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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing
From ACM News

Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing

Ever since the early days of modern computing in the 1940s, the biological metaphor has been irresistible.

Underwater Drones Giving More Eyes to Police Harbor Unit as Searches Grow
From ACM News

Underwater Drones Giving More Eyes to Police Harbor Unit as Searches Grow

With President Obama in town last week, things were busy for the New York Police Department's Harbor Unit. Federal security agents were disseminating lists of...

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon
From ACM News

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon

As robots seek to mimic humans' ability to see and hear, they have a secret weapon in Microsoft's Kinect game motion-sensing controller.

Software That Listens For Lies
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Software That Listens For Lies

She looks as innocuous as Miss Marple, Agatha Christie’s famous detective.

A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicon's Successor
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A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicon's Successor

In a cluttered chip-making laboratory on Stanford's campus, Max Shulaker is producing the world's smallest computer circuits by hand.

Citizen Scientists
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Citizen Scientists

Ordinary people are taking control of their health data, making their DNA public and running their own experiments. Their big question: Why should science be...

From ACM News

Enhance Your Senses: High-Tech Ways to Play

Sometimes the best inventions are just for fun. At the 2011 Siggraph Asia event, a leading conference on computer graphics and techniques, researchers will be...

Everything You Need to Know About Carrieriq
From ACM News

Everything You Need to Know About Carrieriq

"Carrier IQ" is a company that sells software to wireless companies that reports how well networks are performing in real-time, by sending performance data from...

From ACM News

Did Conficker Help Sabotage Iran Nuke Program?

A cyber warfare expert claims he has linked the Stuxnet computer virus that attacked Iran's nuclear program in 2010 to Conficker, a mysterious "worm" that surfaced...

Gchq Aims to Recruit Computer Hackers with Code-Cracking Web Site
From ACM Careers

Gchq Aims to Recruit Computer Hackers with Code-Cracking Web Site

Government intelligence service targets "self-taught" hackers with cryptic Web site that features no obvious branding.

The Search For Analysts to Make Sense of 'big Data'
From ACM News

The Search For Analysts to Make Sense of 'big Data'

Businesses keep vast troves of data about things like online shopping behavior, or millions of changes in weather patterns, or trillions of financial transactions—information...

From ACM News

Following Digital Breadcrumbs to 'big Data' Gold

What do Facebook, Groupon, and biotech firm Human Genome Sciences have in common? They all rely on massive amounts of data to design their products. Terabytes...

Cyber Security Must Focus on Users, Not Just Attackers
From ACM TechNews

Cyber Security Must Focus on Users, Not Just Attackers

Cybersecurity measures must aim at users, not just attackers, according to researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park's Maryland Cybersecurity Center...

Comedy of Errors Led to False 'water-Pump Hack' Report
From ACM News

Comedy of Errors Led to False 'water-Pump Hack' Report

It was the broken water pump heard 'round the world. Cyberwar watchers took notice this month when a leaked intelligence memo claimed Russian hackers had remotely...

Drone Pilots: The Future of Aerial Warfare
From ACM News

Drone Pilots: The Future of Aerial Warfare

To understand how important remotely piloted aircraft are to the U.S. military, consider this: The U.S. Air Force says this year it will train more drone pilots...

Web Crawler Takes Aim at Child Exploitation
From ACM TechNews

Web Crawler Takes Aim at Child Exploitation

Simon Fraser University researchers have developed a Web crawling tool for tracking Web sites that exploit children, which could aid police in their investigations...

From ACM News

It's a Drone's World. We Just Live in It

Drones have had a profound effect on the way America fights its wars, allowing it to fight in new theaters while minimizing the risk to troops.

From ACM News

Fliers Must Turn Off Devices, but It's Not Clear Why

Millions of Americans who got on a plane over the Thanksgiving holiday heard the admonition: "Please power down your electronic devices for takeoff."

Palantir, the War on Terror's Secret Weapon
From ACM News

Palantir, the War on Terror's Secret Weapon

A Silicon Valley startup that collates threats has quietly become indispensable to the U.S. intelligence community.

From ACM News

Cyber War Threatens Iran: Passive Defense Organization Chief

Until the next Iranian calendar year (which begins on March 20, 2012) cyber attacks will pose serious threats to Iran and that is why the Passive Defense Organization...
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