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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How the Military Will Fight Isis on the Dark Web
From ACM News

How the Military Will Fight Isis on the Dark Web

The Dark Web is not so much a place as it is a method of achieving a level of anonymity online.

Game-Playing Software Holds Lessons For Neuroscience
From ACM News

Game-Playing Software Holds Lessons For Neuroscience

DeepMind, the Google-owned artificial-intelligence company, has revealed how it created a single computer algorithm that can learn how to play 49 different arcade...

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms
From ACM News

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms

During a famous scene in Star Wars, Princess Leia has R2D2 play a holographic video message in midair in which she pleads for help from Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the near...

Surprise! America Already Has a Manhattan Project For Developing Cyber Attacks
From ACM News

Surprise! America Already Has a Manhattan Project For Developing Cyber Attacks

"What we really need is a Manhattan Project for cybersecurity." It's a sentiment that swells up every few years in the wake of some huge computer intrusion—most...

The Four Main Roadblocks Holding ­p Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

The Four Main Roadblocks Holding ­p Self-Driving Cars

There are four major obstacles facing developers of autonomous vehicles. 

Intel: Moore's Law Will Continue Through 7nm Chips
From ACM TechNews

Intel: Moore's Law Will Continue Through 7nm Chips

Papers Intel plans to share this week are meant to reassure the computer industry about the viability of Moore's Law, at least for the immediate future. 

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs
From ACM TechNews

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs

For a long time economists maintained that new technology would not result in a net loss of jobs, but some economists now think the situation is more nuanced than...

The Plan to Find Alien Life in Europa's Icy Seas
From ACM News

The Plan to Find Alien Life in Europa's Icy Seas

How do you solve a problem like Europa?

Building a Face, and a Case, on Dna
From ACM News

Building a Face, and a Case, on Dna

There were no known eyewitnesses to the murder of a young woman and her 3-year-old daughter four years ago. No security cameras caught a figure coming or going.

This Is Your Avatar Speaking
From ACM News

This Is Your Avatar Speaking

Last year, in a lab at the University of Barcelona, an anonymous woman was fitted with headphones, a microphone, a head-mounted virtual-reality display, a motion...

Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the ­.S. and Iran
From ACM News

Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the ­.S. and Iran

A newly disclosed National Security Agency document illustrates the striking acceleration of the use of cyberweapons by the United States and Iran against eachnuclear...

Rare Stegosaurus Skeleton Delivers Secrets Through 3D Scanning
From ACM News

Rare Stegosaurus Skeleton Delivers Secrets Through 3D Scanning

In 2013, London's Natural History Museum acquired a rare Stegosaurus skeleton.

The Paradox of Popping Back in Time
From ACM Opinion

The Paradox of Popping Back in Time

Here we go again.

Polymers Brighten Hopes For Visible Light Communication
From ACM News

Polymers Brighten Hopes For Visible Light Communication

Today nearly all computers, tablets, and cell phones have Wi-Fi capabilities, receiving and transmitting data over a range of radio frequencies.

Car Talk
From Communications of the ACM

Car Talk

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication is coming. Are we ready for it?

Automating Organic Synthesis
From Communications of the ACM

Automating Organic Synthesis

A machine that could create organic molecules on demand awaits appropriate software and analytical components.

Intel Forges Ahead to 10nm, Will Move Away from Silicon at 7nm
From ACM News

Intel Forges Ahead to 10nm, Will Move Away from Silicon at 7nm

This week at the 2015 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Intel will provide an update on its new 10nm manufacturing process and new research...

Internet of Dna
From ACM News

Internet of Dna

Noah is a six-year-old suffering from a disorder without a name.

Meet Kevin Ashton, Father of the Internet of Things
From ACM Careers

Meet Kevin Ashton, Father of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things started in the mid-1990s, when a quirky young brand manager in the U.K. puzzled over why a shade of brown lipstick kept disappearing from...

Beyond Silicon: New Semiconductor Moves 'spintronics' Toward Reality
From ACM TechNews

Beyond Silicon: New Semiconductor Moves 'spintronics' Toward Reality

A new semiconductor compound may be the first to incorporate spintronic properties into a material that is stable at room temperature.
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