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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Curiosity Rover Finds Biologically ­seful Nitrogen on Mars
From ACM News

Curiosity Rover Finds Biologically ­seful Nitrogen on Mars

A team using the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite aboard NASA's Curiosity rover has made the first detection of nitrogen on the surface of Mars from...

Extreme Cryptography Paves Way to Personalized Medicine
From ACM News

Extreme Cryptography Paves Way to Personalized Medicine

The dream for tomorrow's medicine is to understand the links between DNA and disease—and to tailor therapies accordingly.

Rewriting the Rules of Turing's Imitation Game
From ACM News

Rewriting the Rules of Turing's Imitation Game

We have self-driving cars, knowledgeable digital assistants, and software capable of putting names to faces as well as any expert.

For a Brighter Robotics Future, It's Time to Offload Their Brains
From ACM News

For a Brighter Robotics Future, It's Time to Offload Their Brains

Robots already stand in for humans in some of the dullest and most dangerous jobs there are, handling everything from painting cars to drilling rocks on Mars.

Voice Control Will Force an Overhaul of the Whole Internet
From ACM News

Voice Control Will Force an Overhaul of the Whole Internet

Jason Mars built his own Siri and then he gave it away.

What If Web Search Results Were Based on Accuracy?
From ACM Opinion

What If Web Search Results Were Based on Accuracy?

Imagine, for a moment, that every Web search gave only accurate, verified information.

Nasa Reformats Memory of Longest-Running Mars Rover
From ACM News

Nasa Reformats Memory of Longest-Running Mars Rover

After avoiding use of the rover's flash memory for three months, the team operating NASA's 11-year-old Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has reformatted the vehicle's...

­k Mapped Out By Genetic Ancestry
From ACM News

­k Mapped Out By Genetic Ancestry

Researchers have found genetic signatures among Britons that betray their historical roots in particular locales of the United Kingdom, leading to the finest-scale...

Could Analog Computing Accelerate Complex Computer Simulations?
From ACM TechNews

Could Analog Computing Accelerate Complex Computer Simulations?

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is exploring ways analog approaches to speed up computation of the mathematics in scientific computing. 

Stealing Data from Computers ­sing Heat
From ACM News

Stealing Data from Computers ­sing Heat

Air-gapped systems, which are isolated from the Internet and are not connected to other systems that are connected to the Internet, are used in situations that...

Doing Astronomy with Neutrinos
From ACM News

Doing Astronomy with Neutrinos

The IceCube detector, located at the South Pole, monitors a cubic kilometer of ice for the flashes of light produced as energetic particles traverse the ice.

High-Resolution 3D Scans Built From Drone Photos
From ACM TechNews

High-Resolution 3D Scans Built From Drone Photos

Drones offer an inexpensive way to capture three-dimensional scans of buildings, terrain, and other objects. 

How the Dark Web Spurs a Spying 'arms Race'
From ACM News

How the Dark Web Spurs a Spying 'arms Race'

It's a technological arms race, pure and simple.

Rosetta Is Tailing a Warming Comet
From ACM News

Rosetta Is Tailing a Warming Comet

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft caught up with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko last August, then dropped a lander onto the comet in November. Now...

What Your Tweets Say About You
From ACM News

What Your Tweets Say About You

How much can your tweets reveal about you? Judging by the last nine hundred and seventy-two words that I used on Twitter, I'm about average when it comes to feeling...

Your Desktop Computer Is Wasting a Surprising Amount of Energy While You're Not ­sing It
From ACM TechNews

Your Desktop Computer Is Wasting a Surprising Amount of Energy While You're Not ­sing It

The California Energy Commission has released a set of draft standards aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of desktop computers and monitors. 

Ted 2015: Google Boss Wants Self-Drive Cars 'for Son'
From ACM TechNews

Ted 2015: Google Boss Wants Self-Drive Cars 'for Son'

The director of Google's self-driving car project says he wants self-driving cars to be standard on roads within five years. 

Shrill? To N.c.a.a. Tournament Referees, It's Symphonic
From ACM News

Shrill? To N.c.a.a. Tournament Referees, It's Symphonic

Susan Mueller, a flutist and the chairwoman of the Nevada-Las Vegas music department, examined the referee's whistle in her hand.

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In
From ACM News

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In

Society stands at a crossroads of artificial intelligence: We can design computers that sharpen our wits or we can let our machines turn us into ignoramuses.

Germany Moves Away From ­.s.-Dominated Iot Standards Groups
From ACM News

Germany Moves Away From ­.s.-Dominated Iot Standards Groups

Germany's main telco, tech and manufacturing companies have formed an alliance to make sure that when devices do start speaking to each other over the Internet...
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