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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

This Helmet Will Make F-35 Pilots Missile-Slinging Cyborgs
From ACM News

This Helmet Will Make F-35 Pilots Missile-Slinging Cyborgs

Much rightful snark and scorn has been thrown at the F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter, the multi-multi-multi-billion dollar jet meant to be the mainstay of...

First Detailed Public Map of ­.s. Internet Backbone Could Make It Stronger
From ACM News

First Detailed Public Map of ­.s. Internet Backbone Could Make It Stronger

It may not look like much at first glance, but a map created by University of Wisconsin computer science professor Paul Barford and about a dozen colleagues took...

New Pluto Images from Nasa's New Horizons: It's Complicated
From ACM News

New Pluto Images from Nasa's New Horizons: It's Complicated

New close-up images of Pluto from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft reveal a bewildering variety of surface features that have scientists reeling because of their...

The Tiniest Lego: A Tale of Nanoscale Motors, Rotors, Switches and Pumps
From ACM News

The Tiniest Lego: A Tale of Nanoscale Motors, Rotors, Switches and Pumps

The robot moves slowly along its track, pausing regularly to reach out an arm that carefully scoops up a component.

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones
From ACM Careers

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones

Over the PA system a voice tells us not to be alarmed. What we are about to see is just a demonstration, courtesy of the United Arab Emirates' Ministry of the Interior...

Get Ready to Live in a Trillion-Device World
From ACM TechNews

Get Ready to Live in a Trillion-Device World

University of California, Berkeley professor Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli predicts the world will be completely suffused with tiny sensors within 10 years. 

New Wearable Technology Can Sense Appliance ­se, Help Track Carbon Footprint
From ACM TechNews

New Wearable Technology Can Sense Appliance ­se, Help Track Carbon Footprint

University of Washington researchers have developed wearable technology that can sense what devices and vehicles the user interacts with throughout the day.

Elephant or Teapot? Why Occlusion Is the Next Great Frontier For Image Recognition
From ACM TechNews

Elephant or Teapot? Why Occlusion Is the Next Great Frontier For Image Recognition

Scientists at Facebook AI Research say it is time for the image recognition field to turn to its next great challenge: occlusion. 

Apple and Other Tech Companies Tangle With U.s. Over Data Access
From ACM News

Apple and Other Tech Companies Tangle With U.s. Over Data Access

In an investigation involving guns and drugs, the Justice Department obtained a court order this summer demanding that Apple turn over, in real time, text messages...

How International Monitors Spot Nukes and Other Rumblings
From ACM News

How International Monitors Spot Nukes and Other Rumblings

The ultimate nightmare for critics of the Iran nuclear deal being debated in Congress is that somehow, despite the agreement and all its built-in safeguards, Iran...

The Smart Ui Design Behind Apple’s Frictionless 3D Touch
From ACM News

The Smart Ui Design Behind Apple’s Frictionless 3D Touch

Midway through Apple's demonstration of the new iPhone 6S, Craig Federighi took an emergency selfie.

You Aren't Good Enough to Win Money Playing Daily Fantasy Football
From ACM Careers

You Aren't Good Enough to Win Money Playing Daily Fantasy Football

Every first-time player of daily fantasy football begins the new season undefeated, just like even the most hopeless NFL teams.

What Happened to Early Mars' Atmosphere? New Study Eliminates One Theory
From ACM News

What Happened to Early Mars' Atmosphere? New Study Eliminates One Theory

Scientists may be closer to solving the mystery of how Mars changed from a world with surface water billions of years ago to the arid Red Planet of today.

Animators Turn to Motion Capture Tech For Better Results
From ACM TechNews

Animators Turn to Motion Capture Tech For Better Results

Researchers at the University of Bradford are presenting their work in motion-capture technology at the upcoming British Science Festival. 

­sing Technology to Break the Speed Barrier of Reading
From ACM Opinion

­sing Technology to Break the Speed Barrier of Reading

I grew up in a tiny New York City apartment, packed in alongside our four cats and my father's immense personal library of some 3000 books.

Ornl-Developed Building Efficiency Software Now Available
From ACM TechNews

Ornl-Developed Building Efficiency Software Now Available

New software developed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory can inexpensively produce calibrated energy models of buildings. 

How Google's Self-Driving Cars May Handle the Toughest Situations
From ACM News

How Google's Self-Driving Cars May Handle the Toughest Situations

Left-hand turns are one of the tougher things drivers have to do.

China Flexes Tech Muscles Before a State Visit
From ACM News

China Flexes Tech Muscles Before a State Visit

As President Xi Jinping of China prepares for his first state visit to the United States this month, Washington has warned that it could hit Chinese companies with...

A Humanoid Robot to Liaise Between Space Station Crews
From ACM TechNews

A Humanoid Robot to Liaise Between Space Station Crews

Researchers have developed "an autobiographical memory" for the robot Nao, enabling it to pass on knowledge between groups of people. 

Researchers Turn Clothes Into Electronic Displays
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Turn Clothes Into Electronic Displays

Researchers say they have achieved an advance in wearable devices that could lead to wearable displays in clothing that provide users with feedback. 
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