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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Start 3d Scanning the World

When Microsoft was developing its Kinect 3D sensor, a critical task was to calibrate its algorithms to rapidly and accurately recognize parts of the human body,...

Will Tablets Replace Laptops?
From ACM News

Will Tablets Replace Laptops?

Tablets like the iPad 2 are hot … and apparently so hot that 46% of respondents believe they will eventually eliminate the need for laptop computers, according...

From ACM News

A Wireless Road Around Data Traffic Jams

The vast data centers that process information for the Facebooks and Amazons of the Web work at a brisk clip. But even so, they can't always keep up.

From ACM News

Making It in America

In the past decade, the flow of goods emerging from U.S. factories has risen by about a third. Factory employment has fallen by roughly the same fraction.

From ACM News

Humans And Machines: Beyond Touch

Computer chips and technology are invading all sorts of previously dumb devices. Phones are now smart. Cars are becoming connected computers on wheels. Call it...

From ACM News

Steve Ballmer Reboots

They had his dining room waiting. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive and one of the richest men in the world, often eats privately at a Bellevue (Wash.)...

From ACM News

Google's Data Center Engineer Shares Secrets of 'warehouse' Computing

 Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.

From ACM TechNews

Kaist's Smart E-Book System More Convenient Than Paper-Based Books

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have developed the Smart E-book System, technology designed to make reading easier on smartphones...

From ACM News

New Storage Device Is Very Small, at 12 Atoms

Researchers at I.B.M. have stored and retrieved digital 1s and 0s from an array of just 12 atoms, pushing the boundaries of the magnetic storage of information...

Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains
From ACM News

Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains

It's been less than a month since the Marines flew their first robotic supply helicopter on its debut combat mission in Afghanistan.

Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate
From ACM News

Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate

Astronomers said Wednesday that each of the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way probably has at least one companion planet, adding credence to the notion that...

Are Roll-Up Screens Ready For Prime Time?
From ACM TechNews

Are Roll-Up Screens Ready For Prime Time?

Researchers at Queen's University's Human Media Lab have developed the Paper Phone, a flexible display that shows text, graphics, and media content. 

Intel Unveils New Chips For Smartphones and Tablets
From ACM News

Intel Unveils New Chips For Smartphones and Tablets

Intel's chips have dominated the PC era, but when it comes to post-PC devices, such as smartphones and tablets, the company is less than an also-ran.

The $1,000 Human Genome?
From ACM News

The $1,000 Human Genome?

The race to the $1,000 genome heated up today as Life Technologies, based in Carlsbad, Calif., announced it will debut a new sequencing machine this year that...

Russian Space Chief Claims Space Failures May Be Sabotage
From ACM News

Russian Space Chief Claims Space Failures May Be Sabotage

Some recent failures of Russian satellites may have been the result of sabotage by foreign forces, Russia's space chief said in comments apparently aimed at the...

One-Atom-Tall Wires Could Extend Life of Moore's Law
From ACM News

One-Atom-Tall Wires Could Extend Life of Moore's Law

There may be a bit more room at the bottom, after all.

Facial Recognition: Beating Surveillance Cameras
From ACM News

Facial Recognition: Beating Surveillance Cameras

Big Brother is watching you, though probably not in the ways most of us would imagine.

Intel's Newest Project: Helping Stephen Hawking Speak
From ACM News

Intel's Newest Project: Helping Stephen Hawking Speak

Intel is looking for ways to help famed British physicist Stephen Hawking reverse the slowing of his speech, according to a senior executive with the American...

The Critics Rave... For Microsoft?
From ACM News

The Critics Rave... For Microsoft?

"Gorgeous," raves The Huffington Post. "Best-looking smartphone operating system in the industry," gushes Slate. "Far superior to most if not all the Android...

Trajectory Maneuver Slated for Jan. 11
From ACM News

Trajectory Maneuver Slated for Jan. 11

An engine firing on Jan. 11 will be the biggest maneuver that NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft will perform on its flight between Earth and Mars.
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