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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Camera That Peers Around Corners
From ACM TechNews

A Camera That Peers Around Corners

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a system that can produce recognizable three-dimensional images of objects located around corners...

Hp Scientists Envision 10-Teraflop Manycore Chip
From ACM TechNews

Hp Scientists Envision 10-Teraflop Manycore Chip

Hewlett-Packard's research division is developing Corona, a manycore chipset designed to outperform existing average-sized high-performance computing clusters....

Ccc Launches Nitrd Symposium Website
From ACM TechNews

Ccc Launches Nitrd Symposium Website

The CCC recently announced the launch of a Web site that makes available a large corpus of materials from a symposium held Feb. 16 that covered 20 years of coordinated...

Ietf Explores New Working Group on Identity Management in the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Ietf Explores New Working Group on Identity Management in the Cloud

The Internet Engineering Task Force is considering approving the Simple Cloud Identity Management scheme, which manages user identity in cloud-based applications...

Tiny Linux Computer Punches Above Its Weight
From ACM TechNews

Tiny Linux Computer Punches Above Its Weight

The $25 Raspberry Pi computer could have an impact far beyond the educational sector, with early production runs showing significant demand for the technology....

5 Thieves, 5 Cities, 12 Hours: Can Twitter Catch Them?
From ACM TechNews

5 Thieves, 5 Cities, 12 Hours: Can Twitter Catch Them?

The U.S. State Department's Tag Challenge will offer a $5,000 prize to anyone who can use Twitter and other social media and online tools to track down five fictional...

Eavesdropping Antennas Can Steal Your Smart Phone's Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Eavesdropping Antennas Can Steal Your Smart Phone's Secrets

Cryptography Research scientists have developed a method for a standard TV antenna, an amplifier, and specialized software to find the secret key being used by...

DARPA Robot Sprints to Speed Record
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Robot Sprints to Speed Record

A video on DARPA's Web site shows a four-legged robot reaching a galloping speed of up to 18 miles per hour, which is a new land-speed record for legged robots,...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Mayhem

University of Utah researchers are using the University of Tennessee's Cray XT5 Kraken supercomputer to simulate burning and detonation processes in transportable...

Better Living Through Video Gaming
From ACM News

Better Living Through Video Gaming

From AI-designed games to realistic virtual worlds and social physics, gaming is changing our world view.

A Match For Angry Words
From ACM TechNews

A Match For Angry Words

The Dr. Fill artificial intelligence program will debut March 16 at the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament.  

Oak Ridge Morphing Jaguar Supercomputer Into 10+ Petaflop Titan
From ACM TechNews

Oak Ridge Morphing Jaguar Supercomputer Into 10+ Petaflop Titan

The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory is upgrading the Jaguar supercomputer, which is currently the most powerful system in the United States...

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!
From ACM News

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!

Big defense budgets during the aughts financed the deployment of thousands of robots, including unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, to Iraq and Afghanistan...

Pushing the Boundaries of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Pushing the Boundaries of Artificial Intelligence

Boston University Neuromorphics Laboratory researchers are developing an artificial intelligence-based robotics technology that can sense, learn, and adapt.  

Ibm's Molecular Images May Help Nanoscale Circuits
From ACM TechNews

Ibm's Molecular Images May Help Nanoscale Circuits

IBM researchers have succeeded in imaging how charge is distributed inside a single molecule, a breakthrough that could lead to nanometer-scale circuits.  

CeBIT: Robot Obeys to Commands and Gestures
From ACM TechNews

CeBIT: Robot Obeys to Commands and Gestures

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the FZI Research Center for Information Technology will present technology innovations designed to augment...

From ACM TechNews

IBM Touts Quantum Computing Breakthrough

IBM scientists say they achieved a major advance in quantum computing that will enable engineers to start creating a full-scale quantum computer.  

Tiny 3D Chips
From ACM News

Tiny 3D Chips

Microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, are small devices with huge potential. Typically made of components less than 100 microns in size—the diameter of a human...

World's Most Massive Supercomputer Needed For Colossal Space Telescope
From ACM TechNews

World's Most Massive Supercomputer Needed For Colossal Space Telescope

The International Center for Radio Astronomy Research is working with the Canadian Astronomical Data Center to develop systems that will work with the Square Kilometer...

Drexel Engineering Research Brings Seven Adult-Sized Humanoid Robots Together in the ­.s. For the First Time
From ACM TechNews

Drexel Engineering Research Brings Seven Adult-Sized Humanoid Robots Together in the ­.s. For the First Time

Drexel University recently celebrated National Engineers Week by presenting seven adult-sized humanoid robots made by the HUBO Lab.  
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