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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

ACM, CSTA Announce Cutler-Bell Prize Student Winners
From ACM News

ACM, CSTA Announce Cutler-Bell Prize Student Winners

The Cutler-Bell Prize promotes the field of computer science and empowers students to pursue computing challenges beyond the classroom environment.

­TSA Researchers Want to Teach Computers to Learn Like Humans
From ACM TechNews

­TSA Researchers Want to Teach Computers to Learn Like Humans

Researchers have created a new cloud-based learning platform for artificial intelligence designed to teach machines to learn like humans.

Demand for Programmers Hits Full Boil as ­.S. Job Market Simmers
From ACM Careers

Demand for Programmers Hits Full Boil as ­.S. Job Market Simmers

Ouliana Trofimenko and Annie Rihn, who work for different technology companies on the West Coast, are both on the front lines of one of the biggest challenges to...

Fewer International Grad Students Seeking ­.S. Computer Science Degrees
From ACM TechNews

Fewer International Grad Students Seeking ­.S. Computer Science Degrees

The U.S. National Science Board says the number of international students enrolling in U.S. universities is falling for the first time in years.

Computer Science for All: Can Schools Pull It Off?
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science for All: Can Schools Pull It Off?

The nascent Computer Science for All movement aims to help U.S. K-12 schools prepare every student to thrive in a tech-driven future.

AI's Dirty Little Secret: It's Powered by People
From ACM News

AI's Dirty Little Secret: It's Powered by People

There's a dirty little secret about artificial intelligence: It's powered by hundreds of thousands of real people.

China Luring Young International IT Talent Away From Silicon Valley
From ACM TechNews

China Luring Young International IT Talent Away From Silicon Valley

International students are being drawn to the Chinese technology field for opportunities to gain experience in advanced technology disciplines.

Basic Password Guidance Can Dramatically Improve Account Security, Study Shows
From ACM TechNews

Basic Password Guidance Can Dramatically Improve Account Security, Study Shows

Researchers have found that technology users who receive basic password guidance are up to 40% more likely to make their password choices more secure.

How Do Teachers Integrate STEM Into K-12 Classrooms?
From ACM TechNews

How Do Teachers Integrate STEM Into K-12 Classrooms?

Michigan Technological University researchers conducted a study examining what makes science, technology, engineering, and math education integration practices...

Michigan's 'Marshall Plan for Talent' Aims to Become Model for Tech Education Nationwide
From ACM TechNews

Michigan's 'Marshall Plan for Talent' Aims to Become Model for Tech Education Nationwide

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder recently unveiled a five-year, $100-million "Marshall Plan for Talent" to better prepare students for technology fields with the most...

Forecasts of Genetic Fate Just Got a Lot More Accurate
From ACM News

Forecasts of Genetic Fate Just Got a Lot More Accurate

When Amit Khera explains how he predicts disease, the young cardiologist's hands touch the air, arranging imaginary columns of people: 30,000 who have suffered...

Researchers Have Finally Created a Tool to Spot Duplicated Images Across Thousands of Papers
From ACM News

Researchers Have Finally Created a Tool to Spot Duplicated Images Across Thousands of Papers

Computer software can now quickly detect duplicate images across large swathes of the research literature, three scientists say.

The State of Fakery
From Communications of the ACM

The State of Fakery

How digital media could be authenticated, from computational, legal, and ethical points of view.

The Construction Industry in the 21st Century
From Communications of the ACM

The Construction Industry in the 21st Century

Three-dimensional printing and other new technologies are revitalizing the business of building buildings.

Building a Passion for STEM Studies Among Women and Girls
From ACM TechNews

Building a Passion for STEM Studies Among Women and Girls

Just 20% of Canada's post-secondary science, technology, engineering, and math students currently are female.

$1.2-million I­ Project Looks Into Why Women Enter STEM Careers
From ACM TechNews

$1.2-million I­ Project Looks Into Why Women Enter STEM Careers

Indiana University is launching a $1.2-million project examining why women make up such a relatively small percentage of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics...

ISTE and Partner to Advance Computer Science Education
From ACM TechNews

ISTE and Partner to Advance Computer Science Education

The International Society for Technology in Education and have formed a partnership to create more opportunities for educators interested in teaching computer...

Modeling ­ncertainty Helps MIT's Drone Zip Around Obstacles
From ACM News

Modeling ­ncertainty Helps MIT's Drone Zip Around Obstacles

It's not too hard to make a drone that can fly very fast, and it's not too hard to make a drone that can avoid obstacles.

­niversities Rush to Roll Out Computer Science Ethics Courses
From ACM TechNews

­niversities Rush to Roll Out Computer Science Ethics Courses

U.S. universities are starting to offer ethics courses relating to computer science.

As China Marches Forward on  A.I., the White House Is Silent
From ACM News

As China Marches Forward on A.I., the White House Is Silent

In July, China unveiled a plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence and create an industry worth $150 billion to its economy by 2030.
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