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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Virtual 'guide Dog' For Navigation
From ACM TechNews

A Virtual 'guide Dog' For Navigation

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have modified an algorithm for processing three-dimensional camera data, with power conservation in mind. 

Saturn's Rings: Less Than Meets the Eye?
From ACM News

Saturn's Rings: Less Than Meets the Eye?

It seems intuitive that an opaque material should contain more stuff than a more translucent substance.

How Do Americans Weigh Privacy Versus National Security?
From ACM News

How Do Americans Weigh Privacy Versus National Security?

Three years ago, Edward Snowden leaked troves of previously classified information that laid bare the American government's widespread surveillance of its citizens...

If You Go Near the Super Bowl, You Will Be Surveilled Hard
From ACM News

If You Go Near the Super Bowl, You Will Be Surveilled Hard

Super Bowl 50 will be big in every way.

Energy-Friendly Chip Can Perform Powerful Artificial-Intelligence Tasks
From ACM TechNews

Energy-Friendly Chip Can Perform Powerful Artificial-Intelligence Tasks

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers  this week introduced a new chip that implements neural networks.

5 Futuristic Oddities From the Weird World of Wearable Tech
From ACM TechNews

5 Futuristic Oddities From the Weird World of Wearable Tech

Concepts of human-machine interaction are undergoing a transformation thanks to advances in wearable technology. 

At Berkeley, a New Digital Privacy Protest
From ACM News

At Berkeley, a New Digital Privacy Protest

After hackers breached the computer network of the U.C.L.A. medical center last summer, Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California, and her office...

Robotic Comet Lander Philae Says Good-Bye
From ACM News

Robotic Comet Lander Philae Says Good-Bye

On a dark stretch of the chilly Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko the lander Philae has begun a lonely and silent vigil.

Solving a Problem With Data: Researchers Build System to Protect Roads in the Spring
From ACM TechNews

Solving a Problem With Data: Researchers Build System to Protect Roads in the Spring

Researchers are using near-real-time data collection to demonstrate how states can improve their ability to protect brittle roads from heavy vehicles at the end...

Scientists Build a Neural Network Using Plastic Memristors
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Build a Neural Network Using Plastic Memristors

A group of Russian and Italian scientists have used plastic memristors to create a neural network. 

Techiest Super Bowl Ever: Silicon Valley's Stadium Girds For the Big Game
From ACM News

Techiest Super Bowl Ever: Silicon Valley's Stadium Girds For the Big Game

Levi's Stadium has been in beta since it opened a year and a half ago.

Computational Learning Techniques Becoming Mainstream
From ACM News

Computational Learning Techniques Becoming Mainstream

Applying support vector machines to predictive analytics.

Deciphering the Language of the Brain
From ACM News

Deciphering the Language of the Brain

Understanding how brains work is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our times, but despite the impression sometimes given in the popular press, researchers...

­k Scientists Gain Licence to Edit Genes in Human Embryos
From ACM News

­k Scientists Gain Licence to Edit Genes in Human Embryos

Scientists in London have been granted permission to edit the genomes of human embryos for research, UK fertility regulators announced. The 1 February approval...

A Search Engine For Your Memories
From ACM News

A Search Engine For Your Memories

People are always forgetting names. That's because, at least in part, names are arbitrary. A name, in and of itself, doesn't offer much context.

Sandy Selfie Sent from Nasa Mars Rover
From ACM News

Sandy Selfie Sent from Nasa Mars Rover

The latest self-portrait from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the car-size mobile laboratory beside a dark dune where it has been scooping and sieving samples...

The Tech Giving People Power to Deal with Disability
From ACM News

The Tech Giving People Power to Deal with Disability

In Europe and America, this is one in five people. And since they are less likely to be in work, their poverty rate is about twice as high.

Scientists Decode Brain Signals Nearly at Speed of Perception
From ACM News

Scientists Decode Brain Signals Nearly at Speed of Perception

Using electrodes implanted in the temporal lobes of awake patients, scientists have decoded brain signals at nearly the speed of perception.

New Animation Takes a Colorful Flight Over Ceres
From ACM News

New Animation Takes a Colorful Flight Over Ceres

A colorful new animation shows a simulated flight over the surface of dwarf planet Ceres, based on images from NASA's Dawn spacecraft.

Csi: Cyberattack Scene Investigation--a Malware Whodunit
From ACM TechNews

Csi: Cyberattack Scene Investigation--a Malware Whodunit

Forensic probes of cyberattacks can uncover their modus operandi and severity, but finding perpetrators is a difficult proposition. 
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