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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

DARPA Seeks ­nderground Mapping Capability
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Seeks ­nderground Mapping Capability

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in September will host competitions to advance geotechnology's subterranean mapping capabilities.

Future Electronic Components to Be Printed Like Newspapers
From ACM TechNews

Future Electronic Components to Be Printed Like Newspapers

Purdue University researchers have developed a manufacturing technique that can make electronics faster than conventional methods.

Hubble Researcher Focuses on Blockchain for Space Data Processing
From ACM TechNews

Hubble Researcher Focuses on Blockchain for Space Data Processing

A Space Telescope Science Institute astronomer is testing a decentralized blockchain network for processing massive volumes of data produced by the Hubble Space...

A Fault-Tolerant System for Stopping 'Leaks' in Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

A Fault-Tolerant System for Stopping 'Leaks' in Quantum Computers

Researchers at Yale University have designed a system to prevent future quantum computers from "leaking" errors in ancillary quantum bits to logical qubits.

Computing Power Solves Molecular Mystery
From ACM TechNews

Computing Power Solves Molecular Mystery

Norwegian University of Science and Technology researchers have come up with a new technique for probing molecular behavior.

One Woman's Math Could Help NASA Put People on Mars
From ACM News

One Woman's Math Could Help NASA Put People on Mars

Kathleen Howell never aspired to walk on the moon. 

Wild About Tech, China Even Loves Robot Waiters That Can't Serve
From ACM News

Wild About Tech, China Even Loves Robot Waiters That Can't Serve

The mind-reading headsets won't read minds.

Augmented Reality Makes Robots Better Coworkers
From ACM TechNews

Augmented Reality Makes Robots Better Coworkers

Roboticists from the University of Colorado, Boulder are investigating the use of augmented reality to improve human-robot collaboration.

Arizona Teachers Trained to Integrate Computer Science in Their Classrooms
From ACM TechNews

Arizona Teachers Trained to Integrate Computer Science in Their Classrooms

Grand Canyon University recently hosted more than 80 teachers from across Arizona for a workshop on how to integrate computer science curriculums into their classrooms...

Japanese Researchers ­se AI to Identify Early-Stage Stomach Cancer With High Accuracy
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Researchers ­se AI to Identify Early-Stage Stomach Cancer With High Accuracy

Researchers have successfully used artificial intelligence to identify early-stage stomach cancer with high accuracy.

Apps Make It Easy for Domestic Abusers to Spy
From ACM TechNews

Apps Make It Easy for Domestic Abusers to Spy

Cornell University researchers have found thousands of applications enabling domestic abusers to spy on their partners.

Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM News

Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles

Consumer fears intensify as self-driving car fatalities dent the driverless dream.

There's Water on Mars! Signs of Buried Lake Tantalize Scientists
From ACM News

There's Water on Mars! Signs of Buried Lake Tantalize Scientists

A large saltwater lake seems to lurk under ice near Mars's south pole.

Hordes of Research Robots Could Be Hijacked for Fun and Sabotage
From ACM News

Hordes of Research Robots Could Be Hijacked for Fun and Sabotage

Many experimental robots that live in research laboratories around the world may be wide open to hackers.

Who Just Beat the Bay Area in Tech Jobs? Toronto
From ACM Careers

Who Just Beat the Bay Area in Tech Jobs? Toronto

Toronto's tech scene is so hot the city created more jobs than the San Francisco Bay area, Seattle and Washington, D.C., combined last year, while leapfrogging...

­sing Machine Learning for Music Knowledge Discovery
From ACM TechNews

­sing Machine Learning for Music Knowledge Discovery

Researchers collaborated on the use of machine learning algorithms to gain new insights about the history of music.

Toolkit for Building a Smart City Plan
From ACM TechNews

Toolkit for Building a Smart City Plan

The Smart Cities Council has rolled out a Web-based portal to help cities gather and organize the data they require for smart city project planning.

The Pentagon Wants to Bring Mind-Controlled Tech to Troops
From ACM TechNews

The Pentagon Wants to Bring Mind-Controlled Tech to Troops

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency  is selecting research teams to develop a neural interface to allow soldiers to link their brains to military...

­O Internet Architect Honored With International Award
From ACM TechNews

­O Internet Architect Honored With International Award

The Internet Society presented Steven Huter with the Jonathan B. Postel Service Award in recognition of his years of work helping to bring the Internet to more...

Toward a Secure Electrical Grid
From ACM TechNews

Toward a Secure Electrical Grid

University of California, Santa Barbara researchers have proposed a new method for protecting the electrical grid from a cyberattack.
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