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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

MIT Researchers Bring Javascript to Google Glass
From ACM TechNews

MIT Researchers Bring Javascript to Google Glass

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed WearScript, a Javascript environment that runs on Google Glass. 

­niversity of Idaho Competes with Big Leagues in Computing
From ACM TechNews

­niversity of Idaho Competes with Big Leagues in Computing

The University of Idaho is home to Big-STEM, a supercomputer that provides researchers with an enhanced amount of memory to support large-scale simulations.

Nsa Infiltrated Rsa Security More Deeply Than Thought  Study
From ACM News

Nsa Infiltrated Rsa Security More Deeply Than Thought Study

Security industry pioneer RSA adopted not just one but two encryption tools developed by the U.S. National Security Agency, greatly increasing the spy agency's...

How Far Will the Supreme Court Go to Stop Patent Trolls?
From ACM News

How Far Will the Supreme Court Go to Stop Patent Trolls?

What kinds of software—if any—deserve a patent?

Lens-Free Camera Sees Things Differently
From ACM TechNews

Lens-Free Camera Sees Things Differently

In a new system, a curved camera lens is replaced with a tiny sensor that uses a spiral shape to map light and a computer determines the resulting image. 

In New Case, Supreme Court Revisits the Question of Software Patents
From ACM News

In New Case, Supreme Court Revisits the Question of Software Patents

If you write a book or a song, you can get copyright protection for it. If you invent a pill or a better mousetrap, you can patent it.

Comet Lander Checks In with Earth
From ACM News

Comet Lander Checks In with Earth

The Philae lander, which Europe hopes to put on the surface of a comet later this year, has been re-activated after three years in deep-space hibernation.

Search For Lost Jet Is Complicated By Geopolitics and Rivalries
From ACM News

Search For Lost Jet Is Complicated By Geopolitics and Rivalries

The frantic hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been, in one way, a nearly miraculous display of international collaboration: 26 nations, many of them rivals...

Cross-Industry Iot Group Pushes For Gear That Works Together
From ACM TechNews

Cross-Industry Iot Group Pushes For Gear That Works Together

Five information technology and equipment firms launched the Industrial Internet Consortium Thursday to guide standards for the Internet of Things. 

Consortium Wants Standards For 'internet of Things'
From ACM News

Consortium Wants Standards For 'internet of Things'

Attention: Internet of Things. For better or worse, big boys are in the room.

How Vintage Tech Helped ­S Track the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet
From ACM News

How Vintage Tech Helped ­S Track the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

The saga of MH370, the Malaysian Airlines flight missing for more than two weeks, seems to be entering its final chapter.

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It
From ACM Careers

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It

When Butler fell a precious few inches short of winning a national championship in 2010, its players took the court during that season believing they were the most...

Could Diamonds Be a Computer’s Best Friend?
From ACM TechNews

Could Diamonds Be a Computer’s Best Friend?

Researchers have demonstrated that information can flow through a diamond wire, a finding that could lead to the material's use in computing. 

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat
From ACM News

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat

American officials have long considered Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, a security threat, blocking it from business deals in the United States for...

Parallel Programming May Not Be So Daunting
From ACM TechNews

Parallel Programming May Not Be So Daunting

Researchers plan to demonstrate an analytics technique suggesting that, in a wide range of real-word scenarios, lock-free algorithms can provide wait-free performance...

Speech-to-Speech Translations Stutter, But Researchers See Mellifluous Future
From Communications of the ACM

Speech-to-Speech Translations Stutter, But Researchers See Mellifluous Future

The practical need for accurate instant or simultaneous machine translations continues to grow as applications multiply.

Revelations of N.s.a. Spying Cost ­.s. Tech Companies
From ACM News

Revelations of N.s.a. Spying Cost ­.s. Tech Companies

Microsoft has lost customers, including the government of Brazil.

Graphene Helps Copper Wires Keep Their Cool
From ACM News

Graphene Helps Copper Wires Keep Their Cool

When people in the chip industry talk about the thermal problems in computer processors, they get dramatic.

Building Bicep2: A Conversation with Jamie Bock
From ACM Opinion

Building Bicep2: A Conversation with Jamie Bock

Caltech Professor of Physics Jamie Bock and his collaborators announced on March 17, 2014 that they have successfully measured a B-mode polarization signal in the...

The $1,000 Genome
From ACM News

The $1,000 Genome

In Silicon Valley, Moore's law seems to stand on equal footing with the natural laws codified by Isaac Newton.
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