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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

For Energy-Efficient Hpc, Less Is More
From ACM TechNews

For Energy-Efficient Hpc, Less Is More

Intel researchers recently demonstrated their NTV technology by operating an x86 microprocessor on just two milliwatts of power.  

Breakthrough in Bid to Create First Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough in Bid to Create First Quantum Computer

UNSW researchers say they have created the first working quantum bit based on a single atom in silicon, which could lead to the development of ultra-powerful computers...

Redesigning the Data Center
From Communications of the ACM

Redesigning the Data Center

Faced with rising electricity costs, leading companies have begun revolutionizing the way data centers work, from the hardware to the buildings themselves.

Nasa Actually Working on Faster-Than-Light Warp Drive
From ACM News

Nasa Actually Working on Faster-Than-Light Warp Drive

You know that scene in the film Contact where the "Machine" is spooling up, its three spinning rings kicking out crazy light and an electromagnetic field powerful...

Big Data and Its Big Problems
From ACM News

Big Data and Its Big Problems

Imagine every thousandth blood cell in your body has a tiny radio transmitter in it.

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China
From ACM TechNews

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China

Although 538 million of China's 1.3 billion people had access to the Internet as of June 2012, most of the country's population is still offline, which led Chinese...

Cameras Know You By Your Walk
From ACM News

Cameras Know You By Your Walk

Everyone knows how easy it is to recognize a friend or family member from their walk—even from a distance.

Bionic Eyes: Sensors That ­se Lookout's Brainwaves to Spot Trouble
From ACM News

Bionic Eyes: Sensors That ­se Lookout's Brainwaves to Spot Trouble

As good as surveillance technology has gotten at some tasks, computers still frequently fail when it comes to figuring out the difference between a threat and a...

Does Rise of Biometrics Mean a Future Without Anonymity?
From ACM News

Does Rise of Biometrics Mean a Future Without Anonymity?

Long envisioned as an alternative to remembering scores of computer passwords or lugging around keys to cars, homes and businesses, technology that identifies people...

Stuxnet Tricks Copied By Computer Criminals
From ACM News

Stuxnet Tricks Copied By Computer Criminals

Malicious code apparently used by governments to spy on, harass, and sabotage one another has grabbed headlines in recent years, yet the highly targeted nature...

Scientists Ponder Interstellar Travel at Nasa-Backed Space Summit
From ACM News

Scientists Ponder Interstellar Travel at Nasa-Backed Space Summit

In one room, scientists debated whether the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer will help find a way to bend the space-time continuum and make interstellar travel...

Intel Researchers Put Wi-Fi Inside—the Processor, That Is
From ACM News

Intel Researchers Put Wi-Fi Inside—the Processor, That Is

At the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, Intel Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner unveiled a pair of technologies coming out of Intel Labs that will...

A Robot With a Reassuring Touch
From ACM News

A Robot With a Reassuring Touch

If you grab the hand of a two-armed robot named Baxter, it will turn its head and a pair of cartoon eyes—displayed on a tablet-size computer-screen "face"—will...

It's Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over
From ACM News

It's Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over

As a signpost on the road to the so-called Post-PC Era we’ve been hearing about for so many years, this one is pretty hard to argue with: As of this year, personal...

Flame C&c Server Analysis Reveals New Malware in the Wild
From ACM News

Flame C&c Server Analysis Reveals New Malware in the Wild

Forensic analysis of a number of Flame malware toolkit command-and-control servers revealed an additional three unidentified pieces of malicious code are under...

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China
From ACM News

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China

It's not easy to give over 1.3 billion people access to the internet—especially if that population is spread across a vast area that ranges from hinterland to sprawling...

At 100 Gbps, Esnet Puts Network Research on Fast Track
From ACM TechNews

At 100 Gbps, Esnet Puts Network Research on Fast Track

The U.S. Department of Energy's 100 Gbps testbed provides a facility for researchers to solve the near-term challenges associated with deploying and operating science...

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?
From ACM Opinion

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?

The near-term future of phones is fairly well-established. The iPhone 5 was released Wednesday and its similarity to every Apple phone since 2007 serves as a reminder...

A Network to Guide the Future of Computing
From ACM TechNews

A Network to Guide the Future of Computing

The European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation aims to steer and increase European research in the area of high...

Ibm Images Molecular Bonds
From ACM News

Ibm Images Molecular Bonds

IBM researchers who won the Nobel Prize for imaging individual atoms have gone a step further by imaging individual bonds between atoms.
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