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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Navy's Next-Gen Binoculars Will Recognize Your Face
From ACM News

Navy's Next-Gen Binoculars Will Recognize Your Face

Take a close look, because the next generation of military binoculars could be doing more than just letting sailors and soldiers see from far away.

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech
From ACM News

Sewing Machines Go High-Tech

The old-fashioned sewing machine is finally getting a modern makeover.

Nasa Curiosity Rover Collects First Martian Bedrock Sample
From ACM News

Nasa Curiosity Rover Collects First Martian Bedrock Sample

NASA's Curiosity rover has, for the first time, used a drill carried at the end of its robotic arm to bore into a flat, veiny rock on Mars and collect a sample...

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014
From ACM News

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014

Five years ago mobile phones were at the forefront of technology, by 2010 the focus was on tablet computers and now billions of yen, dollars and pounds are being...

New Modeling Approach Transforms Imaging Technologies
From ACM TechNews

New Modeling Approach Transforms Imaging Technologies

Purdue University researchers have developed model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR), an approach that can improve the performance of technologies using a system...

Researchers Create 'building Block' of Quantum Networks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create 'building Block' of Quantum Networks

A group of U.S. researchers have constructed a proof-of-concept device that could clear a path for on-chip optical quantum networks by combining a single nitrogen...

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?
From ACM News

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?

For years, Henry Markram has claimed that he can simulate the human brain in a computer within a decade. On 23 January 2013, the European Commission told him to...

Self-Driving Cars More Jetsons Than Reality for Google Designers
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars More Jetsons Than Reality for Google Designers

Google Inc. sees self-driving cars being available to consumers in three to five years. Regulators and the insurance industry aren't so sure it can happen that...

NASA's 'Crazy' Robot Lab
From ACM Careers

NASA's 'Crazy' Robot Lab

It's three in the afternoon, and in their NASA lab in Silicon Valley, California, two engineers are playing with a toy designed for toddlers.

Which iPhone App May Get You Into Stanford? The One You Make
From ACM Careers

Which iPhone App May Get You Into Stanford? The One You Make

Standing out from the crowd of applicants vying to get into Stanford University's Computer Science undergraduate program is no easy task.

Invisible Fences
From ACM Opinion

Invisible Fences

When European farmers arrived in North America, they claimed it with fences.

A Tiny Computer Attracts a Million Tinkerers
From ACM News

A Tiny Computer Attracts a Million Tinkerers

Raspberry Pi may sound like the name of a math-based dessert. But it is actually one of the hottest and cheapest little computers in the world right now.

­nseen, All-Out Cyber War on the ­.s. Has Begun
From ACM Opinion

­nseen, All-Out Cyber War on the ­.s. Has Begun

There's a war going on, and it's raging here at home—not in the streets or the fields, but on the Internet.

These Machines Will Be Able to Detect Smells Your Own Nose Cannot
From ACM News

These Machines Will Be Able to Detect Smells Your Own Nose Cannot

Admittedly, it's a little hard to imagine smell scientists, but research published last week has those who study the sense of smell taking sides.

Smartphone Sensors Reveal Security Secrets
From ACM News

Smartphone Sensors Reveal Security Secrets

Data captured by smartphone sensors could help criminals guess codes used to lock the gadgets, say security researchers.

MIT Researchers Improve Quantum-Dot Performance
From ACM TechNews

MIT Researchers Improve Quantum-Dot Performance

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed a process that produces quantum dots that are uniform in size and shape, give off brightView...

Phreaks and Geeks
From ACM Opinion

Phreaks and Geeks

One of the most heartfelt—and unexpected—remembrances of Aaron Swartz, who committed suicide last month at the age of 26, came from Yale professor Edward Tufte.

Broad Powers Seen For Obama in Cyberstrikes
From ACM News

Broad Powers Seen For Obama in Cyberstrikes

A secret legal review on the use of America's growing arsenal of cyberweapons has concluded that President Obama has the broad power to order a pre-emptive strike...

Intel, ­niversities Are Working on Transformable Cpus
From ACM TechNews

Intel, ­niversities Are Working on Transformable Cpus

Processors that change configuration depending on workload to greatly increase central-processing unit (CPU) performance and energy efficiency are the focus ofView...

Drone Boosters Say Farmers, Not Cops, Are the Biggest ­.s. Robot Market
From ACM News

Drone Boosters Say Farmers, Not Cops, Are the Biggest ­.s. Robot Market

When the flying robots that loiter in Afghanistan's and Yemen's airspace come home, they won't just be headed for the local police station.
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