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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

B-52 Bomber Gets Its First New Communications System Since the 1960s
From ACM News

B-52 Bomber Gets Its First New Communications System Since the 1960s

The B-52 bomber, one of the great stalwarts of America's military arsenal, is getting its first major communications system upgrade since the Kennedy administration...

The Trouble With IBM
From ACM News

The Trouble With IBM

In the summer of 2012, five American technology companies bid on a project for a demanding new client: the CIA.

Europe Wants a Supercomputer Made From Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Europe Wants a Supercomputer Made From Smartphones

A European public-private consortium aims to make exaflop supercomputers based on the central-processing units used in smartphones and tablet computers.

How the ­.s. Could Escalate Its Name-and-Shame Campaign Against China's Espionage
From ACM Opinion

How the ­.s. Could Escalate Its Name-and-Shame Campaign Against China's Espionage

Earlier this week the U.S. Department of Justice indicted five Chinese military officers for industrial espionage, accusing them of leading attacks on the computers...

'killer Robots': Are They Really Inevitable?
From ACM News

'killer Robots': Are They Really Inevitable?

The robot tank is moving rapidly through the scrub on its caterpillar tracks.

Electric Grid, You Have Software ­pdates Available
From ACM News

Electric Grid, You Have Software ­pdates Available

The electric grid was designed as a one-way highway, with power cascading out from big power plants to cities and towns at the end of the line.

General Agreement
From Communications of the ACM

General Agreement

Leslie Lamport contributed to the theory and practice of building distributed computing systems that work as intended.

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit
From ACM Opinion

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit

My legal saga started last summer with a knock at the door, behind which stood two federal agents ready to to serve me with a court order requiring the installation...

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful
From Communications of the ACM

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful

New techniques are designed to translate "invisible numbers" into visible images.

Time For a Change
From Communications of the ACM

Time For a Change

4D printing combines the dimension of time with the hope of building objects with new capabilities.

Neuromorphic Computing Gets Ready For the (Really) Big Time
From Communications of the ACM

Neuromorphic Computing Gets Ready For the (Really) Big Time

A technology inspired by biological principles but 'steamrolled for decades' prepares to take off as Moore's Law approaches its long-anticipated end.

The Age of Quantum Computing Has (almost) Arrived
From ACM News

The Age of Quantum Computing Has (almost) Arrived

Google owns a lot of computers—perhaps a million servers stitched together into the fastest, most powerful artificial intelligence on the planet.

Pluto-Bound Probe Faces Crisis
From ACM News

Pluto-Bound Probe Faces Crisis

Nearly 4.3 billion kilometres from Earth, and most of the way to Pluto, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is in danger of missing out on half of its mission.

Construction to Begin on 2016 NASA Mars Lander
From ACM News

Construction to Begin on 2016 NASA Mars Lander

NASA and its international partners now have the go-ahead to begin construction on a new Mars lander, after it completed a successful Mission Critical Design Review...

Fcc Chair: An Internet Fast Lane Would Be 'commercially Unreasonable'
From ACM TechNews

Fcc Chair: An Internet Fast Lane Would Be 'commercially Unreasonable'

Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler says the FCC could take action to block the emergence of Internet fast lanes, or "paid prioritization." 

IBM and Fujifilm Show Super Dense Storage Tape For Big Data Work
From ACM TechNews

IBM and Fujifilm Show Super Dense Storage Tape For Big Data Work

Researchers at IBM and Fujifilm are developing a magnetic tape prototype that can store 85.9 billion bits of data per square inch.

Liberating Devices From Their Power Cords
From ACM TechNews

Liberating Devices From Their Power Cords

Researchers have developed a method for creating materials that can store and discharge significant amounts of electricity. 

Forging a Qubit to Rule Them All
From ACM News

Forging a Qubit to Rule Them All

Peering into his cabinet of curiosities on a recent spring day, Bob Willett, a scientist at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J., nimbly plucked a tiny black crystal...

From the Smartphone to the Cloud and Back Again
From ACM TechNews

From the Smartphone to the Cloud and Back Again

College of William & Mary professor Robert Dickerson says there are many reasons to tie a smartphone app to the cloud. 

Microbial Stowaways to Mars Identified
From ACM News

Microbial Stowaways to Mars Identified

Dozens of microbial species may have accompanied the Curiosity rover to Mars, where it landed in August 2012.
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