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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computational Social Science: Making the Links
From ACM News

Computational Social Science: Making the Links

Jon Kleinberg's early work was not for the mathematically faint of heart.

'degrade, Disrupt, Deceive': ­.s. Talks Openly About Hacking Foes
From ACM News

'degrade, Disrupt, Deceive': ­.s. Talks Openly About Hacking Foes

There was a time, not all that long ago, when the U.S. military wouldn't even whisper about its plans to hack into opponents' networks.

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined
From ACM Opinion

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined

For a center of cutting-edge scientific research, Caltech's Jet Propulsion Lab seems to be a pretty wacky place. Luke Johnson, a graphic designer at the lab, set...

Harness Unused Smartphone Power For a Computing Boost
From ACM News

Harness Unused Smartphone Power For a Computing Boost

Smarphone owners carry around more processing power in their pocket than a 1970s-era supercomputer, but most of the time it languishes unused.

A Who's Who of Mideast-Targeted Malware
From ACM News

A Who's Who of Mideast-Targeted Malware

What do Stuxnet, Duqu, Gauss, Mahdi, Flame, Wiper, and Shamoon have in common?

How Pacific Island Missile Tests Helped Launch the Internet
From ACM News

How Pacific Island Missile Tests Helped Launch the Internet

There are a thousand stories about the origin of the internet, each with their own starting point and their own heroes. Charles Herzfeld's tale began in 1961 on...

Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing
From ACM News

Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing

Within a few years,'s creative destruction of both traditional book publishing and retailing may be footnotes to the company’s larger and more secretive...

Robots to Rescue Coral Reefs
From ACM TechNews

Robots to Rescue Coral Reefs

Heriot-Watt University researchers are developing a swarm of intelligent robots to help save coral reefs.  

Smartphones Challenge Chip Limits
From ACM News

Smartphones Challenge Chip Limits

Smartphones and other devices keep getting smarter, but that may change if a key step in manufacturing computer chips isn't updated soon.

A Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley
From ACM News

A Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley

In recent years, Silicon Valley seems to have forgotten about silicon. It’s been about dot-coms, Web advertising, social networking, and apps for smartphones.

The Rise of Cross-Platform Malware
From ACM News

The Rise of Cross-Platform Malware

For most of the recorded history of malware, viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software have been specialists.

Nasa Rover Returns Voice and Telephoto Views from Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Rover Returns Voice and Telephoto Views from Mars

NASA's Mars Curiosity has debuted the first recorded human voice that traveled from Earth to another planet and back.

DARPA Has Seen the Future of Computing … And It's Analog
From ACM News

DARPA Has Seen the Future of Computing … And It's Analog

By definition, a computer is a machine that processes and stores data as ones and zeroes. But the U.S. Department of Defense wants to tear up that definition and...

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease
From ACM TechNews

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease

IBM's supercomputer Watson is learning to use its language skills to help doctors diagnose patients.  

Stanford Biologist and Computer Scientist Discover the 'anternet'
From ACM News

Stanford Biologist and Computer Scientist Discover the 'anternet'

On the surface, ants and the Internet don't seem to have much in common. But two Stanford researchers have discovered that a species of harvester ants determine...

An Empire Strikes Back: Intel Muscles Into the Mobile Market
From ACM News

An Empire Strikes Back: Intel Muscles Into the Mobile Market

Some of the biggest bets in the computing industry were made on the fifth floor of Intel's Robert Noyce Building, on the northeast corner of the chip giant's main...

Hubble's Hidden Treasures Revealed
From ACM News

Hubble's Hidden Treasures Revealed

Hubble has made over a million observations since launch, but only a small proportion are attractive images—and an even smaller number are ever actually seen by...

Robot Learns to Recognise Itself in the Mirror
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learns to Recognise Itself in the Mirror

Yale University researchers have developed Nico, a humanoid robot that can recognize its reflection in a mirror and identify its arms' location and orientation...

Atomic-Level Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Atomic-Level Computing

Thanks to the University of New South Wales and IBM Research, scientists are moving closer to the junction of quantum and digital computing.

Chips Go Upscale
From Communications of the ACM

Chips Go Upscale

After decades in Flatland, the end of Moore's Law is pushing semiconductors into the third dimension.
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