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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Termite-Inspired Robots Build With Bricks
From ACM TechNews

Termite-Inspired Robots Build With Bricks

Researchers have developed software that determines how autonomous robots can make specific structures by following the same set of rules. 

Open Data vs. the Flood: How High-Tech Is Helping Venice Deal With High Tides
From ACM TechNews

Open Data vs. the Flood: How High-Tech Is Helping Venice Deal With High Tides

The Acqualta project in Venice, aims to engage citizens in an effort to monitor flooding in the city's canals using open data and sensor technology. 

How Airbus Is Debugging the A350
From ACM Careers

How Airbus Is Debugging the A350

A few times a month, Airbus Flight Test Engineer Patrick du Ché stands up from his desk, takes off his jacket and tie, walks to the coat rack in the corner of his...

Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack
From ACM News

Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack

It's been a long time coming, and some experts say it isn't enough.

Japan Sensor Will Let Diaper Say Baby Needs Changing
From ACM TechNews

Japan Sensor Will Let Diaper Say Baby Needs Changing

Diapers could enabled to notify parents when they need to change their baby, using a disposable organic sensor developed by University of Tokyo professors. 

Everything We Know About How the Nsa Tracks People's Physical Location
From ACM News

Everything We Know About How the Nsa Tracks People's Physical Location

Glenn Greenwald is back reporting about the NSA, now with Pierre Omidyar's news organization FirstLook and its introductory publication, The Intercept.

Medicine Gets ­p Close and Personal
From ACM News

Medicine Gets ­p Close and Personal

Leroy Hood, president of the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, Washington, likes to talk about what he calls P4 medicine: health care that is predictive...

Inside the Google Earth Satellite Factory
From ACM Careers

Inside the Google Earth Satellite Factory

Behind a long rectangular window, in a high white room tended by ghostly figures in masks and hats, a new satellite is taking shape.

Herding Robots
From ACM TechNews

Herding Robots

Researchers say they have developed a system that combines existing robotic control programs to enable multiagent systems to collaborate in complex ways. 

A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions
From ACM Opinion

A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions

Don Harrison became Google's head of mergers and acquisitions about a year ago.

From ACM News

Herding Robots

Writing a program to control a single autonomous robot navigating an uncertain environment with an erratic communication link is hard enough; write one for multiple...

Baxter and the Second Machine Age
From ACM News

Baxter and the Second Machine Age

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th century is not just the story of steam power, but steam started it all.

Yahoo Expands Research Labs in Search of Personalized, Mobile Experiences
From ACM Careers

Yahoo Expands Research Labs in Search of Personalized, Mobile Experiences

There are many conflicting opinions about what troubled Web giant Yahoo must do to turn itself around, but critics and company leaders at least agree on one thing...

The Growing Need to Recycle Electronics
From ACM News

The Growing Need to Recycle Electronics

e-Cycling allows reclamation of valuable materials, and helps prevent pollution.

Target's Heating and Refrigeration Company Gave Hackers the Key to Customer Data
From ACM News

Target's Heating and Refrigeration Company Gave Hackers the Key to Customer Data

The massive Target data breach is a symbol of the need for tighter data security in big retail chains, but it's also still an evolving story in its own right.

Ballistic Transport in Graphene Suggests New Type of Electronic Device
From ACM TechNews

Ballistic Transport in Graphene Suggests New Type of Electronic Device

Researchers have found that electrical resistance in nanoribbons of epitaxial graphene changes in discrete steps following quantum mechanical principles. 

Researcher Takes a Muscular Approach to Robotics
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Takes a Muscular Approach to Robotics

A team at Harvard University has developed a robotic device to restore movement for sufferers of neuromuscular disorders that affect the foot and ankle. 

Wikipedia vs. the Small Screen
From ACM TechNews

Wikipedia vs. the Small Screen

The Wikipedia Foundation formed a team of software developers to focus on developing the site for use with mobile devices. 

Virtual Games Bring Pinball to New Audiences
From ACM Careers

Virtual Games Bring Pinball to New Audiences

The flashing lights, cool sound effects and high-speed bouncing ball action have made pinball simulators a hugely popular genre of video game, not to mention big...

2013 Visualization Challenge
From ACM News

2013 Visualization Challenge

With a Ph.D. in neuroscience and a love of Asian art, it may have been inevitable that Greg Dunn would combine them to create sparse, striking illustrations of...
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