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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa Has Its Sights Set on Europa
From ACM News

Nasa Has Its Sights Set on Europa

Yesterday, NASA announced its Fiscal Year 2016 budget request.

Rosetta's Lost Comet Lander Philae Could Wake ­p in May Sunshine
From ACM News

Rosetta's Lost Comet Lander Philae Could Wake ­p in May Sunshine

Spring is seen as a time of renewal. Flowers bloom. Days get longer. New life emerges. Something similar could happen on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the object...

AI Won't End the World, But It Might Take Your Job
From ACM News

AI Won't End the World, But It Might Take Your Job

There's been a lot of fear about the future of artificial intelligence.

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch
From ACM News

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch

In the last three months of 2014, the Associated Press published 3,000 articles on the earning reports of U.S. companies. Previously it could publish only 300.

Ibm's Sophisticated Cryptographic Algorithm Protects Your Identity
From ACM TechNews

Ibm's Sophisticated Cryptographic Algorithm Protects Your Identity

Identity Mixer is a cloud-based technology that uses an algorithm to encrypt the certified identity attributes of a user. 

Hackers ­se Old Lure on Web to Help Syrian Government
From ACM TechNews

Hackers ­se Old Lure on Web to Help Syrian Government

Hackers working on behalf of the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have been very successful in stealing crucial battlefield data from rebels.

Parallelizing Common Algorithms
From ACM News

Parallelizing Common Algorithms

Every undergraduate computer-science major takes a course on data structures, which describes different ways of organizing data in a computer’s memory.

New Rules in China ­pset Western Tech Companies
From ACM News

New Rules in China ­pset Western Tech Companies

The Chinese government has adopted new regulations requiring companies that sell computer equipment to Chinese banks to turn over secret source code, submit to...

Shopping Habits Reveal Personal Details in 'anonymized' Data
From ACM News

Shopping Habits Reveal Personal Details in 'anonymized' Data

Details about where and when you use your credit card could help reveal your identity to data thieves—even if they don't know your name, address and other personal...

Can Drones Hunt With Wolf Pack-Like Success? DARPA Thinks So
From ACM TechNews

Can Drones Hunt With Wolf Pack-Like Success? DARPA Thinks So

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to enable groups of drones to operate collaboratively under the supervision of a single human commander...

Business Secretary Cable Announces Partners in the Alan Turing Institute
From ACM TechNews

Business Secretary Cable Announces Partners in the Alan Turing Institute

The U.K.'s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has selected five universities to lead the Alan Turing Institute. 

Csi Computer Science: Your Coding Style Can Give You Away
From ACM TechNews

Csi Computer Science: Your Coding Style Can Give You Away

Researchers have developed a code stylometry using natural language processing and machine learning to determine the authors of source code based on coding style...

Gullies on Vesta Suggest Past Water-Mobilized Flows
From ACM News

Gullies on Vesta Suggest Past Water-Mobilized Flows

Protoplanet Vesta, visited by NASA's Dawn spacecraft from 2011 to 2013, was once thought to be completely dry, incapable of retaining water because of the low temperatures...

Portable Mind-Reader Gives Voice to Locked-In People
From ACM News

Portable Mind-Reader Gives Voice to Locked-In People

You wake up in hospital unable to move, to speak, to twitch so much as an eyelid.

The Technology that ­nmasks Your Hidden Emotion
From ACM News

The Technology that ­nmasks Your Hidden Emotion

Paul Ekman, perhaps the world's most famous face reader, fears he has created a monster.

Will Nano Technology Soon Allow You to 'swallow the Doctor'?
From ACM News

Will Nano Technology Soon Allow You to 'swallow the Doctor'?

Imagine a swarm of microscopic robots, so tiny that a teaspoon can hold billions of them.

Charles H. Townes, Who Paved Way For the Laser in Daily Life, Dies at 99
From ACM Careers

Charles H. Townes, Who Paved Way For the Laser in Daily Life, Dies at 99

Charles H. Townes, a visionary physicist whose research led to the development of the laser, making it possible to play CDs, scan prices at the supermarket, measure...

The Search Engine of the Future Will Be All-Seeing, All-Knowing 'watcher in the Sky'
From ACM TechNews

The Search Engine of the Future Will Be All-Seeing, All-Knowing 'watcher in the Sky'

Stefan Weitz, until recently senior director of search at Bing, observes the Internet has become much more massive since Google was conceived in the 1990s. 

Top Technews Stories of 2014
From ACM News

Top Technews Stories of 2014

ACM delivers the TechNews computer science and technology newsletter to nearly 100,000 ACM members three times each week.

In the Future, Your Touchscreens Will Touch You Back
From ACM Opinion

In the Future, Your Touchscreens Will Touch You Back

You comfort your grieving friend online over chat, but you can't reach out and touch their shoulder.
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