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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Virtual Human Hand Simulation Holds Promise for Prosthetics, VR, Education
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Human Hand Simulation Holds Promise for Prosthetics, VR, Education

Researchers integrated visual effects techniques and magnetic resonance imaging to create an ultra-realistic animated simulation of the human hand in motion.

Microsoft Poses Threat to Germany's Digital Sovereignty, Warns Study
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Poses Threat to Germany's Digital Sovereignty, Warns Study

An analysis by PricewaterhouseCoopers has confirmed that the German government is too dependent on the software of just a few software providers.

Fast Swimming Fish Robot Could Perform Underwater Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

Fast Swimming Fish Robot Could Perform Underwater Surveillance

University of Virginia researchers have built a fish-inspired robot that can swim as fast as actual fish, and faster than similar robots.

The CS Teacher Shortage
From Communications of the ACM

The CS Teacher Shortage

How can we fill more computer science classrooms when there just aren't enough teachers to go around?

PRACE Research Conducts Computer Simulations to Study Properties of Nanosized Particles
From ACM TechNews

PRACE Research Conducts Computer Simulations to Study Properties of Nanosized Particles

A doctoral dissertation at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland demonstrated how computer models of nanosized particles predicted the atomic structure of a cluster...

A Robot with a Firm Yet Gentle Grasp
From ACM TechNews

A Robot with a Firm Yet Gentle Grasp

A new dynamic gripper mimics the adjustable grip of the human hand, a breakthrough that could improve industrial safety.

Criminologist Builds Computer Model for More Efficient Police Patrols
From ACM TechNews

Criminologist Builds Computer Model for More Efficient Police Patrols

Analysis by University of Texas at Dallas assistant professor of criminology Andrew Wheeler yielded a computer model to guide the Carrollton, TX, police department...

Fending Off Digital Sabotage
From ACM News

Fending Off Digital Sabotage

Sabotage-resistant industrial machinery combats Stuxnet-like attacks.

U.S. Gives 3 States Grants for Self-Driving Car Research
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Gives 3 States Grants for Self-Driving Car Research

The U.S. Department of Transportation has issued Michigan, Ohio, and Virginia its first three Automated Driving Systems Demonstration Grants to research and develop...

AI Helps Shrink Amazon Dams' Greenhouse Gas Emissions
From ACM TechNews

AI Helps Shrink Amazon Dams' Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A model developed by a Cornell University-led research team uses artificial intelligence to find the most promising configurations of dam sites to reduce greenhouse...

ACM Forms Global Technology Policy Council
From ACM TechNews

ACM Forms Global Technology Policy Council

ACM has established a new Technology Policy Council to coordinate its policy initiatives worldwide.

These States Benefit Most From the Software Industry
From ACM TechNews

These States Benefit Most From the Software Industry

A report by the Foundation found that the U.S. software industry is growing twice as fast as the nation's economy.

World Catching Up With China on Surveillance Tech
From ACM TechNews

World Catching Up With China on Surveillance Tech

China is the global leader in surveillance technologies, although other countries are catching up, according to a study by the Carnegie Endowment for International...

Introducing a Virtual Planet Simulator for Modeling Distant Worlds Across Time
From ACM TechNews

Introducing a Virtual Planet Simulator for Modeling Distant Worlds Across Time

The University of Washington's Rory Barnes has developed software for modeling planetary evolution over time.

Aristotle Award Presentation TECHCON 2019
From ACM News

Aristotle Award Presentation TECHCON 2019

The Aristotle Award was initiated in 1995 to recognize professors who best contribute to the development of the industry's most valuable resource, its human resource...

Moving the Encryption Policy Conversation Forward
From ACM News

Moving the Encryption Policy Conversation Forward

Strong data encryption thwarts criminals and preserves privacy. At the same time, it complicates law enforcement investigations. A Carnegie working group looks...

Mozilla, Creative Commons Want to Reimagine the Internet Without Ads, and They Have $100M to Do it
From ACM News

Mozilla, Creative Commons Want to Reimagine the Internet Without Ads, and They Have $100M to Do it

The Grant for the Web program will give roughly $20 million per year for five years to content sites, open source infrastructure developers, and others.

Google Unveils DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) Plan, Mozilla's Faces Criticism
From ACM News

Google Unveils DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) Plan, Mozilla's Faces Criticism

DNS-over-HTTPS allows DNS resolution to be conducted over encrypted HTTPS connections rather than through the normal plain text DNS lookups.

Report Reveals Growing Threat of Cyberattacks to Food Safety
From ACM TechNews

Report Reveals Growing Threat of Cyberattacks to Food Safety

Cyberattacks pose a rising threat to food production and safety, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota's Food Protection and Defense Institute...

'Flying Fish' Robot Can Propel Itself Out of Water, Glide Through the Air
From ACM TechNews

'Flying Fish' Robot Can Propel Itself Out of Water, Glide Through the Air

A new bio-inspired robot uses water from the environment to create a gas and launch itself from the water's surface.
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