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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Has Patented the Ability to Control a Robot Army
From ACM News

Google Has Patented the Ability to Control a Robot Army

After getting a patent for giving robots personalities last month, Google now wants to unleash an army of Rodney Dangerfield bots on the world.

Space Scientists Create Common Data Hub, Universal Language For Mission Data
From ACM TechNews

Space Scientists Create Common Data Hub, Universal Language For Mission Data

A consortium of European researchers have debuted a new common data hub that allows space scientists to compare data from different space missions. 

Alan Turing Manuscript Sells for $1 Million
From ACM TechNews

Alan Turing Manuscript Sells for $1 Million

A 56-page handwritten manuscript by mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing has sold at auction for more than $1 million. 

Vest Helps Deaf Feel, Understand Speech
From ACM TechNews

Vest Helps Deaf Feel, Understand Speech

Rice University computer and electrical engineering students are developing a vest that will enable deaf people to sense and understand speech. 

Eu Officially Strikes at Google on Shopping Service, Android
From ACM News

Eu Officially Strikes at Google on Shopping Service, Android

The European Union officially accused Google of violating antitrust laws, claiming it abused its dominance in search to favor its shopping results.

Nasa Mars Rover's Weather Data Bolster Case For Brine
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover's Weather Data Bolster Case For Brine

Martian weather and soil conditions that NASA's Curiosity rover has measured, together with a type of salt found in Martian soil, could put liquid brine in the...

How the Computer Got Its Revenge on the Soviet Union
From ACM News

How the Computer Got Its Revenge on the Soviet Union

In 1950, with the Cold War in full swing, Soviet journalists were looking desperately for something to help them fill their anti-American propaganda quota.

Translation By Technology
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Translation By Technology

A switch to machine learning techniques has led to steady improvements in automated translation.

The Wearable Device That Could ­nlock a New Human Sense
From ACM News

The Wearable Device That Could ­nlock a New Human Sense

In March, the neuroscientist David Eagleman stood on stage to give a TED talk on sensory substitution, the idea of replacing the duties of one sense by using another...

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure
From ACM Opinion

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure

Edward Snowden appears to have a thing for the late British conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher. And his obsession may even be clouding his famously paranoid...

'Let's Encrypt' Will Try to Secure the Internet
From ACM TechNews

'Let's Encrypt' Will Try to Secure the Internet

The Linux Foundation will support the Internet Security Research Group's "Let's Encrypt" project to develop a tool to encrypt website and mobile data traffic. 

Graphics in Reverse
From ACM TechNews

Graphics in Reverse

Programs of less than 50 lines in a probabilistic programming language are as effective as conventional systems for completing some standard computer-vision tasks...

Ibm Tests Mobile Computing Pioneer's Controversial Brain Algorithms
From ACM News

Ibm Tests Mobile Computing Pioneer's Controversial Brain Algorithms

For more than a decade Jeff Hawkins, founder of mobile computing company Palm, has dedicated his time and fortune to a theory meant to explain the workings of the...

Mystery of Ceres' Bright Spots Grows
From ACM News

Mystery of Ceres' Bright Spots Grows

Not all of the puzzling bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres are alike.

Air Force's Secret 'gorgon Stare' Program Leaves Terrorists Nowhere To Hide
From ACM News

Air Force's Secret 'gorgon Stare' Program Leaves Terrorists Nowhere To Hide

In Greek mythology, Gorgons were creatures whose terrible visages could turn men to stone with a single glance.

Can Bluetooth Power the Iot Mesh Network?
From ACM TechNews

Can Bluetooth Power the Iot Mesh Network?

Bluetooth is an excellent candidate for connecting devices in an Internet of Things because it is employed widely in smart devices and uses very little power. 

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning
From ACM News

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning

Smartphones and other personal electronic devices could, in regions where they are in widespread use, function as early warning systems for large earthquakes, according...

Human Cruise Control App Steers People on Their Way
From ACM News

Human Cruise Control App Steers People on Their Way

For a few days last summer, a handful of students walked through a park behind the University of Hannover in Germany.

Nature's Patterns: Golden Spirals and Branching Fractals
From ACM News

Nature's Patterns: Golden Spirals and Branching Fractals

Certain patterns, such as the fractal, are repeated over and over in nature—with some spectacular contrasts on wildly different scales.

Up Against Laws of Physics, Bell Labs Pushes Network Performance
From ACM News

Up Against Laws of Physics, Bell Labs Pushes Network Performance

By using more spectrum and developing new ways to send multiple channels of data at the same time, researchers at Bell Labs are working to increase bandwidths over...
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