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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Seeking Reality in the Future of Aeronautical Simulation
From ACM TechNews

Seeking Reality in the Future of Aeronautical Simulation

Computer simulation software is being used to help design future airliners that will cut fuel consumption, reduce polluting emissions, and fly more quietly. 

Facial Recognition Algorithms Improve
From ACM TechNews

Facial Recognition Algorithms Improve

The accuracy of facial-recognition algorithms has improved over the past three years, according to a U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)...

Why Businesses Should Use Caution With Html5-Based Mobile Apps
From ACM TechNews

Why Businesses Should Use Caution With Html5-Based Mobile Apps

University of Syracuse researchers have found that vulnerabilities in HTML5 could enable malicious code execution in mobile apps. 

The Thought Experiment
From ACM News

The Thought Experiment

I was about 15 minutes late for my first phone call with Jan Scheuermann.

Losing the Key
From ACM Careers

Losing the Key

In this age of rapid transformation, the house key has been surprisingly resistant to change.

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat
From ACM Careers

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat

A growing number of companies are under pressure to protect sensitive data—and not just from hackers lurking outside the digital walls.

Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice
From ACM News

Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice

Desirable destinations at the fringes of the solar system can be hard to find.

Titan Flybys Test the Talents of Nasa's Cassini Team
From ACM News

Titan Flybys Test the Talents of Nasa's Cassini Team

As NASA's Cassini spacecraft zooms toward Saturn's smoggy moon Titan for a targeted flyby on June 18, mission scientists are excitedly hoping to repeat a scientific...

The Role Robotics Could Play in Future Food Production
From ACM TechNews

The Role Robotics Could Play in Future Food Production

At the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, the academic and industrial communities will discuss advances in agriculture and horticulture...

Crossing the Goal Line: New Tech Tracks Football in 3D Space
From ACM TechNews

Crossing the Goal Line: New Tech Tracks Football in 3D Space

Researchers have developed a system that can track a football in three-dimensional space using low-frequency magnetic fields. 

Roads in the Future Will Need Data Standards as Well as Signs, Says Dot's Cio
From ACM TechNews

Roads in the Future Will Need Data Standards as Well as Signs, Says Dot's Cio

Data standards will be needed to facilitate traffic flow in the future, and government officials, engineers, and automakers are considering how to implement the...

Neuroscience's New Toolbox
From ACM News

Neuroscience's New Toolbox

The hypothalamus is a small structure deep in the brain that, among other functions, coördinates sensory inputs—the appearance of a rival, for example—with instinctual...

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming
From ACM News

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming

As it stands, the touchscreen experience is confined to a flat, two-dimensional world.

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights
From ACM Careers

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights

MasterCard Inc, the world's second-largest debit and credit card company, sees business booming from selling data to retailers, banks, and governments on spending...

Meet Diesel, a Cute Dog and Organic Robot
From ACM TechNews

Meet Diesel, a Cute Dog and Organic Robot

A Labrador Retriever named Diesel has become a canine that functions as a Cyber-Physical Search and Rescue Dog through a high-tech vest. 

New Computer Program Aims to Teach Itself Everything About Anything
From ACM TechNews

New Computer Program Aims to Teach Itself Everything About Anything

Computer scientists say they have developed the first fully automated computer program that pairs textual and visual data to learn visual concepts. 

Facial Recognition Gets Real
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Gets Real

Facial recognition and expression analysis technologies are maturing, and they're changing the face of marketing, healthcare, security, and more.

Squiggly Lines Secure Smartphones
From ACM News

Squiggly Lines Secure Smartphones

To protect your financial and personal data, most mobiles come with PIN-based security, biometrics or number grids that require you to retrace a particular pattern...

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy
From ACM Opinion

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy

When Steven P. Jobs led Apple, he created a core principle for the company's designers and engineers: stay fully focused on making great products.

Quantum Network Would Be Most Precise Clock Yet
From ACM News

Quantum Network Would Be Most Precise Clock Yet

By exploiting the tricks of quantum physics, researchers say they could build a worldwide network of atomic clocks that are much more accurate than any single clock...
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