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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Japan's Hayabusa2 Spacecraft Creeps ­p on the Ryugu Asteroid
From ACM News

Japan's Hayabusa2 Spacecraft Creeps ­p on the Ryugu Asteroid

Here's the mission for Japan's Hayabusa2 spacecraft in a nutshell: Fly to a carbon-rich asteroid between the orbits of Earth and Mars, study it for a year and a...

Bringing the Internet to the (Developing) World
From Communications of the ACM

Bringing the Internet to the (Developing) World

A growing number of low-cost (and free!) solutions aim to open the Internet to developing regions.

You've Got Mail!
From Communications of the ACM

You've Got Mail!

And that's not all. Email is not what it used to be.

Why Cryptocurrencies Use So Much Energy
From Communications of the ACM

Why Cryptocurrencies Use So Much Energy

The electricity consumption of mining for cryptocurrencies is becoming a real concern. Here's what to do about it.

Autonomous Vehicles: U of T Researchers Make Advances With New Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Vehicles: U of T Researchers Make Advances With New Algorithm

Researchers working with Uber developed an algorithm combining object detection, tracking over time, and prediction to improve maneuver planning by driverless vehicles...

Targeting the Engine Room of the Cancer Cell
From ACM TechNews

Targeting the Engine Room of the Cancer Cell

Researchers have created a computational framework to match individual tumors with drugs or drug combinations most likely to destroy them.

Producing Sensors With an Inkjet Printer
From ACM TechNews

Producing Sensors With an Inkjet Printer

Researchers in Germany collaborated on a system that can three-dimensionally print microelectrode arrays directly onto soft substrates.

4 Tweets Can Reveal the Identity of an Anonymous Troll
From ACM TechNews

4 Tweets Can Reveal the Identity of an Anonymous Troll

Four geotagged posts are sufficient to identify an anonymous account from a telephone company's database of customers.

New Data Could Help Siri, Alexa Know When They're Being Unhelpful
From ACM TechNews

New Data Could Help Siri, Alexa Know When They're Being Unhelpful

A new dataset is designed to train artificial intelligence systems to recognize when they lack sufficient information to answer questions accurately.

The Supreme Court Takes On the Police Use of Cellphone Records
From ACM News

The Supreme Court Takes On the Police Use of Cellphone Records

The Supreme Court has handed down what may be the most important privacy case of the digital era, ruling on Friday that the government cannot force cellphone service...

Why a 40-Year-Old SCOT­S Ruling Against Software Patents Still Matters Today
From ACM News

Why a 40-Year-Old SCOT­S Ruling Against Software Patents Still Matters Today

Forty years ago this week, in the case of Parker v. Flook, the US Supreme Court came close to banning software patents.

Pain Is Weird. Making Bionic Arms Feel Pain Is Even Weirder
From ACM News

Pain Is Weird. Making Bionic Arms Feel Pain Is Even Weirder

Pain is an indispensable tool for survival.

MIT Engineers Build Smart Power Outlet
From ACM TechNews

MIT Engineers Build Smart Power Outlet

A new smart power outlet can analyze electrical current usage from single or multiple outlets.

'E-Dermis' Brings Sense of Touch, Pain to Prosthetic Hands
From ACM TechNews

'E-Dermis' Brings Sense of Touch, Pain to Prosthetic Hands

A team of engineers has created an electronic skin that, when layered on top of prosthetic hands, provides a real sense of touch through the fingertips.

DNA Barcodes That Reliably Work: A Game-Changer for Biomedical Research
From ACM TechNews

DNA Barcodes That Reliably Work: A Game-Changer for Biomedical Research

A new method invented by University of Texas at Austin researchers can correct the errors that creep into DNA barcodes.

Realistic Avatars for the Virtual Zoo
From ACM TechNews

Realistic Avatars for the Virtual Zoo

An international team created an algorithm for generating lifelike three-dimensional avatars of four-legged animals solely from photos.

Flying DRAGON Robot Transforms Itself to Squeeze Through Gaps
From ACM TechNews

Flying DRAGON Robot Transforms Itself to Squeeze Through Gaps

A new modular flying robot powered by ducted fans can change shape while in flight.

Finally, a Problem That Only Quantum Computers Will Ever Be Able to Solve
From ACM News

Finally, a Problem That Only Quantum Computers Will Ever Be Able to Solve

Early on in the study of quantum computers, computer scientists posed a question whose answer, they knew, would reveal something deep about the power of these futuristic...

How to Control Robots with Brainwaves and Hand Gestures
From ACM News

How to Control Robots with Brainwaves and Hand Gestures

Getting robots to do things isn't easy: Usually, scientists have to either explicitly program them or get them to understand how humans communicate via language...

Martian Dust Storm Grows Global; Curiosity Captures Photos of Thickening Haze
From ACM News

Martian Dust Storm Grows Global; Curiosity Captures Photos of Thickening Haze

A storm of tiny dust particles has engulfed much of Mars over the last two weeks and prompted NASA's Opportunity rover to suspend science operations.
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