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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa Outlines Ingenious Plan to Resurrect the Kepler Planet Hunter
From ACM News

Nasa Outlines Ingenious Plan to Resurrect the Kepler Planet Hunter

Back in August, NASA formally threw in the towel on attempts to get its Kepler planet-hunting probe working again.

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations
From ACM Opinion

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations

The fiasco with the $600 million federal health insurance website wasn't all bureaucratic.

Supreme Court Declines Case on Making Online Retailers Collect Sales Taxes
From ACM News

Supreme Court Declines Case on Making Online Retailers Collect Sales Taxes

The Supreme Court on Monday declined to get involved in state efforts to force online retailers such as to collect sales tax from customers even in places...

When Algorithms Grow Accustomed to Your Face
From ACM TechNews

When Algorithms Grow Accustomed to Your Face

Computer software currently exists that can read subtle, millisecond-long facial cues of a person's emotions via frame-by-frame video analysis. 

Supercomputer-Driven Materials Design
From ACM News

Supercomputer-Driven Materials Design

The job of a materials scientist—to warp matter into new and useful forms—has historically involved a ridiculous amount of guesswork.

China Launches Moon Rover Mission
From ACM News

China Launches Moon Rover Mission

China's latest display of ambition in space involves sending a Jade Rabbit roaming across the Bay of Rainbows.

Scientists Seek Other Scientists For Cosmology Problem
From ACM News

Scientists Seek Other Scientists For Cosmology Problem

How do you measure something that is invisible?

Jury: Newegg Infringes Spangenberg Patent, Must Pay $2.3 Million
From ACM News

Jury: Newegg Infringes Spangenberg Patent, Must Pay $2.3 Million

Newegg, an online retailer that has made a name for itself fighting the non-practicing patent holders sometimes called "patent trolls," sits on the losing end of...

How Do Game Companies Share Massive Files?
From ACM News

How Do Game Companies Share Massive Files?

Electronic Arts' multi-player shooter "Battlefield 4" exploded onto the computer games scene earlier this month, giving players a realistic taste of military combat...

Can You Hack It?
From ACM Opinion

Can You Hack It?

Wherever you're sitting right now, take a moment to note the connected devices around you.

Text Messages Tell Drivers When There's a Jam Ahead
From ACM TechNews

Text Messages Tell Drivers When There's a Jam Ahead

Drivers in Nairobi, Kenya, should have an easier time navigating traffic thanks to a new text message service from IBM Research Africa. 

Body Sensors Measure Impact of Blasts on Soldiers
From ACM News

Body Sensors Measure Impact of Blasts on Soldiers

Along with the heavy body armor and weapons they carry in the field, U.S. troops may soon be wearing another piece of equipment: a lightweight canvas pouch with...

Today, Glasses. Tomorrow, Body Implants?
From ACM News

Today, Glasses. Tomorrow, Body Implants?

Wearable gadgets like smart watches and Google Glass can seem like a fad that has all the durability of CB radios or Duran Duran, but they're important early signs...

'wise Chisels': Art, Craftsmanship, and Power Tools
From ACM News

'wise Chisels': Art, Craftsmanship, and Power Tools

It's often easy to tell at a glance the difference between a mass-produced object and one that has been handcrafted: The handmade item is likely to have distinctive...

Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics
From ACM News

Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics

What could possibly go wrong?

Quantum Light Harvesting Hints at Entirely New Form of Computing
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Light Harvesting Hints at Entirely New Form of Computing

The classical and quantum processes used by plants and bacteria to efficiently harvest light could have a transformative effect on computing. 

25 Ideas to Improve Government--From Citizens
From ACM TechNews

25 Ideas to Improve Government--From Citizens

Ideation Nation, a five-week civic engagement project, is striving to promote greater collaboration among citizens and governments. 

The Online Dating Engine That Assesses Your Taste in the Opposite Sex (and Whether They Find You Attractive)
From ACM TechNews

The Online Dating Engine That Assesses Your Taste in the Opposite Sex (and Whether They Find You Attractive)

A new dating recommendation engine suggests potential dates based not only on mutual interests, but also on a person's likelihood to reply to initial contact. 

My Quantum Algorithm Won't Break the Internet… Yet
From ACM Opinion

My Quantum Algorithm Won't Break the Internet… Yet

Internet security relies on the fact that our computers can't break its cryptosystems. But the quantum algorithm you devised has the potential to do just that.

Newegg Trial: Crypto Legend Takes the Stand, Goes For Knockout Patent Punch
From ACM News

Newegg Trial: Crypto Legend Takes the Stand, Goes For Knockout Patent Punch

Newegg's courtroom face-off with patent-licensing giant TQP Development is nearing its end.
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