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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Reading a Neural Network's Mind
From ACM TechNews

Reading a Neural Network's Mind

Researchers at MIT CSAIL and the Qatar Computing Research Institute have used an interpretive method to analyze neural networks trained for machine translation...

Google Is Giving Away AI That Can Build Your Genome Sequence
From ACM News

Google Is Giving Away AI That Can Build Your Genome Sequence

Today, a teaspoon of spit and a hundred bucks is all you need to get a snapshot of your DNA. But getting the full picture—all 3 billion base pairs of your genome—requires...

Scientists 'inject' Information Into Monkeys' Brains
From ACM News

Scientists 'inject' Information Into Monkeys' Brains

When you drive toward an intersection, the sight of the light turning red will (or should) make you step on the brake. This action happens thanks to a chain of...

Tracking Dolphins With Algorithms You Might Find on Facebook
From ACM TechNews

Tracking Dolphins With Algorithms You Might Find on Facebook

Researchers have used a machine learning algorithm similar to Facebook's friend recommender program to track dolphins.

Scientists Create Stretchable Battery Made Entirely Out of Fabric
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Create Stretchable Battery Made Entirely Out of Fabric

Researchers have created an entirely textile-based biobattery that can generate maximum power similar to that produced by previous paper-based microbial fuel cells...

New Algorithm Repairs Corrupted Digital Images in One Step
From ACM TechNews

New Algorithm Repairs Corrupted Digital Images in One Step

A new algorithm incorporates artificial neural networks to simultaneously apply a wide range of fixes to corrupted digital images.

'malware-Free' Attacks Mount in Big Breaches, Crowdstrike Finds
From ACM News

'malware-Free' Attacks Mount in Big Breaches, Crowdstrike Finds

Despite the rise of massive crypto-ransomware attacks, an even more troubling trend emerged in data gathered by the security firm CrowdStrike this past year and...

Towards Data Storage at the Single Molecule Level
From ACM TechNews

Towards Data Storage at the Single Molecule Level

Researchers have developed a process for storing information on a single spin-crossover molecule.

Google's 'superhuman' Deepmind AI Claims Chess Crown
From ACM TechNews

Google's 'superhuman' Deepmind AI Claims Chess Crown

Google says its DeepMind unit's AlphaGo Zero algorithm defeated world-leading specialist software Stockfish 8 in a chess match within hours of teaching itself the...

'grinch Bots' Attempt to Steal Christmas By Driving ­p Toy Prices
From ACM TechNews

'grinch Bots' Attempt to Steal Christmas By Driving ­p Toy Prices

Online fraudsters are frustrating Christmas shoppers by using software bots to buy up the most popular toys to resell at inflated prices at third-party websites...

Dubious Claim of Week: Air Force's 'emp Missile' Could Disable N. Korean Icbms
From ACM News

Dubious Claim of Week: Air Force's 'emp Missile' Could Disable N. Korean Icbms

On Monday, NBC Nightly News broadcast a report claiming that White House officials had discussed using an experimental weapon to disrupt or disable a North Korean...

Found: Most Distant Black Hole
From ACM News

Found: Most Distant Black Hole

Scientists have uncovered a rare relic from the early universe: the farthest known supermassive black hole. This matter-eating beast is 800 million times the mass...

New Robots Can See Into Their Future
From ACM TechNews

New Robots Can See Into Their Future

Visual foresight is a new learning technology enabling robots to foresee the outcome of their actions..

Robot Learning Improves Student Engagement
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learning Improves Student Engagement

Online students who use innovative robots feel more engaged and connected to the instructor and students in the classroom.

­h Manoa Field Testing Mobile App For Visually Impaired at Yosemite National Park
From ACM TechNews

­h Manoa Field Testing Mobile App For Visually Impaired at Yosemite National Park

Researchers recently conducted a user test of the UniD mobile app, which is designed to make brochures at national parks accessible to the visually impaired.

In Pursuit of an Artificial Brain
From ACM News

In Pursuit of an Artificial Brain

Researchers are creating artificial life to take thinking beyond the human realm; the approach could redefine artificial intelligence.

More Realistic Ar Display Places Digital Images Among Real Objects
From ACM TechNews

More Realistic Ar Display Places Digital Images Among Real Objects

A prototype augmented reality display can show a virtual image that both blocks real-world objects sitting behind it and can itself be blocked by other real-world...

Butterfly Pattern Emerges From Quantum Simulation
From ACM TechNews

Butterfly Pattern Emerges From Quantum Simulation

Researchers have simulated the energy spectrum predicted for two-dimensional electrons in a magnetic field, known as the Hofstadter butterfly.

Making AI 'intentional'
From ACM TechNews

Making AI 'intentional'

A new game-playing artificial intelligence program is imbued with social reasoning and "intentionality."

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Outcomes of Chemical Reactions
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Outcomes of Chemical Reactions

By thinking of atoms as letters and molecules as words, artificial intelligence software from IBM is now employing the same methods computers use to translate languages...
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