestines.

Testing Asimov's Idea for Power From Space
From ACM News

Testing Asimov's Idea for Power From Space

Isaac Asimov's notion of capturing energy in space and beaming it to the Earth’s surface faces its first orbital testing.

Apple's Move to Make Advertising Harder on iOS 14 is Part of a Trend
From ACM News

Apple's Move to Make Advertising Harder on iOS 14 is Part of a Trend

Facebook is only the latest developer to feel the squeeze.

Wildfire Spotting Goes High Tech: Can Silicon Valley Save Northern California?
From ACM TechNews

Wildfire Spotting Goes High Tech: Can Silicon Valley Save Northern California?

High-technology implementations in Northern California are making fire spotters and firefighters more adaptive to changing conditions while improving their safety...

Machines Rival Expert Analysis of Stored Red Blood Cell Quality
From ACM TechNews

Machines Rival Expert Analysis of Stored Red Blood Cell Quality

A three-year, multi-institutional study by 19 researchers at 12 institutions in five countries yielded artificial intelligence models that can automate evaluations...

AI Identifies 50 New Planets From Old NASA Data
From ACM TechNews

AI Identifies 50 New Planets From Old NASA Data

Machine learning artificial intelligence found 50 new planets by mining old data from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Amazon Wins FAA Approval for Prime Air Drone Delivery Fleet
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Wins FAA Approval for Prime Air Drone Delivery Fleet

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has granted approval to Amazon to operate its fleet of Prime Air delivery drones for unmanned package delivery.

Robot Takes Contact-Free Measurements of Patients' Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Robot Takes Contact-Free Measurements of Patients' Vital Signs

Researchers are using dog-like robots from Boston Dynamics to remotely measure patients' vital signs.

Microsoft Launches Deepfake Detector Tool Ahead of U.S. Election
From ACM News

Microsoft Launches Deepfake Detector Tool Ahead of U.S. Election

Microsoft says its Video Authenticator tool was created using a public dataset from Face Forensic++ and tested on the DeepFake Detection Challenge Dataset.
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