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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

On-Chip Random Key Generation Done ­sing Carbon Nanotubes
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On-Chip Random Key Generation Done ­sing Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes are small and can be semiconducting, which makes lots of people excited about using them as a replacement for features etched in silicon.

Heal Thyself!
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Heal Thyself!

Researchers are developing electronic components that have the ability to recognize damage and repair themselves.

What Would Happen If Aliens Contacted Earth?
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What Would Happen If Aliens Contacted Earth?

Nearly 40 years ago, radio astronomer Jerry Ehman was scanning a part of the sky hoping to detect a signal from an alien civilisation.

Dna Tags Help the Hunt For Drugs
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Dna Tags Help the Hunt For Drugs

Nestled in a plastic box, in an ordinary laboratory freezer on the second floor of a concrete building in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a clear test tube that contains...

Robots Can Now Flawlessly Iron Clothes
From ACM TechNews

Robots Can Now Flawlessly Iron Clothes

A newly developed robot can iron a shirt after analyzing the subtle ridges in a laid-out garment with two sensors made from Xbox Kinects. 

Engineering Material Magic
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Engineering Material Magic

A team led by University of Utah professor Ashutosh Tiwari says it has discovered a new kind of two-dimensional semiconducting material for electronics. 

Does Apple Win Even If It Loses?
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Does Apple Win Even If It Loses?

It is a battle for public opinion almost as much as it is for the law.

Tiny, Blurry Pictures Find the Limits of Computer Image Recognition
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Tiny, Blurry Pictures Find the Limits of Computer Image Recognition

Computers have started to get really good at visual recognition.

Nasa Introduces New, Wider Set of Eyes on the ­niverse
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Nasa Introduces New, Wider Set of Eyes on the ­niverse

After years of preparatory studies, NASA is formally starting an astrophysics mission designed to help unlock the secrets of the universe—the Wide Field Infrared...

Apple Sees Value in Its Stand to Protect Security
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Apple Sees Value in Its Stand to Protect Security

It took six years for Apple to persuade China's largest wireless carrier, China Mobile, to sell the iPhone.

Apple's Fbi Battle Is Complicated. Here's What's Really Going On
From ACM News

Apple's Fbi Battle Is Complicated. Here's What's Really Going On

The news this week that a magistrate ordered Apple to help the FBI hack an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooter suspects has polarized the nation—and...

Pluto's 'hulk-Like' Moon Charon: A Possible Ancient Ocean?
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Pluto's 'hulk-Like' Moon Charon: A Possible Ancient Ocean?

Pluto's largest moon may have gotten too big for its own skin.

Ted 2016: Hololens ­nveils 'teleportation' to Mars
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Ted 2016: Hololens ­nveils 'teleportation' to Mars

HoloLens creator Alex Kipman has shown off Microsoft's augmented reality technology at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference.

Enabling Human-Robot Rescue Teams
From ACM TechNews

Enabling Human-Robot Rescue Teams

Researchers say they have developed a new way of modeling robot collaboration. 

Encryption Isn't at Stake, the Fbi Knows Apple Already Has the Desired Key
From ACM News

Encryption Isn't at Stake, the Fbi Knows Apple Already Has the Desired Key

Apple has been served with a court order at the FBI's request, demanding that it assist the government agency with unlocking an iPhone 5C that was used by Syed...

The Missing Link of Artificial Intelligence
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The Missing Link of Artificial Intelligence

In 2012 the world learned of a surprising research project inside Google's secretive X lab.

Four Big Cosmology Secrets Gravitational Waves Could ­ncover
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Four Big Cosmology Secrets Gravitational Waves Could ­ncover

On 11 February, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave observatory, or LIGO, announced it had spotted gravitational waves, the stretching and squeezing of...

Evidence Mounts For Interbreeding Bonanza in Ancient Human Species
From ACM News

Evidence Mounts For Interbreeding Bonanza in Ancient Human Species

The discovery of yet another period of interbreeding between early humans and Neanderthals is adding to the growing sense that sexual encounters among different...

Crunching Quantum Code
From ACM TechNews

Crunching Quantum Code

Researchers have developed a quantum computer design featuring an array of superconducting islands on top of a topological insulator. 

How Apple Will Fight the Doj in Iphone Backdoor Crypto Case
From ACM News

How Apple Will Fight the Doj in Iphone Backdoor Crypto Case

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Tuesday evening said the US government's legal position on encryption backdoors was setting "a dangerous precedent."
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