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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Apple, Google Ban Use of Location Tracking in Contact Tracing Apps
From ACM TechNews

Apple, Google Ban Use of Location Tracking in Contact Tracing Apps

Apple and Google said they would not allow the use of location tracking in apps using their new contact tracing system to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus...

Scientists Make Artificial Skin for Robots
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Make Artificial Skin for Robots

Scientists worldwide are developing robotic skin to imbue machines with tactile perception, and even allow them to feel pain in some cases.

AI Software Gets Mixed Reviews for Tackling Coronavirus
From ACM TechNews

AI Software Gets Mixed Reviews for Tackling Coronavirus

Artificial intelligence software used by hospitals to help diagnose and evaluate COVID-19 has drawn mixed reviews.

Our Weird Behavior During the Pandemic is Messing With AI Models
From ACM News

Our Weird Behavior During the Pandemic is Messing With AI Models

Machine-learning models trained on normal behavior are showing cracks —forcing humans to step in to set them straight.

New Hardware Could Curb AI's Energy Appetite
From ACM TechNews

New Hardware Could Curb AI's Energy Appetite

Purdue University engineers have developed hardware that learns using artificial intelligence that currently runs on software platforms.

A Pandemic Benefit: The Expansion of Telemedicine
From ACM News

A Pandemic Benefit: The Expansion of Telemedicine

Medical practice over the Internet can result in faster diagnoses and treatments, increase the efficiency of care, and reduce patient stress.

Keeping Online Testing Honest? Or an Orwellian Overreach?
From ACM News

Keeping Online Testing Honest? Or an Orwellian Overreach?

The rise of proctoring software to deter cheating alarms privacy advocates. Some students and professors find it invasive, too.

New ACM Award to Recognize Research using HPC to Combat COVID-19
From ACM News

New ACM Award to Recognize Research using HPC to Combat COVID-19

Nominations are now open for the Gordon Bell Special Prize for high-performance-computing-based COVID-19 research.

Hitting the Heights
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Hitting the Heights

Rocket-assisted airplane collisions fuel better drone impact simulators.

Singapore Deploys Robot 'Dog' to Encourage Social Distancing
From ACM TechNews

Singapore Deploys Robot 'Dog' to Encourage Social Distancing

Singapore's government will deploy a robot from Boston Dynamics at a local park as part of a pilot project to encourage social distancing.

Israel to Launch 'Cyber Defense Shield' for Health Sector
From ACM TechNews

Israel to Launch 'Cyber Defense Shield' for Health Sector

Israeli Health Ministry official Reuven Eliahu said Israel has developed a "cyber defense shield" to provide real-time protection from attacks on that nation’s...

China's WeChat Monitors Foreign Users to Refine Censorship at Home
From ACM TechNews

China's WeChat Monitors Foreign Users to Refine Censorship at Home

A study by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab in Canada warns that China's multipurpose WeChat application is monitoring foreign users to strengthen government...

Japanese Computer-Savvy Teen Designs App to Fight Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Computer-Savvy Teen Designs App to Fight Pandemic

An app designed by a Japanese teenager uses GPS so people can use their iPhones to track their whereabouts and help with contract tracing during the coronavirus...

Jewelry Designers Speak Up for People with Hearing Issues
From ACM TechNews

Jewelry Designers Speak Up for People with Hearing Issues

Patrizia Marti at Siena University in Italy is developing a line of smart jewelry to help hearing-impaired people perceive sound.

NIST Scientists Create New Recipe for Single-Atom Transistors
From ACM News

NIST Scientists Create New Recipe for Single-Atom Transistors

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and their colleagues at the University of Maryland have developed a step-by-step recipe to produce...

COVID-19 has Blown Apart the Myth of Silicon Valley Innovation
From ACM News

COVID-19 has Blown Apart the Myth of Silicon Valley Innovation

The pandemic shows that the U.S. is no longer much good at coming up with technologies relevant to our most basic needs.

India Orders Coronavirus Tracing App for All Workers
From ACM TechNews

India Orders Coronavirus Tracing App for All Workers

India's government has directed all public- and private-sector employees to use a state-supported coronavirus contact tracing app.

VR Concert in Helsinki Attracts Over 1 Million Spectators
From ACM TechNews

VR Concert in Helsinki Attracts Over 1 Million Spectators

A virtual reality Vappu (May Day) concert in Helsinki, Finland, drew 1.4 million spectators.

Tech Jobs in the Time of COVID
From ACM TechNews

Tech Jobs in the Time of COVID

The first-quarter report of job search firm Dice reveals that overall hiring demand for tech professionals increased in many U.S. regions as the coronavirus emerged...

How Many Jobs do Robots Really Replace?
From ACM TechNews

How Many Jobs do Robots Really Replace?

Two economics professors have determined that the replacement of human workers by robots is a tangible trend, although they say claims of total automation are overstated...
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