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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Twitter of Terror
From ACM News

Twitter of Terror

Al-Shabaab, the Somali militant group heretofore best known for stoning teenage girls, blowing up soccer fans, and blocking food aid to their starving countrymen...

News As a Process: How Journalism Works in the Age of Twitter
From ACM News

News As a Process: How Journalism Works in the Age of Twitter

A new study of the way information flowed during the Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt earlier this year paints a fascinating picture of how what some,...

From ACM News

China Tops ­.s., Japan to Become Top Patent Filer

China became the world's top patent filer in 2011, surpassing the U.S. and Japan as it steps up innovation to improve its intellectual property rights track record...

From ACM News

Mp: U.s. Forced Back By Iran's Cyber Power

A member of the Iranian parliament lauded the country's armed forces for downing a hi-tech US stealth drone through a cyber attack earlier this month, and said...

From ACM News

Spying on Your Buying

Monograms don't usually make me cry. But there in my room at the Peninsula Beverly Hills, embroidered in cursive on the king-size pillowcase, were two beautiful...

From ACM Careers

In Russia, the Lost Generation of Science

For the past decade, Russia has been pouring money into scientific research, trying to make up for the collapse of the 1990s, but innovation is losing out to...

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology
From ACM News

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology

The intellectual rights relate to a method to switch a vehicle from a human-controlled mode into the state where it takes charge of the wheel.

Digital Data on Patients Raises Risk of Breaches
From ACM News

Digital Data on Patients Raises Risk of Breaches

One afternoon last spring, Micky Tripathi received a panicked call from an employee. Someone had broken into his car and stolen his briefcase and company laptop...

From ACM News

Should We Fire the First Shot in a Cyberwar?

Military bureaucracies around the world are likely to see offensive capabilities as increasingly attractive in any cyberwar, suggests the head of the computer...

From ACM News

Sopa Hearings Cast Debate as Old Media vs. New Media

The circus atmosphere of the hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act, introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), reflected the high-stakes, emotional nature of the...

From ACM News

Iran's Alleged Drone Hack: Tough, but Possible

Take everything that Iran says about its captured U.S. drone with a grain of salt. But its new claim that it spoofed the drone’s navigational controls isn't implausible...

From ACM News

Dm: Iran Pioneering Drone Production

Iran is a leading country in manufacturing different types of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi stressed on Monday.

Warning to Gossipy Grunts: Darpa's Eyeing Your Email
From ACM News

Warning to Gossipy Grunts: Darpa's Eyeing Your Email

The Pentagon's intent on weeding out "insider threats"—troops or other military personnel who might be disgruntled enough to (Wiki)leak some documents or mentally...

Vint Cerf: Sopa Means 'unprecedented Censorship' of the Web
From ACM News

Vint Cerf: Sopa Means 'unprecedented Censorship' of the Web

Google chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf has sent a letter to U.S. House Judiciary chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), adding his voice to those of many other...

From ACM News

Iran Hijacked ­.s. Drone, Says Iranian Engineer

Iran guided the CIA's "lost" stealth drone to an intact landing inside hostile territory by exploiting a navigational weakness long-known to the U.S. military...

Senators, Critics Question Icann's Generic Tld Plan
From ACM TechNews

Senators, Critics Question Icann's Generic Tld Plan

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers' plan to introduce hundreds of new generic top-level domains next year may be moving too fast, said U.S....

Seven Ways to Get Yourself Hacked
From ACM News

Seven Ways to Get Yourself Hacked

In recent months, I've met at least three people who have been the victim of hackers who've taken over their Gmail accounts and sent out emails to everyone in...

From ACM News

Spam Works

Every day three-quarters of all e-mail that flies across the Internet is spam. Some of it tricks customers into installing a virus or forking over personal information...

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican
From ACM News

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican

Rep. Lamar Smith, whose congressional district in Texas encompasses the cropland and grazing land stretching between Austin and San Antonio, might seem like an...

How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?
From ACM News

How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?

An American surveillance drone has been captured and filmed in Iran, where experts are apparently examining it.
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