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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Antarctic Irc: How Nasa's Flying Lab Stays Connected
From ACM News

Antarctic Irc: How Nasa's Flying Lab Stays Connected

Mars and Antarctica have a lot in common: They're both cold, inhospitable places with terrible broadband service.

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs

It's hard to believe you'd have an economy at all if you gave pink slips to more than half the labor force.

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player
From ACM News

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player

Congratulations. Reading the first paragraph of this article has earned you a badge.

Billions and Billions of Planets
From ACM News

Billions and Billions of Planets

Look up at the night sky and you'll see stars, sure. But the sky is also filled with planets—billions and billions of them at least.

The Future of Medicine Is Now
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Medicine Is Now

In our era of instant gratification, the world of medicine seems like an outlier.

Communications Satellites Made Legal For Export
From ACM Careers

Communications Satellites Made Legal For Export

To the delight of American satellite makers, communications satellites—which orbit Earth to relay phone calls, link ships to shore and broadcast television programs—will...

Popular Office Phones Vulnerable to Eavesdropping Hack, Researchers Say
From ACM News

Popular Office Phones Vulnerable to Eavesdropping Hack, Researchers Say

High-tech telephones common on many workplace desks in the U.S. can be hacked and turned into eavesdropping devices, researchers at Columbia University have discovered...

Military Must Prep Now For 'mutant' Future, Researchers Warn
From ACM News

Military Must Prep Now For 'mutant' Future, Researchers Warn

The U.S. military is already using, or fast developing, a wide range of technologies meant to give troops what California Polytechnic State University researcher...

Apps Crash the Enterprise
From ACM News

Apps Crash the Enterprise

When Apple introduced the App Store in July 2008 it represented nothing less than a revolutionary way to distribute software. Now the concept is invading the enterprise...

Google Cleared of Search Results Bias After 2-Year U.s. Investigation
From ACM News

Google Cleared of Search Results Bias After 2-Year U.s. Investigation

Google has been forced by regulators in the U.S. to agree to legally binding changes to the way it presents some search results and runs its search advertising...

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?
From ACM Opinion

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?

I couldn't help thinking of John Le Carré's spy novels as I awaited my rendezvous with Jaron Lanier in a corner of the lobby of the stylish W Hotel just off Union...

Never-Before-Seen Stage of Planetary Birth Revealed
From ACM News

Never-Before-Seen Stage of Planetary Birth Revealed

Astronomers studying a newborn star have caught a detailed glimpse of planets forming around it, revealing a never-before seen stage of planetary evolution.

Visionary Images: The Lost Fractals of Benoît Mandelbrot
From ACM News

Visionary Images: The Lost Fractals of Benoît Mandelbrot

Many people know Benoît Mandelbrot from the computer screensavers of a pre-LCD era. Others have a deeper understanding of his mathematics, the repeating geometries...

Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt
From ACM News

Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt

The antivirus industry has a dirty little secret: its products are often not very good at stopping viruses.

Ftc Offers $50,000 Reward to Help Stop Robocalls
From ACM Careers

Ftc Offers $50,000 Reward to Help Stop Robocalls

Unwanted telemarketing calls, trademarked for interrupting dinners across the nation, have become such a nuisance over the years that the Federal Trade Commission...

Privacy by the Numbers: A New Approach to Safeguarding Data
From ACM News

Privacy by the Numbers: A New Approach to Safeguarding Data

In 1997, when Massachusetts began making health records of state employees available to medical researchers, the government removed patients' names, addresses,...

Ford Engineers Have 3D Printers on Their Desks. When Will You Get One?
From ACM Opinion

Ford Engineers Have 3D Printers on Their Desks. When Will You Get One?

Ford has caught the DIY revolution and now puts 3D printers at workstations for its engineers.

Forget Yolo: Why 'big Data' Should Be the Word of the Year
From ACM Opinion

Forget Yolo: Why 'big Data' Should Be the Word of the Year

"Big Data" hasn't made any of the words-of-the-year lists I've seen so far. That's probably because it didn't get the wide public exposure given to items like "...

Who Owns the Content You ­pload Online?
From ACM Opinion

Who Owns the Content You ­pload Online?

The outrage over Instagram's announcement that it is changing its terms and conditions has turned the spotlight on the relationship between websites and users who...

Online Translation Breaks Language Barriers
From ACM TechNews

Online Translation Breaks Language Barriers

Free online translation services are improving thanks to better data and more sophisticated algorithms.  Google Translate currently has more than 200 million users...
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