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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Pluto Spacecraft Temporarily Loses Contact with Earth
From ACM News

Pluto Spacecraft Temporarily Loses Contact with Earth

Ten days before its historic flyby of Pluto, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft lost contact with mission control, for unknown reasons, for an hour and 21 minutes on...

Machine Ethics: The Robot's Dilemma
From ACM News

Machine Ethics: The Robot's Dilemma

In his 1942 short story 'Runaround', science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov introduced the Three Laws of Robotics—engineering safeguards and built-in ethical principles...

The Computers of Our Wildest Dreams
From ACM News

The Computers of Our Wildest Dreams

One of the first electronic, programmable computers in the world is remembered today mostly by its nickname: Colossus.

Robots to 'hear Better' With New Microphone Technique
From ACM TechNews

Robots to 'hear Better' With New Microphone Technique

U.K. scientists have developed a new microphone system with the potential to help future robots pay closer attention to what they hear.

Comet Sinkholes Generate Jets
From ACM News

Comet Sinkholes Generate Jets

A number of the dust jets emerging from Rosetta's comet can be traced back to active pits that were likely formed by a sudden collapse of the surface.

How Ads Follow You from Phone to Desktop to Tablet
From ACM News

How Ads Follow You from Phone to Desktop to Tablet

Imagine you slack off at work and read up online about the latest Gibson 1959 Les Paul electric guitar replica.

No Internet? No Problem. Inside Cuba's Tech Revolution
From ACM Careers

No Internet? No Problem. Inside Cuba's Tech Revolution

Robin Pedraja, a lanky 28-year-old former design student from Havana, walked into the Cuban government’s office of periodicals and publications early last year...

China Adopts New Security Law to Make Networks, Systems 'controllable'
From ACM News

China Adopts New Security Law to Make Networks, Systems 'controllable'

China's legislature adopted a sweeping national security law on Wednesday that covers everything from territorial sovereignty to measures to tighten cyber security...

The Future of Car Keys? Smartphone Apps, Maybe
From ACM News

The Future of Car Keys? Smartphone Apps, Maybe

It' not fun getting into a car when the interior is 130 degrees, but that's a typical problem during the summer for those who live in a city like Phoenix, where...

What Washington Really Knows About the Internet of Things
From ACM News

What Washington Really Knows About the Internet of Things

President Barack Obama wears a FitBit monitor on his wrist to count his steps and calories, and has waxed poetic about the power of wearable technology to "give...

Nasa Explains Why June 30 Will Get Extra Second
From ACM News

Nasa Explains Why June 30 Will Get Extra Second

The day will officially be a bit longer than usual on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, because an extra second, or "leap" second, will be added.

The Computer Chip That Never Forgets
From ACM News

The Computer Chip That Never Forgets

In 1945, mathematician John von Neumann wrote down a very simple recipe for a computer.

Discovery Paves Way For New Kinds of Superconducting Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Discovery Paves Way For New Kinds of Superconducting Electronics

University of California, San Diego researchers have developed a new way to control the transport of electrical currents through high-temperature superconductors...

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data
From ACM Careers

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data

The cryptography behind bitcoin solved a paradoxical problem: a currency with no regulator, that nonetheless can't be counterfeited.

Warrantless Phone Tapping, Email Spying Inching to Supreme Court Review
From ACM News

Warrantless Phone Tapping, Email Spying Inching to Supreme Court Review

In 2013, the Supreme Court rejected a challenge to a once-clandestine warrantless surveillance program that gobbles up Americans' electronic communications—a project...

Watson's Next Feat? Taking on Cancer
From ACM TechNews

Watson's Next Feat? Taking on Cancer

IBM's Watson supercomputer is being trained to find personalized cancer treatments. 

June Will End with a Rare 61-Second Minute
From ACM News

June Will End with a Rare 61-Second Minute

We'll need to wait for July just a shade longer, as the world's timekeepers have added a leap second June 30—to officially keep Earth and our precise, atomic clocks...

Watch: Black Hole Sim Whips Dark Matter Into a Frenzy
From ACM News

Watch: Black Hole Sim Whips Dark Matter Into a Frenzy

Dark matter is to astrophysicists what sex is to kids in junior high school: Everybody is really interested, but nobody really knows what it looks like.

When a Company Is Put ­p For Sale, in Many Cases, Your Personal Data Is, Too
From ACM News

When a Company Is Put ­p For Sale, in Many Cases, Your Personal Data Is, Too

The privacy policy for Hulu, a video-streaming service with about nine million subscribers, opens with a declaration that the company "respects your privacy."

­w Researchers Demonstrate System to Transmit Power Over Wi-Fi
From ACM TechNews

­w Researchers Demonstrate System to Transmit Power Over Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi can power connected devices using a new system developed by a team at the University of Washington.
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