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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

It Begins: Bots Are Learning to Chat in Their Own Language
From ACM News

It Begins: Bots Are Learning to Chat in Their Own Language

Igor Mordatch is IS working to build machines that can carry on a conversation.

Wi-Fi on Rays of Light: 100 Times Faster, and Never Overloaded
From ACM TechNews

Wi-Fi on Rays of Light: 100 Times Faster, and Never Overloaded

Researchers have developed a Wi-Fi network based on directable infrared light rays.

Quantum Physics Offers Insights Into Music Expressivity
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Physics Offers Insights Into Music Expressivity

Researchers have pioneered a new approach to understanding the musical experience by analyzing the vibrato effect using the Filter Diagonalization Method in music...

X-Rays Map the 3D Interior of Integrated Circuits
From ACM TechNews

X-Rays Map the 3D Interior of Integrated Circuits

Researchers have used x-rays to peer within commercial integrated circuits and reconstruct them in three dimensions.

A Scientist and a Supercomputer Re-Create a Tornado
From ACM TechNews

A Scientist and a Supercomputer Re-Create a Tornado

Researchers are using supercomputer simulations to study the structure of tornado-producing supercell thunderstorms.

Sorry, a Robot Is Not About to Replace Your Lawyer
From ACM News

Sorry, a Robot Is Not About to Replace Your Lawyer

Impressive advances in artificial intelligence technology tailored for legal work have led some lawyers to worry that their profession may be Silicon Valley's next...

Chemists Are First in Line For Quantum Computing's Benefits
From ACM News

Chemists Are First in Line For Quantum Computing's Benefits

This month IBM and Google both said they aim to commercialize quantum computers within the next few years (Google specified five), selling access to the exotic...

How Chip Designers Are Breaking Moore's Law
From ACM News

How Chip Designers Are Breaking Moore's Law

Microprocessors got smaller, faster, and more power-efficient, but as they reach their physical limitations, chip architecture is driving performance gains.

Experiments Show Titan Lakes May Fizz with Nitrogen
From ACM News

Experiments Show Titan Lakes May Fizz with Nitrogen

A recent NASA-funded study has shown how the hydrocarbon lakes and seas of Saturn's moon Titan might occasionally erupt with dramatic patches of bubbles.

Ancestryai Algorithm Traces Your Family Tree Back More Than 300 Years
From ACM TechNews

Ancestryai Algorithm Traces Your Family Tree Back More Than 300 Years

Researchers have developed a family tree artificial intelligence algorithm that looks for connections between 5 million baptisms from the end of the 17th century...

So Long Stiffness: Stanford Engineers ­se Soup Additive to Create a Stretchable Plastic Electrode
From ACM TechNews

So Long Stiffness: Stanford Engineers ­se Soup Additive to Create a Stretchable Plastic Electrode

Stanford University researchers have demonstrated how to take a brittle plastic and modify it chemically to make it much more flexible, while slightly enhancing...

In Black Box Algorithms We Trust (or Do We?)
From ACM News

In Black Box Algorithms We Trust (or Do We?)

Some issues that arise from the use of algorithms may be due to the data they are fed, rather than their black-box nature.  

What If Quantum Computers ­sed Hard Drives Made of Dna?
From ACM News

What If Quantum Computers ­sed Hard Drives Made of Dna?

You've heard the hype: The quantum computer revolution is coming. Physicists say these devices will be fast enough to break every encryption method banks use today...

Nanoscale Logic Machines Go Beyond Binary Computing
From ACM TechNews

Nanoscale Logic Machines Go Beyond Binary Computing

An international team of academic researchers has built minuscule logic machines that physically model computational problems and exploit the innate randomness...

Doubts About Whether Internet Filters Protect Teenagers Online
From ACM TechNews

Doubts About Whether Internet Filters Protect Teenagers Online

Researchers surveyed 515 teenagers and their parents about whether they used technical tools to control or manage access to online content.

Scientists Develop a System That Predicts the Behavior of Tsunamis in Less Than 10 Minutes
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Develop a System That Predicts the Behavior of Tsunamis in Less Than 10 Minutes

Researchers at the University of Granada in Spain say they have developed a simulator that needs only 10 minutes to predict the behavior of tsunamis generated by...

Vint Cerf: It's On All of ­S to Fight Online Abuse, Fake News
From ACM News

Vint Cerf: It's On All of ­S to Fight Online Abuse, Fake News

The father of the internet says social pressure -- people collectively saying, "This is wrong" -- is crucial to battling misinformation and harassment.

Quantum Computer Learns to 'see' Trees
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Learns to 'see' Trees

St. Mary's College researchers trained a quantum computer to recognize trees, a breakthrough they say could help scientists use other quantum systems for complicated...

Researchers Create 'time Crystals' Envisioned By Princeton Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create 'time Crystals' Envisioned By Princeton Scientists

Researchers at Harvard University and the University of Maryland have generated time crystals based on the theoretical work of Princeton University scientists. ...

The Quest to Crystallize Time
From ACM News

The Quest to Crystallize Time

Christopher Monroe spends his life poking at atoms with light.
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