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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Turn Your Smart Phone Into a Robot Remote Control

Android and iPhone users alike are newly empowered over robots, in two very different ways.

Nasa Announces Two Game-Changing Space Technology Projects
From ACM News

Nasa Announces Two Game-Changing Space Technology Projects

NASA has selected two game-changing space technology projects for development. The selections are part of the agency's efforts to pursue revolutionary technology...

­nbridled Ingenuity at Maker Faire
From ACM News

­nbridled Ingenuity at Maker Faire

Around noon this past Sunday, I found myself asking a young girl why, even though the music-producing device she and her family had made was called "Slugophone...

Synchronized Swimming: Patrolling For Pollution with Robotic Fish
From ACM TechNews

Synchronized Swimming: Patrolling For Pollution with Robotic Fish

Michigan State University researchers want to develop robotic fish that can navigate underwater and patrol for pollution in oceans, lakes, and rivers. 

From ACM TechNews

Could Silicon Be Ideal in Quantum Computing?

Sandia National Laboratory researchers have found that one way to reduce noise in a quantum system is to use silicon. 

Blood Vessels from Your Printer
From ACM News

Blood Vessels from Your Printer

Researchers have been working at growing tissue and organs in the laboratory for a long time. These days, tissue engineering enables us to build up artificial...

Printing Off the Paper
From ACM News

Printing Off the Paper

Imagine being able to "print" an entire house. Or a four-course dinner. Or a complete mechanical device such as a cuckoo clock, fully assembled and ready to run...

Shwetak Patel: 2011 Macarthur Fellow
From ACM News

Shwetak Patel: 2011 Macarthur Fellow

Shwetak Patel is a computer scientist who has invented a series of sensor technology systems for home environments with the goal of saving energy and improving...

The Last Days of the Old Parking Meter
From ACM News

The Last Days of the Old Parking Meter

Motorists' bane, magnet for thieves, and memorialized in the Beatles' "Lovely Rita," the diminutive parking meter has led an outsize life. But its days in New...

Nasa Mars Research Helps Find Buried Water on Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Research Helps Find Buried Water on Earth

A NASA-led team has used radar sounding technology developed to explore the subsurface of Mars to create high-resolution maps of freshwater aquifers buried deep...

Nasa's Dawn Collects a Bounty of Beauty from Vesta
From ACM News

Nasa's Dawn Collects a Bounty of Beauty from Vesta

A new video from NASA's Dawn spacecraft takes us on a flyover journey above the surface of the giant asteroid Vesta.

Ursi Project Pushes Bounds of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Ursi Project Pushes Bounds of Artificial Intelligence

Professor Ken Livingston and his team at Vassar College's Undergraduate Research Summer Institute explored ways to optimize a robot's processing speed and allow...

From ACM News


Reading my RSS and Twitter feeds Tuesday night, I turned to a tech writer friend and said, "the Wintel Era just ended, and half of these people are fighting over...

5 Tech Breakthroughs: Chip-Level Advances That May Change Computing
From ACM TechNews

5 Tech Breakthroughs: Chip-Level Advances That May Change Computing

Chip-level advances, including new processors and circuits, could be the building blocks that lead to a new generation of computing products and devices. 

Post-9/11 Technology Brings Exoskeletons, Laser Cannons to 21st-Century U.S. Military
From ACM News

Post-9/11 Technology Brings Exoskeletons, Laser Cannons to 21st-Century U.S. Military

The U.S. military has evolved so fast in the post-September 11th era that much of its technology would be nearly unrecognizable to commanders, soldiers, airmen...

Swedish Researcher Invents Fast Switching and Printable Transistor
From ACM TechNews

Swedish Researcher Invents Fast Switching and Printable Transistor

Linkoping University's Lars Herlogsson has developed a fully functional, fast switching, and printable transistor made of inexpensive plastic. The transistor is...

In Plane View
From ACM News

In Plane View

An airplane’s digital flight-data recorder, or "black box," holds massive amounts of data, documenting the performance of engines, cockpit controls, hydraulic...

On Your Mark, Get Set, Hack!
From ACM News

On Your Mark, Get Set, Hack!

During a "hackathon" last year, GroupMe co-founders Steve Martocci and Jared Hecht built a group text-messaging service in one 24-hour stretch. In August, the...

From ACM News

Court Case Asks if 'Big Brother' Is Spelled GPS

The precedent is novel. More precisely, the precedent is a novel. In a series of rulings on the use of satellites and cellphones to track criminal suspects, judges...

Innovation Is Step Toward Digital Graphene Transistors
From ACM TechNews

Innovation Is Step Toward Digital Graphene Transistors

Purdue University researchers have created a type of graphene inverter, a key building block of digital transistors. 
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