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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Smart Yogurt and Automatic Warfare? The Future of Computers in America
From ACM TechNews

Smart Yogurt and Automatic Warfare? The Future of Computers in America

Groundbreaking achievements in computing are expected in the next 35 years.

How the Father of the World Wide Web Plans to Reclaim It from Facebook and Google
From ACM News

How the Father of the World Wide Web Plans to Reclaim It from Facebook and Google

Tim Berners-Lee is working to help you own your own data, while making it available to the applications that you want to be able to use it.

This Timing Technology Determines Who Wins the Gold
From ACM News

This Timing Technology Determines Who Wins the Gold

Timing is everything.

A New Wireless Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens
From ACM News

A New Wireless Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens

In 2013, when University of Birmingham computer scientist Flavio Garcia and a team of researchers were preparing to reveal a vulnerability that allowed them todelayed...

'faceless Recognition System' Can Identify You Even When You Hide Your Face
From ACM News

'faceless Recognition System' Can Identify You Even When You Hide Your Face

With widespread adoption among law enforcement, advertisers, and even churches, face recognition has undoubtedly become one of the biggest threats to privacy out...

The Bandwidth Bottleneck that Is Throttling the Internet
From ACM News

The Bandwidth Bottleneck that Is Throttling the Internet

Researchers are scrambling to repair and expand data pipes worldwide — and to keep the information revolution from grinding to a halt.

Stanford Research Could Improve Counseling on Crisis Help Lines
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Research Could Improve Counseling on Crisis Help Lines

Researchers at Stanford University have analyzed text messages from crisis counseling sessions to identify techniques associated with successful sessions.

­ta Engineering Researcher to Develop Tools to Better Analyze Complex Patient Data
From ACM TechNews

­ta Engineering Researcher to Develop Tools to Better Analyze Complex Patient Data

A University of Texas at Arlington professor is developing computing tools to enable researchers to better determine the best medical treatment pathways.

The Beginning of the Internet of Robot Things
From ACM News

The Beginning of the Internet of Robot Things

Robots will take the Internet of Things to the next level.

The Bandwidth Bottleneck that Is Throttling the Internet
From ACM News

The Bandwidth Bottleneck that Is Throttling the Internet

On 19 June, several hundred thousand US fans of the television drama Game of Thrones went online to watch an eagerly awaited episode—and triggered a partial failure...

Thanks to This Man, Airplanes Don’t Crash Into Mountains Anymore
From ACM Careers

Thanks to This Man, Airplanes Don’t Crash Into Mountains Anymore

Giant flocks of black birds circled the wreckage of an airliner that had struck an Alaska mountain two weeks earlier, killing all 111 aboard.

Martians Might Be Real. That Makes Mars Exploration Way More Complicated
From ACM News

Martians Might Be Real. That Makes Mars Exploration Way More Complicated

History will note that the guy who discovered liquid water on Mars was an undergraduate at the University of Arizona, a 20-year-old who played guitar in a death...

Where in the World Is My Data and How Secure Is It?
From ACM News

Where in the World Is My Data and How Secure Is It?

When Max Schrems, an Austrian privacy activist, requested to see his personal data that Facebook stored on its servers, he was mailed a CD-ROM containing a 1,222...

Boosting Swimming Performance With Sound Data
From ACM TechNews

Boosting Swimming Performance With Sound Data

Researchers at Bielefeld University have developed a system that offers new training opportunities for swimmers by expanding their perception and feel for the water...

Data Mining Reveals First Evidence That Absence Really Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals First Evidence That Absence Really Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder

A project to data-mine mobile phone records found people invest more in relationships where there exists a risk of the relationship weakening.

Sprinkling of Neural Dust Opens Door to Electroceuticals
From ACM TechNews

Sprinkling of Neural Dust Opens Door to Electroceuticals

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have developed tiny wireless implants that one day could control prosthetics and treat physical disorders....

Beyond Crispr: A Guide to the Many Other Ways to Edit a Genome
From ACM News

Beyond Crispr: A Guide to the Many Other Ways to Edit a Genome

The CRISPR–Cas9 tool enables scientists to alter genomes practically at will.

Fbi Chief Comey: 'we Have Never Had Absolute Privacy'
From ACM News

Fbi Chief Comey: 'we Have Never Had Absolute Privacy'

FBI Director James Comey has some phones—650 of them, to be exact—that he'd really, really like to take a look at.

Scientists Are ­sing Sound to Track Nighttime Bird Migration
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Are ­sing Sound to Track Nighttime Bird Migration

Researchers are helping to track the nighttime migratory patterns of birds by teaching a computer to recognize their flight calls.

Encryption's Quantum Leap: The Race to Stop the Hackers of Tomorrow
From ACM TechNews

Encryption's Quantum Leap: The Race to Stop the Hackers of Tomorrow

Researchers are looking into the construction of new quantum-proof cryptography ito thwart quantum-based schemes future hackers could use to crack sensitive data...
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