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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Enigma: Why the Fight to Break Nazi Encryption Still Matters
From ACM News

Enigma: Why the Fight to Break Nazi Encryption Still Matters

It was night when three British sailors and a 16-year-old canteen assistant boarded a sinking U-boat off the coast of Egypt.

Nasa's Asteroid-Hunting Spacecraft a Discovery Machine
From ACM News

Nasa's Asteroid-Hunting Spacecraft a Discovery Machine

NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) mission has released its third year of survey data, with the spacecraft discovering 97 previously...

The Internet Is Where We Share, and Steal, the Best Ideas
From ACM News

The Internet Is Where We Share, and Steal, the Best Ideas

In April, a photograph of Rihanna and Lupita Nyong'o taken at a Miu Miu fashion show three years ago began recirculating online.

Connecting the Bots: Researchers Uncover Invisible Influence on Social Media
From ACM TechNews

Connecting the Bots: Researchers Uncover Invisible Influence on Social Media

Researchers have found Twitter "bots" can be driving forces behind dialogue in social movements.

Technique Pinpoints the 'partners in Crime' of Cancer Genes
From ACM TechNews

Technique Pinpoints the 'partners in Crime' of Cancer Genes

Researchers at Stanford University have developed an algorithm to sift through vast datasets and identify genetic pathways for cancer.

How Facebook ­ses Deep Learning Models to Engage ­sers
From ACM TechNews

How Facebook ­ses Deep Learning Models to Engage ­sers

Facebook is heavily leveraging deep-learning models to further its user engagement efforts.

Leaked Nsa Report Says Russians Tried to Hack State Election Officials
From ACM News

Leaked Nsa Report Says Russians Tried to Hack State Election Officials

A Top Secret NSA analyst's report published by The Intercept suggests that, in August 2016, the Russian General Main Staff Intelligence Directorate (GRU) hacked...

First Robotics Competitions Attract Students to STEM Education
From ACM News

First Robotics Competitions Attract Students to STEM Education

An international youth organization challenges and encourages students to stick with science, technology, engineering, and math.

Giving Robots a Sense of Touch
From ACM TechNews

Giving Robots a Sense of Touch

Researchers have mounted GelSight sensors on the grippers of robotic arms to provide robotic systems with greater sensitivity and dexterity.

Neuroscientists Rethink How the Brain Recognizes Faces
From ACM News

Neuroscientists Rethink How the Brain Recognizes Faces

People can pick a familiar face out of a crowd without thinking too much about it. But how the brain actually does this has eluded researchers for years.

Banned From the ­s? There's a Robot For That
From ACM News

Banned From the ­s? There's a Robot For That

Two telepresence robots roll into a human-computer interaction conference.

AI Will Be Able to Beat ­S at Everything By 2060, Say Experts
From ACM TechNews

AI Will Be Able to Beat ­S at Everything By 2060, Say Experts

There is a 50% chance that machines will outperform humans in all tasks within 45 years, according to a survey of 352 artificial intelligence (AI) researchers conducted...

Sensor Tracks Eye Movements in Real Time to Enhance Virtual Reality
From ACM TechNews

Sensor Tracks Eye Movements in Real Time to Enhance Virtual Reality

A team of researchers has developed a sensor that can detect eye movements in real time using an array of electrodes.

Virtual Reality Eases Phantom Limb Pain
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Eases Phantom Limb Pain

A new system uses virtual reality technology to relieve sufferers of phantom limb pain.

3D Models of Faces Developed By Researchers Could Help in Reconstruction Surgery
From ACM TechNews

3D Models of Faces Developed By Researchers Could Help in Reconstruction Surgery

Researchers are scanning volunteers' faces to compile a database of three-dimensional computer models that could be used to aid in reconstructive surgery.

Preventing Software From Causing Injury
From ACM TechNews

Preventing Software From Causing Injury

The Self-Report Ergonomic Assessment Tool is being designed to help develop safer software by ascertaining how much stress computer programs put on users.

Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89
From ACM News

Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89

Jean E. Sammet, an early software engineer and a designer of COBOL, a programming language that brought computing into the business mainstream, died on May 20 in...

Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation
From ACM News

Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation

On the better web Berners-Lee envisions, users control where their data is stored and how it's accessed.

Third Gravitational Wave Detection, From Black-Hole Merger 3 Billion Light Years Away
From ACM News

Third Gravitational Wave Detection, From Black-Hole Merger 3 Billion Light Years Away

The void is rocking and rolling with invisible cataclysms.

Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake
From ACM News

Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake

A long-lasting lake on ancient Mars provided stable environmental conditions that differed significantly from one part of the lake to another, according to a comprehensive...
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