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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

On Pluto’s Doorstep, NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Awakens for Encounter
From ACM News

On Pluto’s Doorstep, NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Awakens for Encounter

After a voyage of nearly nine years and three billion miles—the farthest any space mission has ever traveled to reach its primary target—NASA's New Horizons spacecraft...

Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?
From ACM News

Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?

Last month in Silicon Valley, biologists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier showed up in black gowns to receive the $3 million Breakthrough Prize, a glitzy...

Baer's Odyssey: Meet the Serial Inventor Who Built the World's First Game Console
From ACM Opinion

Baer's Odyssey: Meet the Serial Inventor Who Built the World's First Game Console

Even if you're a devoted fan of video games, there's a decent chance you're not familiar with the name Ralph H. Baer.

Dawn Snaps Its Best-Yet Image of Dwarf Planet Ceres
From ACM News

Dawn Snaps Its Best-Yet Image of Dwarf Planet Ceres

The Dawn spacecraft has delivered a glimpse of Ceres, the largest body in the main asteroid belt, in a new image taken 740,000 miles (1.2 million kilometers) from...

Stanford Engineers Take Big Step Toward ­sing Light Instead of Wires Inside Computers
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Engineers Take Big Step Toward ­sing Light Instead of Wires Inside Computers

Stanford University researchers have developed a device that can split and bend a beam of light, which they say could lead to computers that use optics to carry...

Hacked vs. Hackers: Game On
From ACM News

Hacked vs. Hackers: Game On

Paul Kocher, one of the country's leading cryptographers, says he thinks the explanation for the world's dismal state of digital security may lie in two charts.

Ground Team Ready to Rouse Pluto Probe For Historic Flyby
From ACM News

Ground Team Ready to Rouse Pluto Probe For Historic Flyby

On the final stretch of a speedy nine-year trek through the solar system, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft will be awakened from hibernation Dec. 6 for an encounter...

A Googler's Quest to Teach Machines How to ­nderstand Emotions
From ACM Careers

A Googler's Quest to Teach Machines How to ­nderstand Emotions

Quoc Le sees the world as a series of numbers.

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision
From ACM Opinion

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision

"We found that people were searching for squirrels just to favorite them, just to click 'like.' And the same with buses."

Carnegie Mellon's Cobot Robots Reach 1,000-Kilometer Milestone of Autonomous Operation
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon's Cobot Robots Reach 1,000-Kilometer Milestone of Autonomous Operation

Robots deployed at Carnegie Mellon University have collectively reached 1,000 kilometers of autonomous operation.

Google and Nasa Ride D-Wave to a Quantum Future
From ACM News

Google and Nasa Ride D-Wave to a Quantum Future

They could be the most powerful computers in the world—so perhaps it's no surprise that the biggest internet company on the planet is testing one out.

Physics: Quantum Computer Quest
From ACM News

Physics: Quantum Computer Quest

When asked what he likes best about working for Google, physicist John Martinis does not mention the famous massage chairs in the hallways, or the free snacks available...

Google Can Now Tell You're Not a Robot With Just One Click
From ACM News

Google Can Now Tell You're Not a Robot With Just One Click

When Alan Turing first conceived of the Turing Test in 1947, he suggested that a computer program’s resemblance to a human mind could be gauged by making it answer...

MIT Engineers Have High Hopes For Cheetah Robot
From ACM TechNews

MIT Engineers Have High Hopes For Cheetah Robot

A new cheetah-inspired robot can run on batteries at speeds of more than 10 miles per hour, jump about 16 inches high, land safely, and continue running for 15...

Firmer Footing For Robots With Smart Walking Sticks
From ACM TechNews

Firmer Footing For Robots With Smart Walking Sticks

The SupraPed robotic platform uses "smart staffs" inspired by walking sticks to better balance and move over uneven terrain. 

Can Internet Companies Monitor Terrorists?
From ACM News

Can Internet Companies Monitor Terrorists?

Facebook is saying little apart from the fact that "we do not allow terrorist content on the site and take steps to prevent people from using our service for these...

Intel ­pgrades Stephen Hawking's Portal to the World
From ACM News

Intel ­pgrades Stephen Hawking's Portal to the World

Movie audiences who went to theaters this fall to see The Theory of Everything got a glimpse of the challenges physicist Stephen Hawking has overcome to deliver...

Researchers Engineer Improvements of Technology ­sed in Digital Memory
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Engineer Improvements of Technology ­sed in Digital Memory

Researchers have engineered and tested improvements in the performance of a memory structure known as a ferroelectric tunnel junction. 

Why Nasa Looks to Europa to Find the Building Blocks of Life
From ACM News

Why Nasa Looks to Europa to Find the Building Blocks of Life

When it comes to life, biologists have long hypothesised that its origins—on Earth, at least—were in thermal vents on the ocean floor, following a period of ...

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate
From ACM Opinion

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate

When "Captain Ridley's shooting party" gathered here in late August 1938 as weekend guests at Bletchley Park, a Buckinghamshire country house, they were accompanied...
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