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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Replacing Your Boss With a Cruel Robot Could Make You Concentrate More
From ACM TechNews

Replacing Your Boss With a Cruel Robot Could Make You Concentrate More

A mean robot could motivate human employees to improve their cognitive performance, compared to supervision by a friendly robot or no robot supervision, researchers...

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains
From ACM Careers

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains

Maria Pocovi slides her laptop over to me with the webcam switched on.

How ­npaywall Is Transforming Open Science
From ACM News

How ­npaywall Is Transforming Open Science

After being kicked out of a hotel conference room where they had participated in a three-day open-science workshop and hackathon, a group of computer scientists...

Settling Arguments About Hydrogen With 168 Giant Lasers
From ACM News

Settling Arguments About Hydrogen With 168 Giant Lasers

With gentle pulses from gigantic lasers, scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California transformed hydrogen into droplets of shiny liquid metal...

­niversal Method to Sort Complex Information Found
From ACM TechNews

­niversal Method to Sort Complex Information Found

A multi-institution team of computer scientists has clarified the first general-purpose method of solving nearest neighbor question for complex data.

Report: Python Closes In on C++
From ACM TechNews

Report: Python Closes In on C++

According to the August 2018 TIOBE Index, Python for the first time is closing in on the top three programming languages — Java, C, and C++.

Nvidia ­nveils Real-Time Ray Tracing Turing Graphics Architecture
From ACM TechNews

Nvidia ­nveils Real-Time Ray Tracing Turing Graphics Architecture

Nvidia says it has "reinvented computer graphics" with its Turing graphics-processing unit architecture, which will serve as the platform for a new GPU family that...

IBM Has a Watson Dilemma
From ACM TechNews

IBM Has a Watson Dilemma

IBM's Watson system is falling short of some expectations for its outcomes in the fight against cancer, with many users citing inaccuracy, susceptibility to error...

Quantum Chains in Graphene Nanoribbons
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Chains in Graphene Nanoribbons

Researchers at Empa and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research have succeeded in adjusting the electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons by varying their...

To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians
From ACM News

To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians

You're crossing the street wrong.

Automating Negotiation
From ACM News

Automating Negotiation

Computers are starting to outperform the average human at negotiation.

LHC Physicists Embrace Brute-Force Approach to Particle Hunt
From ACM News

LHC Physicists Embrace Brute-Force Approach to Particle Hunt

A once-controversial approach to particle physics has entered the mainstream at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Wi-Fi Could Be ­sed to Detect Weapons and Bombs
From ACM News

Wi-Fi Could Be ­sed to Detect Weapons and Bombs

Wireless signals can penetrate bags to measure the dimensions of metal objects or estimate the volume of liquids, researchers claim.

How a Computer Learns to Dribble: Practice, Practice, Practice
From ACM TechNews

How a Computer Learns to Dribble: Practice, Practice, Practice

Researchers have developed a physics-based, real-time method for controlling animated characters that can learn basketball dribbling skills from experience.

Georgia Tech Creates Cybersecurity Master's Degree Online for Less Than $10,000
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Creates Cybersecurity Master's Degree Online for Less Than $10,000

The Georgia Institute of Technology will offer an online cybersecurity master's degree that will cost students less than $10,000, in collaboration with edX.

Millions of Businesses Vulnerable to Fax-Based Cyberattack
From ACM TechNews

Millions of Businesses Vulnerable to Fax-Based Cyberattack

Fax machines still in use by millions of organizations worldwide could be exploited by hackers to launch cyberattacks.

RPI Scientists Develop VR Surgery to Feel Real
From ACM TechNews

RPI Scientists Develop VR Surgery to Feel Real

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers have developed a virtual reality system to add realism to virtual surgical training.

The ­nderwater Drones That Hunt for Oil Spills
From ACM TechNews

The ­nderwater Drones That Hunt for Oil Spills

Researchers at the Technical University of Cartagena in Spain deployed five autonomous underwater vehicles to locate and track oil spills below the surface of the...

Spectre-Like Flaw ­ndermines Intel Processors' Most Secure Element
From ACM News

Spectre-Like Flaw ­ndermines Intel Processors' Most Secure Element

A team of researchers has found a Spectre-like vulnerability that specifically undermines the most secure element of recent Intel chips.

How Hacked Water Heaters Could Trigger Mass Blackouts
From ACM News

How Hacked Water Heaters Could Trigger Mass Blackouts

When the cybersecurity industry warns about the nightmare of hackers causing blackouts, the scenario they describe typically entails an elite team of hackers ...
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