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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016
From ACM News

In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016

Canada’s "Father of Computing" was 95.

Tech's Gender Gap Is Getting Worse, Not Better, Report Says
From ACM TechNews

Tech's Gender Gap Is Getting Worse, Not Better, Report Says

Unless technology companies and educators start reaching out to young women and girls, the number of women in the computer science field will drop, a new report...

Stephen Hawking Opens British Artificial Intelligence Hub
From ACM TechNews

Stephen Hawking Opens British Artificial Intelligence Hub

Stephen Hawking on Wednesday opened an artificial research center at Cambridge University in the U.K.

Automating Big-Data Analysis
From ACM TechNews

Automating Big-Data Analysis

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed an approach to automating most of the process of big data analysis.

Lego-Like Wall Produces Acoustic Holograms
From ACM TechNews

Lego-Like Wall Produces Acoustic Holograms

Researchers at Duke University and North Carolina State University have demonstrated a system that can create and control three-dimensional acoustic holograms.

The Robot Eyes Have It: Cutting-Edge Tool For Koala Conservation
From ACM TechNews

The Robot Eyes Have It: Cutting-Edge Tool For Koala Conservation

Queensland University of Technology researchers are developing technologies they say could provide less expensive and more accurate koala-tracking methods.

The Power of Prediction Markets
From ACM News

The Power of Prediction Markets

It was a great way to mix science with gambling, says Anna Dreber.

The Perpetual Lineup: Half of ­S Adults in a Face-Recognition Database
From ACM News

The Perpetual Lineup: Half of ­S Adults in a Face-Recognition Database

Half of American adults are in a face-recognition database, according to a Georgetown University study released Tuesday.

Mit's 'moral Machine' Crowdsources Decisions About Autonomous Driving, but Experts Call It Misguided
From ACM TechNews

Mit's 'moral Machine' Crowdsources Decisions About Autonomous Driving, but Experts Call It Misguided

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab's "Moral Machine" platform lets the public judge the types of ethical decisions autonomous vehicles should make...

How Secure Is Your Vote?
From ACM TechNews

How Secure Is Your Vote?

Many U.S. counties using voting machines lack paper trails for verification of results of the presidential election in November, says a Worcester Polytechnic Institute...

National Science Foundation Doles Out $12m For Wireless Growth
From ACM TechNews

National Science Foundation Doles Out $12m For Wireless Growth

The U.S. National Science Foundation on Tuesday distributed 11 grants, totaling $12 million, to researchers working to expand the reach of wireless technology.

Donald or Hillary? Tweetcast Predicts Your Vote
From ACM TechNews

Donald or Hillary? Tweetcast Predicts Your Vote

Northwestern University researchers have developed an online tool that can predict whether citizens will vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton based on their...

The Polling Crisis: How to Tell What People Really Think
From ACM News

The Polling Crisis: How to Tell What People Really Think

Hillary Clinton is heading for a landslide victory over Donald Trump. But wait.

No Gps, No Problem: Next-Generation Navigation
From ACM TechNews

No Gps, No Problem: Next-Generation Navigation

University of California, Riverside esearchers say they have developed a reliable, accurate navigation system that exploits existing environmental signals.

Wi-Fi Kiosks Replacing Payphones in Nyc
From ACM News

Wi-Fi Kiosks Replacing Payphones in Nyc

A move to provide free Internet services yields some unexpected consequences.

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Visit Mars
From ACM News

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Visit Mars

It's midday on Mars. The scarlet skies are clear and it's a balmy zero degrees—the perfect conditions for a day out.

Could Obama's Threat of Retaliation Against Russia Lead to Cyberwar?
From ACM Opinion

Could Obama's Threat of Retaliation Against Russia Lead to Cyberwar?

Late last week Obama administration officials used NBC News to send Moscow a cryptic threat: The U.S. government is "contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert...

Humanity's War on Latency: Semaphore to Silicon Photonics and Beyond
From ACM News

Humanity's War on Latency: Semaphore to Silicon Photonics and Beyond

For most of humanity's existence, communication has been incredibly slow.

Women in Tech Will Grow Alongside Digital
From ACM TechNews

Women in Tech Will Grow Alongside Digital

ACM president Vicki L. Hanson expects the ranks of women in information technology fields to grow as computer skills become increasingly necessary for all industries...

Who Wants to Show ­p as Gandalf at Their Next Meeting?
From ACM TechNews

Who Wants to Show ­p as Gandalf at Their Next Meeting?

Researchers are developing novel ways of capturing facial micro-expressions that are essential to creating natural dialogue and nuanced actor-specific emotions....
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