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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport
From ACM News

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport

It sounds like an air traveler's nightmare: a sophisticated software attack that allows hackers to access internal airport computer systems and manipulate data...

How Governments and Telecom Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws
From ACM News

How Governments and Telecom Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws

When Americans are displeased with their politicians, they like to threaten to move to Canada. But if you're tempted to move north—or even further afield—to get...

Could the New Air Traffic Control System Be Hacked
From ACM News

Could the New Air Traffic Control System Be Hacked

The Federal Aviation Administration is in the midst of a multibillion-dollar upgrade of the nation's air traffic control system.

Cheap Chips Herald Future of Wave and Pay
From ACM News

Cheap Chips Herald Future of Wave and Pay

Small, cheap smart-tag devices that are printed as digital circuits in rolls like newspapers could help kickstart the wireless payment industry. The devices, known...

The Campaign to Digitize Your Wallet Is Intensifying
From ACM News

The Campaign to Digitize Your Wallet Is Intensifying

Last week, Starbucks joined forces with Square, a technology start-up that lets you pay for things with a smartphone. Coming from a company whose cafes seem to...

From ACM News

Analysis Reveals Flame Malware's Process Injection Tricks

As researchers continue to pull apart the Gauss malware code, looking for spreading mechanisms and infection vectors, there is still some work being done on Gauss's...

Report from the Drone Convention: Unmanned Vehicles Find New Uses
From ACM News

Report from the Drone Convention: Unmanned Vehicles Find New Uses

Drone makers and robotics manufacturers are looking for—and finding—new uses for devices that were once limited to the worlds of science and the military.

Flame and Stuxnet Cousin Targets Lebanese Bank Customers, Carries Mysterious Payload
From ACM News

Flame and Stuxnet Cousin Targets Lebanese Bank Customers, Carries Mysterious Payload

A newly uncovered espionage tool, apparently designed by the same people behind the state-sponsored Flame malware that infiltrated machines in Iran, has been found...

From ACM News

Average Web App Attacked Every Three Days

Do not envy the life of a Web app. It's a brutal, public existence filled with attacks from all sides. In fact, a new report by Imperva sheds some light on this...

Appeals Court Oks Warrantless Wiretapping
From ACM News

Appeals Court Oks Warrantless Wiretapping

The federal government may spy on Americans' communications without warrants and without fear of being sued, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday in a decision...

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking
From ACM Opinion

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking

In the space of one hour, my entire digital life was destroyed.

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals
From ACM Opinion

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals

The escalating dependence on drone pilots, as Maj. Dave Blair agonized in the May-June issue ofAir & Space Power Journal, is undercutting the ability to award combat...

Hacking Your Memory: Could Total Recall Really Happen?
From ACM News

Hacking Your Memory: Could Total Recall Really Happen?

Do we really need a remake of Paul Verhoeven’s 1990 sci-fi thriller Total Recall? No, but Hollywood is giving us one anyway, this time with Colin Farrell in the...

Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion?
From ACM News

Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion?

Gen. Keith Alexander is the director of the National Security Agency and oversees U.S. Cyber Command, which means he leads the government's effort to protect America...

From ACM News

Hey, Hackers: Defense Is Sexy, Too

Pleasing the crowd at the Black Hat and Def Con computer security conferences that took place in Las Vegas last week is relatively easy: simply hop on stage and...

Women's Participation in Information Technology Patenting, 2012 Update
From ACM TechNews

Women's Participation in Information Technology Patenting, 2012 Update

The National Center for Women & Information Technology recently released its updated report on female information technology patenting, which examines how female...

Strong and Fast Markets, but No Time to Think
From ACM News

Strong and Fast Markets, but No Time to Think

Financial markets have greatly improved over the past quarter-century.

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By
From ACM News

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By

On November 5, 2009, an Army psychiatrist stationed at Fort Hood, Texas shot and killed 12 fellow soldiers and a civilian Defense Department employee while wounding...

Icann Backflips on Batching For New Tlds
From ACM TechNews

Icann Backflips on Batching For New Tlds

ICANN recently announced that it will no longer attempt to batch new generic top-level domains in groups of 500.

U.s. Sports Fans Using Proxy Servers to Watch Olympics on Bbc
From ACM News

U.s. Sports Fans Using Proxy Servers to Watch Olympics on Bbc

The American network NBC has come in for a lot of flak since the weekend when its Olympics coverage began. The Twitter hadtag of #NBCfail began trending soon after...
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