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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Researchers Improve Automated Recognition of Human Body Movements in Videos
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Improve Automated Recognition of Human Body Movements in Videos

A researcher from Disney Research Pittsburgh is working to advance automated recognition of action in a video. 

Social Media Should Play Greater Role in Disaster Communication
From ACM TechNews

Social Media Should Play Greater Role in Disaster Communication

Social media could be a helpful communications tool for governments during disaster situations. 

Americans Resigned to Giving ­p Their Privacy, Says Study
From ACM News

Americans Resigned to Giving ­p Their Privacy, Says Study

I am not fond of depressing you. So I'm going to leave it to a new study performed by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School For Communication.

The Pentagon's Gamble on Brain Implants, Bionic Limbs and Combat Exoskeletons
From ACM News

The Pentagon's Gamble on Brain Implants, Bionic Limbs and Combat Exoskeletons

When Geoffrey Ling talks about the future of technology, his ideas go flying around the room like a whirlwind.

Officials Push For Standard Collision Tech in Cars
From ACM News

Officials Push For Standard Collision Tech in Cars

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) strongly recommends that collision avoidance systems become standard on all new vehicles.

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet
From ACM News

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet

When you hear the word "Internet," what do you picture in your mind?

When Google Self-Driving Cars Are in Accidents, Humans Are to Blame
From ACM TechNews

When Google Self-Driving Cars Are in Accidents, Humans Are to Blame

Google says in six years its self-driving cars have been involved in only 12 minor accidents, all of which were the fault of humans. 

U.s. Surveillance Backlash Could Cost Tech Companies More Than $35 Billion By 2016
From ACM Careers

U.s. Surveillance Backlash Could Cost Tech Companies More Than $35 Billion By 2016

The U.S. government's widespread data surveillance practices are likely to cost U.S. cloud computing and other technology companies more money than originally expected...

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink
From ACM News

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink

In an unusual twist on biometrics research, US computer scientists have joined with law-enforcement officials to find new ways to automatically detect tattoos on...

Nasa Spacecraft Detects Impact Glass on Surface of Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Detects Impact Glass on Surface of Mars

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has detected deposits of glass within impact craters on Mars.

Brillo as an Underlying Operating System for Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

Brillo as an Underlying Operating System for Internet of Things

The announcement of Project Brillo was one of the highlight's of Google's recent I/O conference.

New Website Can Identify Birds Using Photos
From ACM TechNews

New Website Can Identify Birds Using Photos

The Merlin Bird Photo ID is a bird photo identifier program that can recognize 400 of the most commonly seen birds in the United States and Canada. 

Giving Physical Shape to Invisible Signals
From ACM News

Giving Physical Shape to Invisible Signals

When a newly renovated apartment in San Francisco went on the market earlier this year for roughly $8.5 million, its asking price included a somewhat unexpected...

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright
From ACM News

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright

It's a scenario straight out of a Hollywood movie.

Scientists Aspire to Nature's Genius With 'biomimetic' Research
From ACM News

Scientists Aspire to Nature's Genius With 'biomimetic' Research

Engineers and researchers looking for the next big thing are turning more than ever to their own back yards for inspiration.

How the Country's Top Privacy Cop Is Trying to Protect Consumers in the Digital Age
From ACM Opinion

How the Country's Top Privacy Cop Is Trying to Protect Consumers in the Digital Age

As the digital economy has exploded, tech companies are collecting untold amounts of data on everyday Americans.

Meraculous: Deciphering the 'book of Life' With Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Meraculous: Deciphering the 'book of Life' With Supercomputers

A team of researchers has streamlined and accelerated genome assembly from a months-long process to minutes via the development of a new tool. 

Quest For Buried Knowledge Continues With New Computer Software Tool
From ACM TechNews

Quest For Buried Knowledge Continues With New Computer Software Tool

A new computer software tool will enable scholars to read the writings of ancient scrolls without having to unroll or open them. 

Korean ​robot Makers Walk Off With $2 Million Prize
From ACM News

Korean ​robot Makers Walk Off With $2 Million Prize

A team of roboticists from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology claimed a $2 million prize on Saturday that was offered by a Pentagon research...

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'
From ACM Opinion

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'

Google is in hot water in Europe, and its head of European operations is trying to cool things off.
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