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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble
From ACM News

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble

Victor is obsessed with SCRABBLE.

How Gmail Happened: The Inside Story of Its Launch 10 Years Ago Today
From ACM News

How Gmail Happened: The Inside Story of Its Launch 10 Years Ago Today

If you wanted to pick a single date to mark the beginning of the modern era of the web, you could do a lot worse than choosing Thursday, April 1, 2004, the day...

Ung Students Test Drones to Be Controlled By Thoughts
From ACM TechNews

Ung Students Test Drones to Be Controlled By Thoughts

A team of students at the University of North Georgia is testing drone technology that can be controlled by a person's thoughts. 

­niversity of Idaho Competes with Big Leagues in Computing
From ACM TechNews

­niversity of Idaho Competes with Big Leagues in Computing

The University of Idaho is home to Big-STEM, a supercomputer that provides researchers with an enhanced amount of memory to support large-scale simulations.

Nsa Infiltrated Rsa Security More Deeply Than Thought  Study
From ACM News

Nsa Infiltrated Rsa Security More Deeply Than Thought Study

Security industry pioneer RSA adopted not just one but two encryption tools developed by the U.S. National Security Agency, greatly increasing the spy agency's...

NASA Model Provides a 3-D Look at L.A.-area Quake
From ACM News

NASA Model Provides a 3-D Look at L.A.-area Quake

On March 28, residents of Greater Los Angeles experienced the largest earthquake to strike the region since 2008.

How Far Will the Supreme Court Go to Stop Patent Trolls?
From ACM News

How Far Will the Supreme Court Go to Stop Patent Trolls?

What kinds of software—if any—deserve a patent?

Stodgy, Old Baseball Invents the Future of Instant Replay
From ACM News

Stodgy, Old Baseball Invents the Future of Instant Replay

Major League Baseball is not inclined to tinker much with America's pastime, aside from the occasional tweak to the number of teams in the playoffs.

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible
From ACM News

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible

Enigma machines have captivated everyone from legendary code breaker Alan Turing and the dedicated cryptographers from England's Bletchley Park to historians and...

Human Evolution: The Neanderthal in the Family
From ACM News

Human Evolution: The Neanderthal in the Family

Before ancient DNA exposed the sexual proclivities of Neanderthals or the ancestry of the first Americans, there was the quagga.

Dolphin Whistle Instantly Translated By Computer
From ACM TechNews

Dolphin Whistle Instantly Translated By Computer

The Wild Dolphin Project is developing algorithms to analyze animal sounds to determine if information is transmitted, in an attempt to understand animal behavior...

In New Case, Supreme Court Revisits the Question of Software Patents
From ACM News

In New Case, Supreme Court Revisits the Question of Software Patents

If you write a book or a song, you can get copyright protection for it. If you invent a pill or a better mousetrap, you can patent it.

The Electronic Holy War
From ACM News

The Electronic Holy War

In May, 1997, I.B.M.'s Deep Blue supercomputer prevailed over Garry Kasparov in a series of six chess games, becoming the first computer to defeat a world-champion...

Comet Lander Checks In with Earth
From ACM News

Comet Lander Checks In with Earth

The Philae lander, which Europe hopes to put on the surface of a comet later this year, has been re-activated after three years in deep-space hibernation.

Search For Lost Jet Is Complicated By Geopolitics and Rivalries
From ACM News

Search For Lost Jet Is Complicated By Geopolitics and Rivalries

The frantic hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been, in one way, a nearly miraculous display of international collaboration: 26 nations, many of them rivals...

How the Nsa Would Get Phone Data ­nder Obama Administration's New Plan
From ACM News

How the Nsa Would Get Phone Data ­nder Obama Administration's New Plan

One of the key points in the "fact sheet" that the White House published today about its plan to end the NSA's bulk collection of phone record data is that while...

Hypnotic Art Shows How Patterns Emerge From Randomness in Nature
From ACM News

Hypnotic Art Shows How Patterns Emerge From Randomness in Nature

British mathematician Alan Turing is perhaps best known for the Turing test, which determines if a computer can be considered intelligent based on whether it can...

Consortium Wants Standards For 'internet of Things'
From ACM News

Consortium Wants Standards For 'internet of Things'

Attention: Internet of Things. For better or worse, big boys are in the room.

How Vintage Tech Helped ­S Track the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet
From ACM News

How Vintage Tech Helped ­S Track the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

The saga of MH370, the Malaysian Airlines flight missing for more than two weeks, seems to be entering its final chapter.

Justice Scalia Looks Forward to Hearing Nsa Spying Case
From ACM News

Justice Scalia Looks Forward to Hearing Nsa Spying Case

Justice Antonin Scalia signaled during a law school talk on March 21 that the Supreme Court is very much aware that legal challenges to the National Security Agency's...
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