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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Smartphones Put a Translator in Your Pocket
From ACM News

Smartphones Put a Translator in Your Pocket

The days of madly flipping through bilingual phrase books while trying to converse with somebody in another language is fast giving way to a technological alternative...

My Big Fat European Family: What Genomics Tell ­s About Shared Ancestors
From ACM News

My Big Fat European Family: What Genomics Tell ­s About Shared Ancestors

Last month, a trio of engineers debuted an app that allows Icelanders to determine if they’re actually related to a potential date.

Intelligent Robots Will Overtake Humans By 2100, Experts Say
From ACM Opinion

Intelligent Robots Will Overtake Humans By 2100, Experts Say

Are you prepared to meet your robot overlords?

Google's Chief Internet Evangelist on Creating the Interplanetary Internet
From ACM Opinion

Google's Chief Internet Evangelist on Creating the Interplanetary Internet

When some future Mars colonist is able to open his browser and watch a cat in a shark suit chasing a duck while riding a roomba, they will have Vint Cerf to thank...

China Sees Cyberwar as Reducing ­.s. Advantage in Future Conflict
From ACM News

China Sees Cyberwar as Reducing ­.s. Advantage in Future Conflict

It's one thing to read news concerning the latest report to Congress by the U.S. Department of Defense on China's latest military activities. But with regard to...

Nasa's Spitzer Puts Planets in a Petri Dish
From ACM News

Nasa's Spitzer Puts Planets in a Petri Dish

Our galaxy is teeming with a wild variety of planets.

Robots Able to Reach Through Clutter With Whole-Arm Tactile Sensing
From ACM TechNews

Robots Able to Reach Through Clutter With Whole-Arm Tactile Sensing

A new robot control method works with robotic joints and tactile sensing, keeping a robot's arm flexible and giving it a sense of touch across its entire arm. 

Cheetah-Cub Quadruped Robot Learns to Walk, Trot Using Gait Patterns From Real Animal
From ACM TechNews

Cheetah-Cub Quadruped Robot Learns to Walk, Trot Using Gait Patterns From Real Animal

Researchers say the Cheetah-Cub robotic quadruped proves that gait primitives from the motion capture of an animal can be adapted to a robot. 

Here's How Smartphones, Tablets, and Huge Databases Will ­pend Market Research
From ACM News

Here's How Smartphones, Tablets, and Huge Databases Will ­pend Market Research

If you're tired of those annoying 8 p.m. phone calls asking questions about where you shop, or of carrying an Arbitron sensor to provide radio ratings, your omnipresent...

Why Fbi and CIA Didn't Connect the Dots
From ACM Opinion

Why Fbi and CIA Didn't Connect the Dots

The FBI and the CIA are being criticized for not keeping better track of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the months before the Boston Marathon bombings.

From ACM News

How Today's Sensors Could Make Tomorrow's Cars Safer

Driverless cars haven’t hit the roads yet, but computers are already helping to slow down or stop a car in situations when a crash is imminent.

After an iPhone Is Snatched, a High-Speed Chase
From ACM News

After an iPhone Is Snatched, a High-Speed Chase

The woman was talking on her iPhone, and never saw coming her induction into a large and growing subset of crime victims.

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind
From ACM News

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind

One day in March, I was sitting across from Facebook's design director, Kate Aronowitz, at 1 Hacker Way in Menlo Park when she told me, "It takes a lot of work...

Flexible, Networked E-Ink Displays Mimic Physical Documents
From ACM TechNews

Flexible, Networked E-Ink Displays Mimic Physical Documents

Researchers at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Paris unveiled electronic ink displays that can bend as a form of input. 

Digital Tattoos, Mind-Reading Headphones: The Shape of Things to Come?
From ACM Opinion

Digital Tattoos, Mind-Reading Headphones: The Shape of Things to Come?

Forecasting future technology has never been easy. In the 1950s, scientists and technologists envisaged that by now the world would be free from disease, traversed...

Intel's High-Performance, Low-Power Secret: The Haswell Soc
From ACM News

Intel's High-Performance, Low-Power Secret: The Haswell Soc

In the semiconductor world, integration is omnipresent, driven by Moore's Law. Integration reduces power and cost while increasing performance. The latest realization...

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making
From ACM Careers

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making

Brian M. Krzanich, who on Thursday was named Intel's next chief executive, knows he faces a hefty challenge when he takes over the world's biggest maker of semiconductors...

When Will Smartglasses and Other Wearable Computers Hit the Mainstream?
From ACM Opinion

When Will Smartglasses and Other Wearable Computers Hit the Mainstream?

Google has stoked our collective imagination via relentless promotion of its Google Glass wearable computer in recent months.

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap
From ACM Careers

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap

There are still relatively few women in tech. Maria Klawe wants to change that. As president of Harvey Mudd College, a science and engineering school in Southern...

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Zooming Technique for Entering Text Into Smartwatches, Ultra-Small Computers
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Zooming Technique for Entering Text Into Smartwatches, Ultra-Small Computers

The iterative zooming technique ZoomBoard could be used to enter text into ultra-small computers, such as smartwatches. 
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