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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cybersecurity Concept For Unmanned Systems
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Concept For Unmanned Systems

Researchers have developed the System-Aware Cybersecurity concept and Secure Sentinel technology to improve defenses for unmanned drones against cyberattacks. 

Software Speeds Detection of Diseases and Cancer-Treatment Targets
From ACM TechNews

Software Speeds Detection of Diseases and Cancer-Treatment Targets

Researchers say they have developed software that can identify DNA from viruses in all parts of the Tree of Life. 

Google and Nasa Ride D-Wave to a Quantum Future
From ACM News

Google and Nasa Ride D-Wave to a Quantum Future

They could be the most powerful computers in the world—so perhaps it's no surprise that the biggest internet company on the planet is testing one out.

Brain Inspired Data Engineering
From ACM TechNews

Brain Inspired Data Engineering

IMDEA Networks launched the BRAin inspired Data Engineering (BRADE-CM) research project in October. 

Physics: Quantum Computer Quest
From ACM News

Physics: Quantum Computer Quest

When asked what he likes best about working for Google, physicist John Martinis does not mention the famous massage chairs in the hallways, or the free snacks available...

Google Can Now Tell You're Not a Robot With Just One Click
From ACM News

Google Can Now Tell You're Not a Robot With Just One Click

When Alan Turing first conceived of the Turing Test in 1947, he suggested that a computer program’s resemblance to a human mind could be gauged by making it answer...

What's Next For the Rosetta Mission and Comet Exploration
From ACM News

What's Next For the Rosetta Mission and Comet Exploration

Somewhere dark and icy on a comet 320 million miles away, the history-making, comet-bouncing Philae spacecraft is sleeping.

Bitcoin Lets Users Avoid Censorship
From ACM TechNews

Bitcoin Lets Users Avoid Censorship

An Eindhoven University of Technology student has developed software that encrypts messages for the Bitcoin network. 

MIT Engineers Have High Hopes For Cheetah Robot
From ACM TechNews

MIT Engineers Have High Hopes For Cheetah Robot

A new cheetah-inspired robot can run on batteries at speeds of more than 10 miles per hour, jump about 16 inches high, land safely, and continue running for 15...

See It, Touch It, Feel It
From ACM TechNews

See It, Touch It, Feel It

University of Bristol researchers have developed a method to produce three-dimensional shapes that can be felt in mid-air. 

Can Internet Companies Monitor Terrorists?
From ACM News

Can Internet Companies Monitor Terrorists?

Facebook is saying little apart from the fact that "we do not allow terrorist content on the site and take steps to prevent people from using our service for these...

3-D-Printing Bio-Electronic Parts
From ACM News

3-D-Printing Bio-Electronic Parts

A 3-D printer can already make a prototype or spare part out of metal or polymer.

How Google 'translates' Pictures Into Words ­sing Vector Space Mathematics
From ACM News

How Google 'translates' Pictures Into Words ­sing Vector Space Mathematics

Translating one language into another has always been a difficult task.

Intel ­pgrades Stephen Hawking's Portal to the World
From ACM News

Intel ­pgrades Stephen Hawking's Portal to the World

Movie audiences who went to theaters this fall to see The Theory of Everything got a glimpse of the challenges physicist Stephen Hawking has overcome to deliver...

Modeling the Ripples of Health Care Information
From ACM TechNews

Modeling the Ripples of Health Care Information

University of Chicago researchers will use a $3-million U.S. National Institutes of Health grant to create a tool for assessing health care innovations and policies...

Studying the Speed of Multi-Hop Bluetooth Networks
From ACM TechNews

Studying the Speed of Multi-Hop Bluetooth Networks

Researchers  have studied the performance of Bluetooth networks and measured the delays taking place in information transmission. 

To Lure Young, Movie Theaters Shake, Smell and Spritz
From ACM News

To Lure Young, Movie Theaters Shake, Smell and Spritz

Having tried 3-D films, earsplitting sound systems and even alcohol sales in pursuit of younger moviegoers, some theater chains are now installing undulating seats...

Virtual Money--At Your Own Risk
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Money--At Your Own Risk

Bitcoin does not protect a user's Internet Protocol address and can be linked to transactions in real time, according to a new study. 

The Supreme Court Debates Rap Lyrics to Draw a Line on Criminalizing Online Speech
From ACM News

The Supreme Court Debates Rap Lyrics to Draw a Line on Criminalizing Online Speech

The Supreme Court on Monday looked ready to clarify the law on whether violent threats made on websites like Facebook should be liable for criminal prosecution,...

Why Nasa Looks to Europa to Find the Building Blocks of Life
From ACM News

Why Nasa Looks to Europa to Find the Building Blocks of Life

When it comes to life, biologists have long hypothesised that its origins—on Earth, at least—were in thermal vents on the ocean floor, following a period of ...
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