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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Light Could Make Semiconductor Computers a Million Times Faster or Even Go Quantum
From ACM News

Light Could Make Semiconductor Computers a Million Times Faster or Even Go Quantum

Sensor Stickers Transform the Human Body Into a Multi-Touch Surface
From ACM TechNews

Sensor Stickers Transform the Human Body Into a Multi-Touch Surface

A new skin sensor allows interaction designers to produce skin-like, sensitive multi-touch sensors for any part of the body.

How Even One Connected Vehicle Can Improve Safety, Save Energy
From ACM TechNews

How Even One Connected Vehicle Can Improve Safety, Save Energy

Researchers have found that even one automated vehicle using connected cruise control on the road among human-driven cars increases safety and reduces energy use...

How the Power of Mathematics Can Help Assess Lung Function
From ACM TechNews

How the Power of Mathematics Can Help Assess Lung Function

A novel mathematical method to analyze lung scans could transform diagnosis and assessment of respiratory maladies.

Randles Named to Receive 2017 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
From ACM TechNews

Randles Named to Receive 2017 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award

Duke University professor Amanda Randles has been named the 2017 recipient of the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award.

Why A.I. and Cryptocurrency Are Making One Type of Computer Chip Scarce
From ACM News

Why A.I. and Cryptocurrency Are Making One Type of Computer Chip Scarce

Two technology booms—some people might call them frenzies—are combining to turn a once-obscure type of microprocessor into a must-have but scarce commodity.

Artificial Intelligence Takes Scientists Inside Living Human Cells
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Takes Scientists Inside Living Human Cells

A new application of artificial intelligence could help researchers solve medical mysteries ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's.

If Knowledge is Power, then Coders like Fereshteh Forough and Barbara Liskov will Inherit the Earth
From ACM News

If Knowledge is Power, then Coders like Fereshteh Forough and Barbara Liskov will Inherit the Earth

Two women helping to lead the tech sector towards greater diversity and inclusion discuss the power of code to advance women from America to Afghanistan.

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Just Gave the Humble Piece of Paper a Futuristic Redesign
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Just Gave the Humble Piece of Paper a Futuristic Redesign

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have created a device that looks like a normal sheet of paper, but is able to digitally transfer writing to a computer.

AI Can Spot Signs of Autism in Babies
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Spot Signs of Autism in Babies

Researchers have discovered a way to use artificial intelligence to interpret electroencephalograms to determine the chances of a child having autism spectrum disorder...

Atomically Thin Magnetic Device Could Lead to New Memory Technologies
From ACM TechNews

Atomically Thin Magnetic Device Could Lead to New Memory Technologies

Researchers from the University of Washington, working with colleagues from four other institutions, encoded information using magnets only a few atomic layers...

Stanford Researchers Investigate Behavior in Quantum Systems With a Toy-Inspired Technique
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Researchers Investigate Behavior in Quantum Systems With a Toy-Inspired Technique

Stanford University scientists have created a quantum version of Newton's cradle to study the emergence of quantum chaos and thermal equilibrium.

New Horizons in Thermoelectric Cooling
From ACM News

New Horizons in Thermoelectric Cooling

Solid-state thermal management offers a viable alternative to vapor-compression cooling systems for some applications.

A Google Program Can Pass As a Human on the Phone. Should It Be Required to Tell People It's a Machine?
From ACM News

A Google Program Can Pass As a Human on the Phone. Should It Be Required to Tell People It's a Machine?

Google's artificial-intelligence assistant sounds almost exactly like a human when it calls the salon to book a woman's hair appointment.

AI Recreates Activity Patterns that Brain Cells ­se in Navigation
From ACM News

AI Recreates Activity Patterns that Brain Cells ­se in Navigation

Senate Intel: Russia Waged '­nprecedented' Cyber Campaign on ­.S. Voting Systems
From ACM News

Senate Intel: Russia Waged '­nprecedented' Cyber Campaign on ­.S. Voting Systems

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday released the unclassified version of its investigation into Russian cyberattacks on digital U.S. voting systems ahead...

Spying on a Storm's Infrasonic Signals to Improve Tornado Warnings
From ACM News

Spying on a Storm's Infrasonic Signals to Improve Tornado Warnings

Tornado survivors often compare the terrifying, deafening roars of a twister's furious winds to the sound of a freight train. But storms also emit sounds that are...

Brain Drain: Many Canadian Science, Tech Grads Heading to ­.S. for Work
From ACM TechNews

Brain Drain: Many Canadian Science, Tech Grads Heading to ­.S. for Work

Canada's loss of technology and innovation talent to the U.S. has surpassed levels previously identified as harmful to economic expansion.

Flying Beetle Cyborgs Guided With Tiny Battery-Powered Backpacks
From ACM TechNews

Flying Beetle Cyborgs Guided With Tiny Battery-Powered Backpacks

Researchers in Singapore have developed cyborg flying beetles.

Navigation System Helps Autonomous Cars Tackle Country Roads
From ACM TechNews

Navigation System Helps Autonomous Cars Tackle Country Roads

MapLite is a navigation system that helps autonomous vehicles drive on previously unencountered roadways.
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