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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

MIT Invents a Magic Lens That Combines All Your Screens Into a Single Experience
From ACM News

MIT Invents a Magic Lens That Combines All Your Screens Into a Single Experience

When we need to send a command or a file from our smartphone to our laptop, we do it through menus.

Researchers' New App Outs Iphone and Android Phone Energy Hogs
From ACM TechNews

Researchers' New App Outs Iphone and Android Phone Energy Hogs

New, free iOS and Android software identifies which apps drain the most power from device batteries. 

How Network Theory Is Revealing Previously ­nknown Patterns in Sport
From ACM News

How Network Theory Is Revealing Previously ­nknown Patterns in Sport

If you've ever watched soccer, you'll know of the subtle differences in tactics and formation between different teams.

Tim Cook Interview: The Iphone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook Interview: The Iphone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture

Steve Jobs’s office remains Steve Jobs's office.

The Internet Is Losing Interest in Computers
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is Losing Interest in Computers

You may know Google Trends.

Ethical Trap: Robot Paralyzed By Choice of Who to Save
From ACM TechNews

Ethical Trap: Robot Paralyzed By Choice of Who to Save

Bristol Robotics Laboratory's Alan Winfield and colleagues recently tested an ethical challenge for a robot.

Will Tomorrow's Robots Move Like Snakes?
From ACM TechNews

Will Tomorrow's Robots Move Like Snakes?

Researchers have developed a soft robotic arm, inspired by octopus tentacles, that can snake through a pipelike environment without a human operator. 

How Main Street Will Pay For Home Depot's Data Breach
From ACM News

How Main Street Will Pay For Home Depot's Data Breach

Federal law protects consumers from the cost of fraudulent charges incurred when thieves steal credit-card and debit-card numbers.

With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries Rise
From ACM News

With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries Rise

At a New York state elementary school, teachers can use a behavior-monitoring app to compile information on which children have positive attitudes and which act...

Julian Assange on Snowden, Disliking Google, and His 'inevitable' Freedom
From ACM Opinion

Julian Assange on Snowden, Disliking Google, and His 'inevitable' Freedom

It would be too much to say that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange feels optimistic.

Nsa Chief on Tech-Savvy Islamic State: 'i'm Watching'
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Chief on Tech-Savvy Islamic State: 'i'm Watching'

While U.S. military leaders appeared before Congress to outline their strategy to fight Islamic State militants on the battlefield, the National Security Agency...

Cloud-Computing Revolution Applies to Evolution
From ACM TechNews

Cloud-Computing Revolution Applies to Evolution

Rice University researchers are using a $1.1-million grant to develop parallel-processing tools that track the evolution of genes and genomes across species. 

Manufacturing Advances Mean Truly Flexible Devices Are on the Way
From ACM News

Manufacturing Advances Mean Truly Flexible Devices Are on the Way

One of the innovations packed inside the Apple Watch—and highlighted by designer Jony Ive at the company’s grand unveiling this week—is a flexible display.

Camouflage: Can We Ever Create True Invisibility?
From ACM News

Camouflage: Can We Ever Create True Invisibility?

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we humans have been doing our best to compliment other animals for centuries.

Bound for Robotic Glory
From ACM TechNews

Bound for Robotic Glory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  researchers have developed an algorithm for bounding, and successfully implemented it in a robotic cheetah. 

Essex Scientists Give Insight Into Future of Ultra-Hdtv Live Stream Technology
From ACM TechNews

Essex Scientists Give Insight Into Future of Ultra-Hdtv Live Stream Technology

University of Essex scientists will showcase their pioneering ultra-high definition TV research at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam. 

'j' Marks the Spot For Rosetta's Lander
From ACM News

'j' Marks the Spot For Rosetta's Lander

Rosetta's lander Philae will target Site J, an intriguing region on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko that offers unique scientific potential, with hints of activity...

Cars that Drive Themselves Starting to Chat with Each Other
From ACM News

Cars that Drive Themselves Starting to Chat with Each Other

An Acura RLX sedan demonstrated an unusual way to tow another car this week: the vehicles were not physically attached.

The Challenges and Threats of Automated Lip Reading
From ACM News

The Challenges and Threats of Automated Lip Reading

Back in the 16th century, a Spanish Benedictine monk called Pietro Ponce pioneered the seemingly magical art of lip reading.

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover Arrives at Martian Mountain
From ACM News

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover Arrives at Martian Mountain

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover has reached the Red Planet's Mount Sharp, a Mount-Rainier-size mountain at the center of the vast Gale Crater and the rover mission's...
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