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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Indoor Gps Is the Final Frontier of Personalized Navigation
From ACM News

Indoor Gps Is the Final Frontier of Personalized Navigation

Labs in the U.S. and U.K. are working on next-generation GPS that's so cool, it won't even use satellites.

Scheduling Algorithms Based on Game Theory Makes Better ­se of Computational Resources
From ACM TechNews

Scheduling Algorithms Based on Game Theory Makes Better ­se of Computational Resources

A new method has been developed to address the scheduling problem in the ASTRO program in cosmology and the WIEK2k program in theoretical chemistry. 

Top500 Supercomputer Race Hits a Slow Patch
From ACM News

Top500 Supercomputer Race Hits a Slow Patch

The performance of the world's fastest computers has been steadily growing for two decades, but the latest tally of their collective performance shows slowing progress...

The Game Theory of Life
From ACM News

The Game Theory of Life

An insight borrowed from computer science suggests that evolution values both fitness and diversity.

Computing a Cure For Hiv: 9 Ways Supercomputers Help Scientists ­nderstand and Treat the Virus
From ACM News

Computing a Cure For Hiv: 9 Ways Supercomputers Help Scientists ­nderstand and Treat the Virus

HIV/AIDS has caused an estimated 36 million deaths, according to the World Health Organization, and remains a major menace worldwide.

China's Lunar Rover Limps Into Another Long Night
From ACM News

China's Lunar Rover Limps Into Another Long Night

As it plunges into another two-week long 'lunar night', Jade Rabbit, China's Moon rover, is living on borrowed time.

­nicode ­pdate Adds Emoji For Spiders, Chili Pepper, 'live Long and Prosper,' and More
From ACM TechNews

­nicode ­pdate Adds Emoji For Spiders, Chili Pepper, 'live Long and Prosper,' and More

The Unicode consortium has updated its character-encoding standard to include an additional 250 emoji. 

Can We See the Arrow of Time?
From ACM TechNews

Can We See the Arrow of Time?

A new algorithm can determine whether a given snippet of video is playing backward or forward with 80-percent accuracy. 

Seeking Reality in the Future of Aeronautical Simulation
From ACM TechNews

Seeking Reality in the Future of Aeronautical Simulation

Computer simulation software is being used to help design future airliners that will cut fuel consumption, reduce polluting emissions, and fly more quietly. 

Facial Recognition Algorithms Improve
From ACM TechNews

Facial Recognition Algorithms Improve

The accuracy of facial-recognition algorithms has improved over the past three years, according to a U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)...

Computing Crime and Punishment
From ACM TechNews

Computing Crime and Punishment

Scientists and historians have performed a computational analysis of historical court records in London. 

Elephants Pave Way For New Intel on Australian Shoppers
From ACM TechNews

Elephants Pave Way For New Intel on Australian Shoppers

Queensland University of Technology researchers have used a Sri Lankan elephant-tracking model to analyze the behavior of shoppers in Australia. 

Crossing the Goal Line: New Tech Tracks Football in 3D Space
From ACM TechNews

Crossing the Goal Line: New Tech Tracks Football in 3D Space

Researchers have developed a system that can track a football in three-dimensional space using low-frequency magnetic fields. 

Neuroscience's New Toolbox
From ACM News

Neuroscience's New Toolbox

The hypothalamus is a small structure deep in the brain that, among other functions, coördinates sensory inputs—the appearance of a rival, for example—with instinctual...

Darpa's Plan X Tech Visualizes Battle's Cyber Effects
From ACM TechNews

Darpa's Plan X Tech Visualizes Battle's Cyber Effects

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Plan X program aims to create technologies to help the Defense Department with cyberwarfare. 

New Computer Program Aims to Teach Itself Everything About Anything
From ACM TechNews

New Computer Program Aims to Teach Itself Everything About Anything

Computer scientists say they have developed the first fully automated computer program that pairs textual and visual data to learn visual concepts. 

Facial Recognition Gets Real
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Gets Real

Facial recognition and expression analysis technologies are maturing, and they're changing the face of marketing, healthcare, security, and more.

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs
From ACM TechNews

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs

Windows bug-testing software is providing insight into how stem cells determine which type of tissue to become. 

Quantum Network Would Be Most Precise Clock Yet
From ACM News

Quantum Network Would Be Most Precise Clock Yet

By exploiting the tricks of quantum physics, researchers say they could build a worldwide network of atomic clocks that are much more accurate than any single clock...

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is

Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...
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