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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Car Windshield Is Turning Into a Computer Screen
From ACM News

The Car Windshield Is Turning Into a Computer Screen

Cars are running out of screens.

A Graphene Discoverer Speculates on the Future of Computing
From ACM Opinion

A Graphene Discoverer Speculates on the Future of Computing

In 2010 two physicists at Manchester University in the U.K. shared a Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on a new wonder material: graphene, a flat sheet of carbon...

Hilltop Panorama Marks Mars Rover's 11th Anniversary
From ACM News

Hilltop Panorama Marks Mars Rover's 11th Anniversary

A panorama from one of the highest elevations that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has reached in its 11 years on Mars includes the U.S. flag at the summit...

Rosetta Finds Out Much About a Comet, Even With a Wayward Lander
From ACM News

Rosetta Finds Out Much About a Comet, Even With a Wayward Lander

Photographs and data from the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft have provided an unprecedented close-up examination of a comet, but there is one thing...

This Robot Has the Mind of a Worm
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Has the Mind of a Worm

A research project dubbed Open Worm seeks to develop artificial intelligence technology by focusing on worm intelligence. 

Atlas ­nplugged: DARPA Challenge Robot Gets Major Makeover
From ACM TechNews

Atlas ­nplugged: DARPA Challenge Robot Gets Major Makeover

Boston Robotics has rebuilt its robot to be used in the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Robotics Challenge finals in June.

Google Lunar Xprize: Testing Rovers on the Beach with Team Hakuto
From ACM Careers

Google Lunar Xprize: Testing Rovers on the Beach with Team Hakuto

Before you blast off to the moon in search of $30 million offered as part of the Google Lunar XPrize—or the juicy $20 million grand prize for being the first to...

Nasa, Microsoft Collaboration Will Allow Scientists to 'work on Mars'
From ACM News

Nasa, Microsoft Collaboration Will Allow Scientists to 'work on Mars'

NASA and Microsoft have teamed up to develop software called OnSight, a new technology that will enable scientists to work virtually on Mars using wearable technology...

How the Home Telephone Sparked the ­ser-Centered Design Revolution
From ACM Opinion

How the Home Telephone Sparked the ­ser-Centered Design Revolution

Have you ever thought about why doorknobs are positioned at around two-fifths of the door's height, instead of right in the middle? Or why a washing machine is...

Even Elusive Animals Leave Dna, and Clues, Behind
From ACM News

Even Elusive Animals Leave Dna, and Clues, Behind

You wouldn't think hellbenders would be hard to find: The gargantuan salamanders, the biggest amphibians in North America, can grow up to 30 inches long.

Telescope to Seek Dust Where Other Earths May Lie
From ACM News

Telescope to Seek Dust Where Other Earths May Lie

The NASA-funded Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer, or LBTI, has completed its first study of dust in the "habitable zone" around a star, opening a new door...

Time to Change Global Clock Management? It's ­nder Debate
From ACM News

Time to Change Global Clock Management? It's ­nder Debate

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Optimizing Optimization Algorithms
From ACM News

Optimizing Optimization Algorithms

Optimization algorithms, which try to find the minimum values of mathematical functions, are everywhere in engineering. Among other things, they're used to evaluate...

Hands-On With Microsoft's ­nbelievable New Holographic Goggles
From ACM Opinion

Hands-On With Microsoft's ­nbelievable New Holographic Goggles

It's the end of October, when the days have already grown short in Redmond, Washington, and gray sheets of rain are just beginning to let up.

10 Cool Network and Computing Research Projects
From ACM News

10 Cool Network and Computing Research Projects

If you think the latest enterprise and consumer network and computer technologies rolling into your data center and being snuck into your offices by end users are...

Atlas Drc Robot Is 75 Percent New, Completely ­nplugged
From ACM News

Atlas Drc Robot Is 75 Percent New, Completely ­nplugged

We've always known that the ATLAS DRC humanoid robot was due for some serious upgrades before the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals, because having a robot that's...

Astronomy: Laser Focus
From ACM News

Astronomy: Laser Focus

On clear, moonless evenings, most of the biggest optical telescopes around the world begin the night's observations by firing a golden laser beam at the sky.

Revealed at Last: Magic Leap’s Vision For Augmented Reality, in 32 Patent Illustrations
From ACM Careers

Revealed at Last: Magic Leap’s Vision For Augmented Reality, in 32 Patent Illustrations

A new patent application titled Planar Waveguide Apparatus with Diffraction Element(s) and System Employing Same sounds like a scientific snoozefest, but just also...

Rice-Sized Laser, Powered One Electron at a Time, Bodes Well For Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Rice-Sized Laser, Powered One Electron at a Time, Bodes Well For Quantum Computing

Princeton University researchers have developed a rice grain-sized laser powered by single electrons tunneling through artificial atoms known as quantum dots. 

Cops Get Handheld Radar that Can 'detect People Breathing' Through Walls
From ACM News

Cops Get Handheld Radar that Can 'detect People Breathing' Through Walls

At least 50 local law enforcement agencies—and the United States Marshals—have acquired a type of handheld radar that allows cops to scan through walls to detect...
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