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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

F­Necole: Social-Emotional Learning Meets Computer Science and Digital Literacy
From ACM TechNews

F­Necole: Social-Emotional Learning Meets Computer Science and Digital Literacy

A European company has combined social-emotional learning with computer science into an elementary education digital curriculum that may soon be offered to U.S....

What Complex Technology Can Learn From Simple Ants
From ACM TechNews

What Complex Technology Can Learn From Simple Ants

Ants' pheromone-laying and -following behavior has inspired an algorithm that uses artificial ants in a virtual environment to solve optimization problems.

Quantum Clouds Leap Ahead
From ACM News

Quantum Clouds Leap Ahead

D-Wave offers access to a cloud-based quantum application environment.

To Keep Old Growth Out of New Shirts, Fashion Turns to Technology
From ACM TechNews

To Keep Old Growth Out of New Shirts, Fashion Turns to Technology

Clothing brands collaborated with a Canadian nonprofit to build a website that can identify forests that should be kept pristine, to make supply chains less ecologically...

Spectre, Meltdown Researchers ­nveil 7 More Speculative Execution Attacks
From ACM News

Spectre, Meltdown Researchers ­nveil 7 More Speculative Execution Attacks

Systematic analysis reveals a range of new issues and a need for new mitigations.

FDA Approves First HoloLens Augmented Reality System for Surgical ­se
From ACM News

FDA Approves First HoloLens Augmented Reality System for Surgical ­se

The technology projects two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and four-dimensional 2D, 3D and 4D images of patients interactively by overlaying them onto the patient's body...

Say Au Revoir to that Hunk of Metal in France that Has Defined the Kilogram 
From ACM News

Say Au Revoir to that Hunk of Metal in France that Has Defined the Kilogram 

The world is about to say au revoir to Le Grand K, a cylinder of platinum and iridium that has long reigned over the world's system of weight measurement.

Where Will Science Take ­s? To the Stars
From ACM News

Where Will Science Take ­s? To the Stars

After 30 hours of bumping along on planes and buses, at long last I stood in the darkness and gazed upon an immense night sky.

Scientists Improve Smartphone Battery Life by ­p to 60%
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Improve Smartphone Battery Life by ­p to 60%

Researchers in the U.K. have developed a way to improve the battery life of mobile devices, by minimizing the power consumption of mobile apps by up to 60%.

AI Could Make Cyberattacks More Dangerous, Harder to Detect
From ACM TechNews

AI Could Make Cyberattacks More Dangerous, Harder to Detect

Scientists warn that hackers could weaponize artificial intelligence to conceal and accelerate cyberattacks and potentially escalate their damage.

New Way to Cool Computer Chips Involves Laser Metal Printing
From ACM TechNews

New Way to Cool Computer Chips Involves Laser Metal Printing

A new manufacturing technique can keep electronics cooler by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing faster, more efficient computation.

Eye-Tracking Technology Could Help AR
From ACM TechNews

Eye-Tracking Technology Could Help AR

Dartmouth College researchers have developed battery-free eye-tracking glasses that could enhance augmented reality technologies.

­pgraded ­.S. Supercomputers Claim Top 2 Spots on Top500 List
From ACM TechNews

­pgraded ­.S. Supercomputers Claim Top 2 Spots on Top500 List

U.S. supercomputers are now ranked in first and second place on the latest Top500 list, due to upgrades.

'Reprogrammed' Stem Cells Implanted Into Patient with Parkinson's Disease
From ACM News

'Reprogrammed' Stem Cells Implanted Into Patient with Parkinson's Disease

Japanese neurosurgeons have implanted 'reprogrammed' stem cells into the brain of a patient with Parkinson's disease for the first time.

NASA's ARIA Maps California Wildfires from Space
From ACM News

NASA's ARIA Maps California Wildfires from Space

California continues to be plagued by wildfires, including the Woolsey Fire near Los Angeles and the Camp Fire in Northern California, now one of the deadliest...

New Attacks on Graphics Processors Endanger User Privacy
From ACM TechNews

New Attacks on Graphics Processors Endanger User Privacy

University of California, Riverside scientists have determined how hackers can exploit graphics processing units to expose private data.

Pitt Researcher ­ses Video Games to ­nlock New Levels of AI
From ACM TechNews

Pitt Researcher ­ses Video Games to ­nlock New Levels of AI

The University of Pittsburgh's Daniel Jiang has developed algorithms that learn decision strategies in complex and uncertain environments, and tests them on video...

Computers + Collaboration = Student Learning, According to New Meta-Analysis
From ACM TechNews

Computers + Collaboration = Student Learning, According to New Meta-Analysis

An international research team analyzed 425 studies conducted since 2000 and concluded computers that support student collaboration beneficially affect learning...

Researchers Rev ­p Review of Peer Review
From ACM News

Researchers Rev ­p Review of Peer Review

Although the global scientific community is becoming more diverse, developing ways to make certain peer reviewers are true "peers" is lagging behind.

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials
From ACM TechNews

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials

Startup Kebotix has created software that learns material chemistry from models of molecules with known properties in order to design novel compounds.
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