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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'gamifying' The System To Create Better Behavior
From ACM News

'gamifying' The System To Create Better Behavior

Say you're zooming down the highway, when you spot one of those speed-limit enforcement cameras from the corner of your eye. You hit the brakes, but not before...

From ACM News


A favorite pastime of Internet users is to share their location: services like Google Latitude can inform friends when you are nearby; another, Foursquare, has...

A New Tool For ­.s. Intelligence: Google?
From ACM News

A New Tool For ­.s. Intelligence: Google?

Traditionally, intelligence agencies have relied on top-secret information to track changes in other countries. But wiretaps and secret intercepts didn't help...

Swiping Is the Easy Part
From ACM News

Swiping Is the Easy Part

The cellphone has been more than a cellphone for years, but soon it could take on an entirely new role—standing in for all of the credit and debit cards crammed...

From ACM News

Big Data to Drive a Surveillance Society

As real-time and batch analytics evolve using big data processing engines such as Hadoop, corporations will be able to track our activities, habits, and locations...

From ACM News

Academics to 'embrace Wikipedia'

Students and academics at a world-leading London university want to build bridges between the Wikipedia website and formal research.

Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide
From ACM News

Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide

The spy approaches the target building under cover of darkness, taking a zigzag path to avoid well-lit areas and sentries. He selects a handy vantage point next...

From ACM News

Does Rsa Securid Have a ­.s. Gov't-Authorized Back Door?

Does the RSA SecurID two-token authentication system include a back door that was built in at the request of the U.S. government in exchange for letting RSA export...

From ACM News

E-Textbooks Get a Lift From Publishers

Over the years, publishers have tried a variety of strategies to sell digital textbooks but with limited success. Two major publishers, Pearson and McGraw-Hill,...

At&t, T-Mobile Merger Blasted
From ACM News

At&t, T-Mobile Merger Blasted

A day after AT&T announced it would buy T-Mobile USA to create the biggest wireless carrier in the country, consumer advocates and some members of Congress blasted...

From ACM News

Https Is More Secure, So Why Isn't the Web Using It?

You wouldn't write your username and passwords on a postcard and mail it for the world to see, so why are you doing it online? Every time you log in to Twitter...

Why At&t Bought T-Mobile
From ACM News

Why At&t Bought T-Mobile

AT&T, criticized and even despised for its inability to keep up with growing mobile data usage, thinks it has found the solution to its network woes. And all...

British Computer Scientists Reboot
From Communications of the ACM

British Computer Scientists Reboot

After a year of turmoil, computer scientists at King's College London have retained their jobs, but substantial challenges lie ahead.

Social Games, Virtual Goods
From Communications of the ACM

Social Games, Virtual Goods

The popularity of virtual goods and currencies in online gaming is changing how people think and act about money.

Security Firm Is Vague on Its Compromised Devices
From ACM News

Security Firm Is Vague on Its Compromised Devices

More than a day after RSA security posted an "urgent" alert warning that a sophisticated intruder might be able to initiate a "broad attack" on a password device...

'we Need to See Ahead'
From ACM News

'we Need to See Ahead'

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano emphasized the importance of science and technology research as a means of keeping the nation safe in an...

A Declaration of Cyber-War
From ACM News

A Declaration of Cyber-War

All over Europe, smartphones rang in the middle of the night. Rolling over in bed, blinking open their eyes, civilians reached for the little devices and, in...

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells
From ACM News

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells

In A bar in Maastricht University in the Netherlands, 12 students are each given an envelope marked "Top Secret." Inside are plans for a terror attack somewhere...

From ACM News

U.S. Funding Tech Firms that Help Mideast Dissidents Evade Government Censors

The Obama administration may not be lending arms to dissidents in the Middle East, but it is offering aid in another critical way: helping them surf the Web anonymously...

Al Franken: 'they're Coming After the Internet'
From ACM Opinion

Al Franken: 'they're Coming After the Internet'

Sen. Al Franken claimed Monday that big corporations are "hoping to destroy" the Internet and issued a call to arms to several hundred tech-savvy South by Southwest...
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