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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Beagle Supercomputer Has Landed in Chicago
From ACM News

Beagle Supercomputer Has Landed in Chicago

The University of Chicago Computation Institute at Argonne National Laboratory has introduced Beagle, a 150 teraflops, 18,000-core Cray XE6 supercomputer that will...

Towards Better Explosives Detectors
From ACM News

Towards Better Explosives Detectors

Over the past decade, a team of NIST scientists have been working to stop the threat of terrorist-based attacks in the form of explosives or explosive-based devices...

Researcher Reveals Gps Vulnerabilities
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Reveals Gps Vulnerabilities

University of Texas professor Todd Humphreys says the smart electric grid is susceptible to spoofing attacks that target global positioning system (GPS) timing...

Chinese Chip Closes In on Intel, Amd
From ACM News

Chinese Chip Closes In on Intel, Amd

China may finally have a processor to power a homegrown supercomputer.

Flexible Leds For Implanting Under the Skin
From ACM TechNews

Flexible Leds For Implanting Under the Skin

A team of researchers from the United States, China, Korea, and Singapore have developed flexible ultra-thin sheets of inorganic light-emitting diodes and photodetectors...

Bendable Memory Made from Nanowire Transistors
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Bendable Memory Made from Nanowire Transistors

A new type of device could ultimately hold more data than flash memory.

From ACM News

Nanotube Thermopower

Researchers from MIT have found a way to store energy in thin carbon nanotubes by adding fuel along the length of the tube, which can later be turned into electricity...

Batteries Smaller Than a Grain of Salt
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Batteries Smaller Than a Grain of Salt

Researchers in California are aiming to create some of the tiniest batteries on Earth, the largest of which would be no bigger than a grain of salt. These tiny...

From ACM TechNews

Triple-Mode Transistors Show Potential

Rice University researchers are using graphene to develop circuits that could be more compact and versatile than what is currently possible with silicon-based technologies...

Atomic-Level Manufacturing with Every Atom in its Proper Place
From ACM News

Atomic-Level Manufacturing with Every Atom in its Proper Place

The long-held dream of creating atomically precise three-dimensional structures in a manufacturing environment is approaching reality, according to the top scientist...

German Radar Satellites Fly Tight Space Waltz
From ACM News

German Radar Satellites Fly Tight Space Waltz

It is a remarkable acrobatic display. Two German radar satellites are now flying in tight formation as they prepare to make the most detailed ever 3D map of the...

Robot Limbs to Plug Into the Brain with Light
From ACM News

Robot Limbs to Plug Into the Brain with Light

Imagine a bionic arm that plugs directly into the nervous system, so that the brain can control its motion, and the owner can feel pressure and heat through their...

The Second Coming of Tsubame
From ACM TechNews

The Second Coming of Tsubame

Tokyo Tech's TSUBAME 2.0 will officially be named the fastest Japanese supercomputer next month, with a raw performance of 2.4 petaflops that surpasses the total...

From ACM News

$5 Million Dod Grant Supports 'lab-on-a-Chip' to Monitor Brain-Injured Patients

The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded a $5 million grant to The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and the University of Cincinnati to further develop...

From ACM News

Nist Converts the Color of Single Photons Emitted By Quantum Dots

Researchers at NIST have demonstrated for the first time the conversion of single photons produced by a true quantum source to a near-visible wavelength, which...

Inside the Lawsuit That Could Ground Deadly CIA Predator Drones
From ACM News

Inside the Lawsuit That Could Ground Deadly CIA Predator Drones

A new lawsuit alleges that Predator drone targeting software was pirated, and emails suggest the CIA knew it was sub-par.

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Cell Phone Is 'gadget of Choice' For Americans

U.S. consumers crave their gadgets, but the cell phone rules them all, according to a new Pew Internet study.

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China's Fastest Supercomputer ­nveiled

It will not be long before China's "Tianhe-1" supercomputer is to be equipped with Chinese-made central processing unit chips, replacing the only part of the computer...

From ACM News

Improving Phones Through Surveillance

Apps that track how people use their phones could help make the devices more efficient.

Intel Tries Anonymity, For a Change
From ACM News

Intel Tries Anonymity, For a Change

An average laptop contains about 1,800 components, but only one garners much brand awareness from typical consumers: the chip made by Intel.
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