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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Disney Software Makes It Easy to Design and Print Custom Walking Robots
From ACM TechNews

Disney Software Makes It Easy to Design and Print Custom Walking Robots

A joint research project has yielded an interactive design system that enables hobbyists to create custom walking robots that can be printed in three dimensions...

35 Innovators ­nder 35 2015
From ACM News

35 Innovators ­nder 35 2015

The selection process for this package begins with hundreds of nominations from the public, MIT Technology Review editors, and our international partners.

Track Your Heart With Your Phone, Even If Your Phone's in Your Bag
From ACM TechNews

Track Your Heart With Your Phone, Even If Your Phone's in Your Bag

The BioPhone project will derive a person's heart and breathing rates from a smartphone's accelerometer. 

The Dream Life of Driverless Cars
From ACM News

The Dream Life of Driverless Cars

On a brisk afternoon in October, an oddly ­equipped Honda CR-V inched through London traffic.

Single Artificial Neuron Taught to Recognize Hundreds of Patterns
From ACM News

Single Artificial Neuron Taught to Recognize Hundreds of Patterns

Artificial intelligence is a field in the midst of rapid, exciting change. That's largely because of an improved understanding of how neural networks work and the...

Bringing Iphone-Style Medical Research to the Android World
From ACM TechNews

Bringing Iphone-Style Medical Research to the Android World

Weill Cornell Medical College professor Deborah Estrin says the ResearchStack project seeks to introduce an open source software framework similar to ResearchKit...

­.s. Government Lab Dabbles in New Computer Designs
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Government Lab Dabbles in New Computer Designs

The Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking to replace conventional computer systems by developing and obtaining new computer designs.

Robot Toddler Learns to Stand By "imagining" How to Do It
From ACM TechNews

Robot Toddler Learns to Stand By "imagining" How to Do It

The ability of robots to carry out tasks and move about their environment is increasingly impressive, but they still face major challenges. 

Star Wars Characters Will Now Teach Your Kids to Code
From ACM TechNews

Star Wars Characters Will Now Teach Your Kids to Code

In an effort to bring coding to an ever-larger group of kids and students, partnered with Lucasfilm as part of its annual Hour of Code event.

The Gene Hackers
From ACM News

The Gene Hackers

At thirty-four, Feng Zhang is the youngest member of the core faculty at the Broad Institute of Harvard and M.I.T.

A New Slant on Semiconductor Characterization
From ACM TechNews

A New Slant on Semiconductor Characterization

Northwestern University researchers say they have developed a mathematical method that makes semiconductor characterization more efficient and simpler. 

Researchers Find Way to Create Wide Variety of New Holograms
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find Way to Create Wide Variety of New Holograms

North Carolina State University researchers have developed techniques that can be used to create ideal geometric phase holograms for any kind of optical pattern...

Self-Folding Minirobots Possible With Origami-Inspired Graphene
From ACM TechNews

Self-Folding Minirobots Possible With Origami-Inspired Graphene

Researchers at Donghua University in China have created a type of graphene paper that can fold itself into a variety of shapes, including a miniature walking robot...

To Infinity: How Pixar Brought Computers to the Movies
From ACM News

To Infinity: How Pixar Brought Computers to the Movies

Ed Catmull's office could be a window into the brain of Pixar.

­pgrade Helps Nasa Study Mineral Veins on Mars
From ACM News

­pgrade Helps Nasa Study Mineral Veins on Mars

Scientists now have a better understanding about a site with the most chemically diverse mineral veins NASA's Curiosity rover has examined on Mars, thanks in part...

South Korean Researchers Develop ­ser-Friendly, 3D Printing Tech
From ACM TechNews

South Korean Researchers Develop ­ser-Friendly, 3D Printing Tech

South Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute researchers say they have developed a handheld three-dimensional scanner.

Vanderbilt's Medical Capsule Robots' Hardware, Software Goes Open Source
From ACM TechNews

Vanderbilt's Medical Capsule Robots' Hardware, Software Goes Open Source

Vanderbilt University researchers have made their capsule robot hardware and software open source. 

Queen's University Professor to Unveil Self-Levitating Displays, Allowing Physical Interactions With Mid-Air Virtual Objects
From ACM TechNews

Queen's University Professor to Unveil Self-Levitating Displays, Allowing Physical Interactions With Mid-Air Virtual Objects

Queen's University researchers have developed BitDrones, an interactive swarm of flying three-dimensional pixels. 

Can Robots Come to Your Rescue in a Burning Building?
From ACM TechNews

Can Robots Come to Your Rescue in a Burning Building?

Researchers at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering are developing robots that could help rescue people from fires.

System Recognizes Objects Touched By User, Enabling Context-Aware Smartwatch Apps
From ACM TechNews

System Recognizes Objects Touched By User, Enabling Context-Aware Smartwatch Apps

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research have developed technology to enable smartwatches to recognize the kinds of objects users . 
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